Chapter 3 - 4

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Chapter 3

After Ji Tingqiu got Shen Zening's approval, he lingered in the shop for a long time, and then reluctantly left after drinking two large pots of tea.

It was getting dark by now, and Shen Zening was sitting at the counter, casually flipping through the game interface to pass the time.

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse. The lantern at the door of the teahouse was the only light source in this dark mountain. There was still more than an hour until the closing time specified by the system. Shen Zening was a little scared after looking at this mountain road for a long time, and he immediately imagined a lot of ghost stories.

Just when he was looking for trouble to scare himself, a rustling sound suddenly came from the backyard.

Um? Is there a thief? No, it's impossible. These wild mountains must be small animals that accidentally ran in.

Shen Zening was worried that the lost animals would steal the few stocks in the kitchen, so he asked the system to pay attention to the lobby and walked towards the direction of the sound with a lantern.

When I walked to the back kitchen, sure enough, the door that had been closed before was squeezed open by a small animal.

Shen Zening gently opened the kitchen door, walked in, and shone the lantern around the room before finally finding half a white tail beside the water tank.

The tail should have been fluffy and soft, but now it was stained with a lot of blood and mud, and was stuck together wetly. The huge water tank covered most of the little animal's body. Shen Zening guessed that it was injured and wanted to drink some water, so it climbed here with difficulty.

The little animal was in bad condition, so Shen Zening placed the lantern on the ground and walked around to the other side. The illumination of the candlelight was really limited, and he could only see a pair of green eyes in the corner between the water tank and the wall, which was difficult to reach.

Shen Zening held up the lantern and illuminated it several times, but could see nothing except the frightened little animals growling.


"Yes." The system replied quickly, "What do you need, Mr. Shen?"

Shen Zening: "Do you have a flashlight there?"

System: "Yes, yes, but it all requires points. Exchange it. You have not completed the novice task yet. You need to complete it before you can open the system store to purchase."

"Can I borrow it temporarily?" Shen Zening said, "I can't see clearly the situation of this little animal without a flashlight. "

Huh?" After hearing this, the system's attention turned from the lobby to the kitchen. It was a little surprised when it saw the tail next to the water tank. "Normally, the pet system will not be turned on until level five. Shen Why did you pick one up before you passed the novice stage?"

...and the pet system?

Shen Zening was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted: "Then now that I have picked it up, it is my pet, right?" "

It stands to reason."

Shen Zening continued: "Then my pet is injured . , I can't see its situation, can you help me?"

"...Help." Only then did the system realize that Shen Zening had taken advantage of it.

Shen Zening successfully got the flashlight from the system. The strong beam shone into the angle, and he realized that the person who ran into the kitchen was an injured white fox, and it was still a cub.

The little fox I Picked up is His Highness the Demon King Where stories live. Discover now