A Dragon's Treasure (2)

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Adalinda's POV

I am sitting on the lap of the crown prince of Dragmor. How the fuck am I not freaking out right now!? I think he could feel my anxiety racing because he was quick to put his hand on my thigh, soothing me.

"Relax, treasure." I did relax a little but it still doesn't change the fact that I am the mate of a prince! No wonder the mayor was calling him Majesty! It makes sense now!

"I don't know if I can! You're a prince, Draco! I can't compete with all of the females who are vying for your attention!" I say.

"Yes, but those ladies have nothing on you. You are the one that burns my dragon's soul. You are the only one that I want occupying my dick." I cover my mouth, appalled by his bluntness.

"You gotta stop doing that. You're gonna give me a heart attack because of your bluntness," I tell him. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"You'll like my bluntness when you are on your back, driven crazy with my tongue eating your sweet, plump..." I had to cover his mouth. Fuck, he is arousing me and I do not want to fuck him with my best friend present.

"All right, let the poor girl eat, Draco. You can save your horny talk for the bedroom," the blue dragon chimes. Draco rolls his eyes and I remove my hand.

"Whatever, Tatsuya. It's not like you aren't thinking the same things I am thinking," he says to his friend.

"I don't deny it but the girl needs to eat. Don't you want her to have energy for the night ahead?" Energy?!

"You're right. Come, treasure, eat some food too." I eye a breakfast sandwich and he slides it over to me. It's filled with a medium-cooked egg, bacon, sausage, arugula, pepper jack cheese, and some tomatoes. I lifted the sandwich top for some hot sauce, closed it, and took a bite. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I moan with satisfaction. God damn, this is a good sandwich. Malina laughed at me.

"There she is. She's such a foodie." I ignore her and continue to eat this sandwich. I finished it off and ate some more fruit. 

"You better stop with those noises, treasure. I won't be responsible for what happens next." I licked my fingers and he groaned. I giggled and finished off breakfast without a hitch.

"Well, I think Jaculus is still fighting with his treasure so why don't we take a tour of the castle?" Tatsuya suggested.

"Ooh, that would be lovely! Come on, Adalinda!" Draco helped me off his lap and we walked out into the garden first. It was filled with all sorts of different flowers and plants that I had never heard of before.

"So, here is the garden. A good place to hang out or chill. Then, in this room, there's the pool." Tatsuya opened the door to a huge-sized pool with pool chairs and a massive skylight, revealing the beautiful sky.

"Wow, this is awesome! We never had anything like this in the village!" Malina exclaimed. 

"Yeah, this is...great..." I say. They walked us through the entire castle from the bedroom, the bathrooms, the movie room, the living room, the ballroom, the flight area, the training area, the game room, and the offices, and we ended back in the dining room. Once we got back, we saw Jaculus, I believe, and his mate sitting at the table.

"Well, looks who's out of the room. She didn't kill you yet?" Tatsuya joked. Jaculus narrowed his eyes at him.

"Oh, ha ha ha. We've come to a mutual understanding. She knows she's not leaving but she wants her family here so I will oblige," Jaculus said. His mate said nothing but ate some more fruit.

"Right, that's great. I think we need to let go of some of this tension and play some pool in the game room," Tatsuya suggested.

"Great idea! Let's go!" Jaculus cheered, picking up his mate and running to the game room.

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