The Man Behind the Mask(1)

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*Shapeshifter story(not werewolf)*

Nadia's POV

I have always been a little paranoid. And by a little, I mean a lot. I would always think someone was behind me, following me or stalking me. I don't know why. I'm not a very attractive person. I mean, I have some curves, decent breasts, and some nice legs. But I have a big nose, huge pores, gnawed-on nail beds, and an obnoxious laugh. So, there's nothing nice about me that anyone would be interested in. But I still can't shake the feeling that someone was watching me.

"Nadia, come on. We're gonna be late for class!" I break away from my trance and follow my friend into class. Once inside the classroom, I took a seat in the back and took out my notebook. I like to sit in the very back so no one can sneak up behind me and try and scare me. 

"Good morning, Nadia." I turned to my right and I couldn't help but swoon at the sight of the person next to me. Ross McIntosh. He was every girl's dream lover boy. He had gorgeous blonde hair, dreamy blue eyes, and a bright white smile. God, what I wouldn't give for just one night with him.

"Oh, g-good m-morning, Ross." He smiles at me and I damn near fall out of my chair. He was so gorgeous.

"So, I was wondering. I'm having a small get-together at my place tonight. You know, getting to know some new faces and I was wondering if you would be interested." I've died. I have died and gone to heaven. 

"Oh, are you sure you want me to go?" His eyes darkened just slightly but not enough for me to be nervous.

"Of course. I think you are a wonderful girl with a personality to match. So, is that a yes?"

"Yes, of course. Sounds fun." He smiled and nodded.

"Perfect. Here is the address to my place and my number. Shoot me a text after class so I can get your number. Oh, and it is a costume party so make sure you bring a mask."

"Yes, of course. Oh, can I bring my friend?" 

"Yeah, of course. The more, the merrier." 

He turned back to the front of the class and I squealed to myself. I can't believe that the Ross McIntosh invited me to his place for a small get-together. Oh my gosh, what am I going to wear?

*After class*

Once class was over, I quickly sent a text to Ross as he was walking out of the classroom. I put the little piece of paper in my pocket and walked out of the classroom, waiting for Helena. I still can't believe that he invited me over! I wonder if he knows of my crush on him. I would assume not but maybe. He is very smart and I'm sure he could figure it out.

"Nadia? You ready?" I nod and we start the walk to our next class. "So, I noticed that Ross McIntosh was talking with you." I blushed and nodded.

"Yes. He invited me to his place for a small get-together he was having at his place. I'm very excited about it. I've never been invited to anything like this."

"I'm happy for you. This will be good for you. You gotta tell me how it was."

"I won't have to because he said I can bring you!"

Maria gasped and squealed. "Oh my god, are you serious!? That's awesome!" If I knew anyone who swooned more for this guy, it was Maria. She had known him our entire school career. They went to kindergarten together and they have been friends ever since. She has had a major crush on him but never told him. Hopefully, tonight will change that.

"I know! Oh gosh, what should I wear?" We continued to talk and I didn't notice the way in front of me and I accidentally ran into a hard surface. I yelp as I almost fell. 

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