Chapter 75 - 76

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Chapter 75

The next afternoon, Shen Zening went to the door of the teahouse and took a look. Sure enough, the pot of Deman grass that Shen Yi had brought out was gone.

Cheng Sheng secretly moved the "spiritual grass" back when no one was paying attention.

It's a pity that this pot of "spiritual grass" is just a small seedling. It has just grown leaves, so Cheng Sheng was reluctant to use it for a while.

Father Cheng picked up the flowerpot and looked at it, "Son, are you sure this is a spiritual grass?"

He had just seen the spiritual grass not long ago, but before he could study it, it turned into ashes. He only remembered that it was purple grass. And Cheng Sheng personally stole the spiritual grass from the kitchen of the tea house, touched it, took it in his hand and looked at it carefully, and said with certainty: "This is the spiritual grass!" The pot of

"spiritual grass" that Cheng Sheng stole back was still a seedling. , the Cheng family father and son decided to raise it for two days to see how it grew. Anyway, the next round of competition is the day after tomorrow, so there is still time.

The "Spiritual Grass" really lived up to their expectations, and its leaves had grown a lot in the past two days.

When Cheng Sheng saw that the "spiritual grass" grew quickly, he became greedy and decided to raise it until the finals.

When the time comes, wouldn’t it be better to just put a pot of grown spiritual grass into a dish and cook it for the Young City Master to eat! With the millennium-old heritage of his Linxian Restaurant, coupled with the aura-rich dishes, there is no way he can still beat that shabby little teahouse and continue to be ranked second.

Cheng Sheng slowly showed a proud smile, and had already started to dream about the young city lord being shocked and praised by the gods after eating Linxianlou's food.

"Shen Zening! Are you okay?"

Bai Yang stood at the door of the kitchen and shouted to the inside: "Hurry up, it's already half past eight!"

Shen Zening was busy looking for a spray gun, and this orange The pan-fried duck breast is finally colored with orange meat using an airbrush and sugar.

Where did it go...

Pan-fried duck breast with orange requires more effort. Pay attention to the heat when frying duck breast. Shen Zening has been learning from Raphael how to fry perfect duck breast in the past two days. Yesterday too I learned it so late that I didn't even have time to clean up the kitchen. It was like a crash course.

Fortunately, the teacher was Raphael, a professional French chef, and Shen Zening also had some background.

"Shen! I found it! Here!"

Raphael dug around on the messy island table for a long time, and finally took out the spray gun from under a pile of pot lids and handed it to Shen Zening, patting him on the shoulder, " Come on!"

Seeing that Shen Zening finally found the spray gun, Bai Yang was so anxious that he slapped his tail on him, "Don't put things around next time." "I

made the duck breasts too late yesterday, don't be angry. We have time."

Shen Zening smiled and held the flailing fox tail, put her arms around the little fox's waist and pulled him over, lowered her head and kissed her pink lips, "I heard there will be a kiss before the competition. Good luck." "

...who said that...well..."

There are still outsiders here, Rafael and Alessio are watching at the door of the kitchen, and the open-minded Frenchman even said "Wow" in a friendly manner. There was a sound.

The little fox I Picked up is His Highness the Demon King Where stories live. Discover now