Chapter -2

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Kim.. Tae...hyung

Jungkook got shocked and wide his eyes  looking at the person who is walking to their table with smiling face hands on his packet.

Jungkook got shocked and wide his eyes  looking at the person who is walking to their table with smiling face hands on his packet

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A tall handsome man come to them and sitting next to him. Jungkook didn't believe the person who is sitting with them.

Jimin: " Hey  Taehyung he is my husband and Jungkook he is my brother" he introduced both of them.

"No no this is not true am dreaming no way" he thinking his own world didn't know the beast sitting next to him.

Jungkook just blank he didn't know what is happening and Taehyung smirked  looking at the person who is fearing to him.
Jimin again called Jungkook with shaking him. 

Jimin: " Hey kookie where you lost come to earth" he said to Jungkook.

Jungkook: "ahh ... N th ng hello tae.. hyung" he said to elder shaked voice who looking at him bold eyes

Taehyung: "Nice to miss you Brother-in-law"
He going to Shake his hands to Jungkook.

Jungkook see the hands his long fingers he remember something.

" Ahhh leave me why are you doing this to me ahh... Ahhh"  he can't forgot those things.

Jungkook: "Like wise.. " he said and handshake with Taehyung who is looking the younger with his deep eyes.

Taehyung: "pleasure is all mine Brother-in-law" he said and shaking his hands with Jungkook. 

Then three of them eating their foods two brothers chating some business Jungkook observe two brothers interaction and thinking "they are speaking casually mmm nothing look suspicious" he thought of while eating and he didn't notice some sauce spotted his lips then jimin notice his lips and touch younger lips with his hands wipe the sauce.

Jungkook smile at him nervously and looking at the other direction Taehyung looking both of them with death eyes. Jungkook turns immediately.

Then after sometime Jungkook feeling someone squeezing his inner thighs. he looked down at the table saw Taehyung doing while casually speaking in Jimin.

Suddenly Jimin got the call from his secretary so he left  Jungkook alone with Taehyung.

Jimin: " Excuse me I got the call just give a minute" he said to them going to leave two' of them.

Taehyung seeing jimin leaving smirked and he moved little bit closer to Younger.

"No no hyung don't leave please pls" younger pleading in his thoughts and saw the leaving figure.

"Ohh shit shit"  he afraid of the beast sitting next to him looking at him with lusty eyes.

Taehyung:" Hey babe how are you" he asking younger with deep voice.

Jungkook didn't say anything just pretending to be hear nothing. keep looking at the direction jimin went.

Taehyung:" missed me I missed you so much" he again asking to younger one who hear everything acting like not.

Taehyung got no reply so he mad and squeezed Jungkook thighs very hardly the younger one hissed due to pain.

Jungkook:"ahhh... what you want" he asked him with disgusting voice.

Taehyung: "answer me when I am asking you right" he said with cold voice

Jungkook gulped and looking at jimin he coming or not.

Taehyung notice younger dress and looking at his hips and curves fully eyeing top to  bottom. And piching Jungkook hips and asked.

Taehyung:" You are wearing a short dress for your husband or other men" he asked and going to press his belly suddenly Jungkook held him.

Jungkook: "TEAHYUNG" he held elder with little louder voice.

Taehyung:" Oh my little one have voice also" he said and pulling the younger to his laps.
And squeezed hard younger thighs with his longer hands.

Jungkook didn't do anything because Taehyung hold him every stronger he afraid of what if jimin saw them like this.

"No what if hyung saw us like this no no" he thinking and struggling to move Taehyung lap.

Jungkook: " Taehyung leave me what if jimin Hyung saw us like is no leave" he said to taehyung who just enjoying his little one smell and moving his hands to inside the  younger cut top.

Taehyung:" We will surprise your husband together wait he will come " said to younger who looking at the direction jimin coming or not.

Jungkook:"No no please Taehyung I will not raise my voice next time please leave he will come anytime pls" younger begging to elder who is enjoying younger pleading.

Taehyung: " woww.. it been so long seeing you in this teary eyes isn't" he said to Younger caressing the his lips. And Taehyung saw jimin coming he release younger.

Jimin finished his phone calls and coming to them saw two sitting silently and called Jungkook and said to taehyung they are going to leave.

Jimin: " mm okay then see you Taehyung bye"

Taehyung:" mm yeah very soon" he said to him eyeing Jungkook.

And both of them said bye to him and leaving him alone. Jimin hold Jungkook hand  and leaving the restaurant. Taehyung saw the couples and hand in hand he thought "You will regret for marry him Jungkook".

 Taehyung saw the couples and hand in hand he thought "You will regret for marry him Jungkook"

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To be continued...

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