Chapter -31

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The next day was a weekend, so Taehyung didn't go to work. He sat in the hall, waiting for the younger one. It seemed like the Jikook couple hadn't woken up yet, and Jimin hadn't called anyone for help. And Taehyung hadn't eaten anything since yesterday.

Han: "Young Master, what do you want to eat?" she asked him, noticing his eyes fixed on the door as he sat at the dinning table.

Taehyung: "Leave it. I don't want anything," he said, his gaze still on the door. Mrs.Han sighed and left, following Taehyung's line of sight before departing...

Han sighed and left, following Taehyung's line of sight before departing

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In the room, Jimin woke up first and saw Jungkook sleeping soundly. Smiling, he reached for Jungkook's wrist, which was bandaged. Jungkook sensed the touch and immediately opened his eyes, sitting up in bed and looking at Jimin with a fearful expression.

Jimin: "Oh, wait, wait, it's me," he said to Jungkook, who was staring at him with a scared look.

Jimin: "Did I disturb your sleep?" he asked.

Jungkook: "No, no, hyung. I was just scared," he replied, breathing out a sigh of relief upon realizing it was his husband.

Jimin: "Are you alright now? Is it still hurting?" he asked, pointing to Jungkook's bandaged hand.

Jungkook: "It's fine, hyung. Come, let me help you to sit on the chair," he offered, but Jimin shook his head.

Jimin: "No, no, you're the patient here. Don't strain yourself," he insisted.

Jungkook: "It's okay, hyungie. I am alright Come on," he insisted, compelling Jimin to agree, knowing he couldn't win against Jungkook.

Jungkook helped Jimin stand up from the bed and brought the wheelchair closer. Jimin was about to sit down but then decided to walk a few steps with Jungkook's support. Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise and pride as he watched his husband manage those steps.

Jungkook: "Hyung, you walked! OMG!" he screamed in happiness.

Jimin: "Yes, Kook. I can feel the muscles moving in my legs," he said, his face lighting up with joy.

Jungkook: "Wow, superb, Hyung!" he exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice.

Jimin: "Let me try alone," he said, taking his hands off Jungkook's shoulders. Jungkook nodded, watching nervously.

Jimin took a few steps, but the muscle pain became too much, and he felt himself about to fall. Jungkook quickly caught his hand, saving him from hitting on the ground.

Jimin: "I couldn't do it, Jungkook," he said, giving him a sad look.

Jungkook: "It's okay, Hyung. At least you tried without the chair," he said with a bright smile.

Then, Jungkook helped Jimin out of the room without the wheelchair, supporting him as he took slow steps. As they came out, Taehyung noticed them.

Taehyung's eyes first landed on Jungkook, who was securely holding Jimin. Jimin's hands were placed on Jungkook's waist, and there was no space between them. The sight made Taehyung feel a pang of hurt, and he immediately turned away.

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