Chapter -15

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Taehyung:" simple babe sleep with me I will save your husband" he said with husky voice to Younger.

Jungkook:"Please Taehyung can you ask somthing else" he asked him soft voice.

Taehyung:"it's either that or I don't want anything" he said to him.

Jungkook just feeling like hopeless how can he give his virginity to another man other than that his husband he can't but standing in front of the man using his this oppertunity to get him.

Taehyung:" I didn't force you it's your choice if you want then give to me or get the blood in somewhere else" he said casually to him who zoomed out.

"How can I get the blood in somewhere else it can't possible I don't have time ahhhh" he thinking and looking at the clock it's only 4 hours there how can he get the blood in 4 hours if he called his dad or Father-in-law they will arrange in 4 hours it's impossible They can't they are out of the city.

Jungkook:"I can g-ive you what you a-sked" he said and breathed out.

Taehyung smile grow up and smirked looking at the brunette. He leaned closer to him carried his cunt and asked

Taehyung:"Are you sure you can give this to me by yourself" he asked him Looking at younger lips

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Taehyung:"Are you sure you can give this to me by yourself" he asked him Looking at younger lips.

Jungkook breathed out and closed his eyes
"I don't have any choice hyung" opened and nodded at him.

Jungkook:" I don't have any choice I will do it for Jimin Hyung" he said without eye contact.

Taehyung smile faded his mood changed after Jungkook words.

Taehyung:"Don't think run away after your husband get my blood I will catch you and Fuck you senselessly in front of him" he said with deep dangerous voice and squeezed hard younger cunt.

Jungkook:" ahhhhh I w-on't p-romise" he control his moan....

At hospital..

Jungkook sitting on the chair his mind only throwing Taehyung words.

"Can you give me this"

" sleep with me I will save your husband"

He have to do this for his husband but what will his husband react ofter knowing about them how can he face him Jungkook didn't care about future now he have to save his husband there is only thing in younger mind.

Nurse:" Thank you sir your really saved him and take pain killers if you had pain, you should rest well" she said to him.

Taehyung:"Rest?? Hah hah hahh..." He laughed nurse weirdly looked at him and left

Jungkook hearing her saying to taehyung who laughing like psychopath Jungkook called her.

Jungkook:"N-urse nurse how was my husband can I meet him" he asked to her.

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