Chapter 148 - 149

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Chapter 148

Skiing is really a difficult sport. If you want to ski casually and barely maintain balance, it's okay, but if you want to ski beautifully, it's not easy.

Tiao Tiao was quite curious after hearing his father say that his father had slipped out just now, using a single board. He stumbled a little on his snow board and ran to Shen Zening's side with difficulty.

"Father, daddy, why do we all have two skis, but you only have one?"

"Because these are two different ways of skiing." Shen Zening put the skis on the snow and squatted down. He said to Tiao Tiao patiently.

Tiao Tiao still couldn't tell the difference between the two skiing methods, so he hugged his father's legs and asked his father to demonstrate to him.

Shen Zening naturally agreed to his own dragon cub's request, but he had already skated over the board just now and had the system record the video, so he didn't plan to skate anymore. He probably couldn't see the details clearly anyway, so he I went to change my skis for a pair of skis, got my ski poles, and prepared to go skiing on the skis once to show Little Fox and Tiao Tiao.

Well...the point is to use the excuse that my son wants to watch it to put on a show for my wife. As for whether the little boy can see clearly, it doesn't matter. There is still a systematic video recording, right?

Tiao Tiao kicked off his skis and was picked up by Bai Yang. He watched his father's difficult moves one after another, saying "wow" and "wow" again and again. He was very focused and couldn't take his eyes away.

After Shen Zening came up on the cable car, he took Tiao Tiao from Bai Yang's arms and said, "How are you, Zai? Dad, am I handsome?" If you can't get

compliments from your wife, you have to listen to Zai Zi's thoughts. Bar.

Tiao Tiao responded very cooperatively: "Handsome!"

Shen Zening: "Where is he handsome?"

Tiao Tiao frowned and thought for a moment: "...They are all handsome!"

Shen Zening: "..."

Okay, I know you didn't see clearly either. .

He was a little helpless. In order to restore his image in the hearts of Little Fox and Tiao Tiao and his son, he quickly asked the system to play the video.

Shen Zening knew that the little fox could see his game interface, but he never knew whether Tiao Tiao could see it. It seemed that he had never opened the system mall in front of Tiao Tiao before, so it was difficult to distinguish.

He thought for a while and simply asked the system to find a way (spending some points) to transfer the video to the Tianling-level water mirror he bought in Yaoying City.

The water mirror continues to grow in mid-air, gradually turning into a large 4K Blu-ray screen that is large enough for everyone to see clearly.

The camera technology of the system is really good. Shen Zening was photographed as if he was not showing off his skiing skills in front of his wife and son, but participating in some international competition.

This time I finally saw Tiao Tiao clearly, and I was surprised to see the blue and gold eyes that were exactly the same as those of the little fox. After reading them, I excitedly went to Shen Zening to learn how to ski.

"Father, please teach me!"

Tiao Tiao kept jumping around Shen Zening's legs. He quickly held down the flopping cub and caught the little dragon cub to prevent him from falling. "Teach me, teach me, teach me now."

The little fox I Picked up is His Highness the Demon King Where stories live. Discover now