Chapter 234 - 235

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Chapter 234

After the demon envoy stationed outside Longlan City died, the demons surrounding the demon envoy's body and unwilling to leave obviously became the best targets.

The demons had no idea what had penetrated the demon envoy's chest, and they did not feel any spiritual power or demonic energy around them.

It doesn't look like the work of ordinary monks or demons at all. What exactly is this...

However, these demons don't have time to think about it.

Shen Zening held the sniper rifle again and aimed at the group of demons.

"Bang - bang - bang -"

Several gunshots were heard, and the demons fell down one after another, either like demons, with a big hole in the quilt on their chests, or their heads were blasted Half of it fell and he died instantly, or he was hit in the neck and his head moved.

"Do you want to stay alive?"

Bai Yang took the ultra-long-distance telescope that Shen Zening took out from the system space and the workshop had recently made, and watched the demons being killed one by one by Shen Zening's gun| Hit, turned around and asked.

"No need." Shen Zening said, "The demons are all dead, and the remaining gang of minions certainly don't know much. Just send them to reunite underground to avoid any surprises, such as taking advantage of the loopholes for the demons. Please give me a message or something."

After he finished speaking, he fired a few more shots and eliminated all the demons outside Longlan City.

Anyway, as for the intelligence, Feng Qi had already done the interrogation, and he didn't bother to know more information. It was just that the Demon Lord was a lunatic from a newspaper office, and he somehow insisted on wiping out the whole world of cultivation.

According to the news from Feng Qi's peak leader, Demon Lord must have known what happened outside Feng Qi, and he should go to Feng Qi personally to take charge.

Shen Zening didn't want to face the Demon Lord head-on so foolishly now. Fighting between Dragon Clan and Dragon Clan was already very troublesome. If he could only fight with his bare hands, he would have to go back to the hotel to prepare some things.

He planned to lead Bai Yang to avoid the demon lord's route of action first, and use the time lag to clear out the corpses in the major cities of these continents in the world of cultivation.

And...the system doesn't know what happened, and it hasn't come online until now.

It’s almost been a day.

Forget it, there are quite a lot of things that the system is hiding, and it seems like it doesn't know how to deal with them. He is a big man, but he is still willing to give the small system some time to clean up the mess and confess.

Shen Zening put away his sniper rifle, said hello to City Master Li who was bombarding the corpses outside the city wall with various high-tech thermal weapons, then transformed into a prototype and flew to Longqi with Bai Yang. The demon clan's stronghold outside Lan City.

The demon clan's stronghold was full of corpses. Shen Zening carefully counted the number of people. The number of people was consistent with what he and Bai Yang observed with the infrared biodetector. No one escaped, and he fired at a fast speed without any intention of killing anyone. The time it took for the demons to react, they probably didn't have time to spread the news about Longlan City.

There were very few useful things in the stronghold. Shen Zening and Bai Yang used their spiritual power to sweep aside all the corpses blocking the road, and entered the largest tent in the stronghold. There were cabinets on the table in the tent and at the corner. Searched for a while.

The little fox I Picked up is His Highness the Demon King Where stories live. Discover now