Chapter 189

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After receiving the task of repairing the construction, the construction system sent dozens of NPC workers to the hotel.

The NPC workers entered through the back door of the hotel. They made no noise along the way and did not attract anyone's attention. Shen, who was idle at the moment and in good spirits, was assigned to count the damage to tables, chairs, equipment, etc. When San walked towards the damaged buildings according to the map, he was startled for a moment by the sudden appearance of NPC workers.

As an assassin-type puppet, Shen San's most important thing when going out on a mission is how to quietly reach the target and deliver a fatal blow to him/her.

Although Shen Zening probably doesn't have any assassination tasks assigned to him, Shen San still plans to prepare for a rainy day. If a job comes up in the future, he plans to ask the NPC workers how they do this. .

Shen Zening felt that Shen San never talked much, so he just thought he didn't like to talk, but he didn't know that it wasn't that Shen San didn't like to talk, he just didn't have anything he wanted to ask or say that interested him.

Now that he saw the silent steps and movements of the NPC workers, he immediately became interested and wanted to find out how they did it.

They were currently in the empty basketball stadium. A dozen NPC workers carrying steel frames, ladders, and various galvanized steel plates were doing the business of repairing ventilation ducts, but Shen San was asking questions from below. The question makes my head spin.

This, this, this is obviously their factory setting! How do they know why they make so little noise when walking and working! Since everyone is from the system, why don’t we make things difficult for each other?

Shen San saw that he really couldn't ask, so he gave up with regret. After counting the number and condition of the damaged tables and chairs in the auditorium, he left the sports venue and prepared to go to the next place to continue checking.

This is the most serious job that Shen Zening has given him. Apart from looking after children, acting as a temporary driver, delivering messages and other chores, this is the most serious job.

Shen San was very conscientious and even recorded in the notebook which flowers in the roadside flower bed were trampled by corpse puppets.

People were coming and going in the hotel. Shen Yi and Shen Er were in charge of the customers, and Xue Yun was assigning work to the employees. In the kitchen, Alessio and Rafael, who finally went back to the dormitory to get a translator, were making a simple breakfast with the two sisters He Lan and He Ming and other chefs.

Shen Zening asked the customers to wait until their wounds were treated and then go back to bed after breakfast.

The same applies to the employees. After the customers leave, they go straight back to catch up on their sleep and do other things in the afternoon or later when they wake up.

I didn't sleep well all night. At this time, everyone just did the things that needed to be dealt with immediately while they still had some energy and didn't fall into unconsciousness immediately.

In fact, after being so busy, Shen Zening could tell that Bai Yang was a little tired.

The repair time required for the exterior and interior facilities of the damaged buildings in the hotel is expected to range from a few hours to more than ten hours, and it should all be repaired before tomorrow.

They were still sitting on the sofa in the living room of the small building looking at the interface of the construction system.

Shen Zening took a piece of paper and wrote down the repair time required for each building that needed to be repaired, so that when they were all repaired, they could go over to check the repair status together.

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