Chapter -11

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Jungkook wakeup after long sleep freshup went to downstairs seeing his husband and Taehyung eating together.

He went to them smile at jimin and sit beside him didn't turn his face to taehyung who looking him while eating then he heard.

Taehyung:" Good morning Brother-in-law" he said  to him loud because Jungkook want to see him younger did he saw that devilsh smirk.

"Brother-in-law? what kind of man do such a disgusting things to his Brother-in-law" he thought.

Jungkook:"g-ood morning" he said to him sitted and started eating.

Taehyung eyes looking at younger only Jungkook gulped down looking at his plate.

jimin was busy in phone he didn't notice Taehyung who staring his husband with smile but Mrs.Han and other maids are notice young master seeing his brother-in-law lusty eyes they didn't know what is happening between this too.

After that jimin voice interpreter them Taehyung smile fade away after heard jimin.

Jimin:" How are you feeling now kook" he asked to younger with smile.

Jungkook:" Y-es hyung fine did you not leaving office" he asked to jimin

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Jungkook:" Y-es hyung fine did you not leaving office" he asked to jimin.

Jimin:" No we are going to shopping we have to buy things for honeymoon" he said to Younger who wide his eyes he sence someone glaring at him he didn't see it.

"Ohh shit he said in front him what if he do something" he scared

Jungkook:"No hyung I hav- " cut by jimin.

Jimin:" No we have to buy new pair of couple dress, shoes" he said and winked at younger.

"Indeed" Taehyung muttered and glaring at younger who smiling nervously.

Jimin:" Taehyung you don't have any works come with us" he asked him.

" Ohh Hyungie why you calling him he will come definitely, if your call him or not" he thought and waiting for Taehyung answer.

Taehyung:" No bro you guys can go I have to meet by friend" he said to him Jungkook relief himself.

Jimin:"ohh okay then kook shall we go" he asked to younger who nodded at him.

After that jikook went shopping purchasing things needed for their honeymoon then suddenly Jimin attention landed on white dress set it really pretty and also bit revealing.

Jimin:" Jungkook Try this" he asked to younger and pointing white one.

Jungkook:" No hyung"

Jimin: "Yes"

Jungkook:" No" he said to jimin who giving him disbelief look.

Jimin:" I know your nerves to wear this type of dress, atleast buy and wear it by yourself see how pretty and sexy your" he said and winked at him.

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