32. His idol wife

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At a certain cake shop near the royal castle

"Mmm. You really got the talent, your highness,"Mishila praised Heidith sincerely with food filled in her mouth, her lips and teeth covered in cream and icing, looking cute and funny.

"Shh, don't call me that. Just address me as Loveinger," Heidith whispered in a low voice while giving Derek a side glance as if to warn him not to mock him for bringing that name up again.

He didn't want others to call him Greywolf since he was afraid of people giving him odd looks when he got dressed up as a commoner. He wasn't good at making names so he thought it would be better if he used his weird name instead, despite not liking it that much.

Derek shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he wasn't interested.

Mishila blushed secretly. Heidith's voice sounded seductive like fire although he didn't seem to aware of it. His low, husky voice almost tickled her heart.

She was scared all of a sudden. Initially she thought that she forgot her crush on him. Who knew a few words from him could ignite her feelings like sparks hidden beneath the ashes.

"Okay, Loveinger," She said word by word, trying hard to appear nonchalant.

Naturally, beautiful people could really have a huge impact on others.
It was dangerous like forbidden food.

Mishila felt like his cake wasn't delicious anymore.

Her mind was giving her an emotional rollercoaster.

'Aaah, frustrating!'

"By the way, how did you and when did you learn how to make cakes? I didn't know..." Derek murmured unhappily.

Throughout their entire eighteen years old lives, they only focused on mastering skills that were beneficial for wars and solving problems in and out of the country. Neither Heidith nor Derek had the opportunity to improve other skills especially something like cooking!

Wasn't cooking belonged to girls?

Wasn't it a shame to cook meals as a male?

Most importantly, as his best friend, Derek thought that he knew everything about his best buddy. It looked like he was wrong and it made him unhappy. He felt wronged.

Heidith's eyes shone mysteriously. "It's a secret..."

Derek huffed loudly. "So unfair. You just wait and see. I'll do the same in the future."

Heidith sneered sarcastically. "What else I don't know about you, playboy?"

Derek glared at him fiercely. "Humph, saint boy!"

"Why do you always argue with others? Aren't you tired?" Suzamine asked, amused. "I think you have nothing else to do."

"None of your business..." 'bish' Derek rolled his eyes, angry and annoyed.

"You really have to stop being a player, Dery. Now that you became a responsible brother, you should give your sister a face by behaving like a gentleman and please stop treating women as toys." Suzamine angered him more by lecturing him seriously.

Mishila blinked and looked away, focusing her eyes on Heidith's cake again. She didn't want to get involved. Even though she got a new brother, she wasn't impressed by that at all. In her opinion, this brother of hers was the worst among five men.

She liked Gronald and Heidith the most. Iven and Suzamine were okay. As for Derek, man, she didn't like to be with him.

Both of them didn't like to accept eachother as siblings. Nevertheless, they respected the prince's request. No, no, command in the end.

Derek frowned instantly. "They come to me willingly. Don't speak recklessly if you don't know anything. Again, don't call me Dery! Am I your friend? You are just a servant of the crown prince!"


Everyone became silent until...

"Whaaat?" Suzamine roared furiously. "How could you! I'm one of his most trusted shadow knights. Not just a mere servant!!! In his heart, I have the same spot as you."

"You think you can have the same spot as me?! How delusional! You really have the guts to compare yourself with the prime minister's son!"

Derek looked like he was about to punch him in the next second.

Gronald and Iven came between them, preventing them from fighting.

Heidith felt like he was having a headache. He took his almost finished cake and went outside to breathe some fresh air while continuing decorating the cake he made for his pregnant mother using five Nuciferas.

He suddenly recalled the cake he made for Zadhea.

Her face made him forget about his worries temporarily. Although she appeared like an ice cube, she had the ability to melt him whenever he thought of her. He made his first cake for her not only to express his gratitude for taking her country's most valuable flower but also it was to show her his sincereity.

He was serious about their future. He thought she might be the most suitable partner for him to lead two countries together in the future. She would stay by his side, helping him with his struggles. She would stay with him in happy and sad moments equally. She would be the idol wife he expected.

Heidith carefully put the cake on a wooden box as he sat on the floor next to it, lost in thoughts.

The cake shop was so close to the road. However it wasn't a busy time so there weren't much people around.

All of a sudden, a person riding a white horse crashed into the wooden box, letting the cake Heidith tried hard to make, fall to the ground.

However, that person seemed to be in a rush. He or she didn't even wait to apologize for their mistake and directly ran away.

Heidith: "..."

He looked at his ruined cake blankly. Soon, his eyes turned bloodshot as he clenched his fists, his body trembled in rage.

No matter who the fuck that person was, Heidith was ready to kill him!

He vowed he would turn that nasty bastard into ashes!!!

"Darcel!" He yelled.

The black horse quickly ran towards him and stopped next to him. Without wasting a second, Heidith directly jumped onto his seat on the horse. He chased after the black hoodie like a thunderstorm, kicking up dust everywhere.

The suspicious person stopped the white horse in a jungle and got off. Heidith stopped his horse a little far from that person before doing the same thing. He was about to march towards that psychopath and interrogate him when he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

That person removed his hoodie and long, wavy red hair came to Heidith's sight.

He froze when he realized that... It was a woman!

The beautiful red hair dropped to her hips as it swayed beautifully as she walked, her back facing him.

This hair... Heidith furrowed his forehead.

No one had this kind of unique hair except...

'Zadhea!' Heidith clenched his fists again.

What was she doing in the middle of a wild, isolated place?

He surpassed the urge to rush to her and question her.

First, he wanted to see what was she up to.

When a crow almost hit her shoulder, Heidith was about to go save her. He knew delicate girls couldn't handle such terrifying things.

But there's a problem...

Was she really a delicate girl?

Heidith's face turned dark. He knew that she wasn't just a simple, noble girl who only knew how to dress up beautifully.

There's more to her.

He saw her getting ready to go back, a sigh of relief subconsciously escaping his lips.


He saw a man!

The Villainess's Oath: I'll Kill The ProtagonistsWhere stories live. Discover now