Requested Story: Freshman Hide-Out(1)

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Another request! Whoa! That's awesome! So this person wants a story about a freshman hiding their relationship with their significant other. Thanks for the request and I hope you like the story! <3

Cassidy's POV

I loaded the last few boxes in my car and closed the trunk. I was finally leaving for college. I truly thought this day would never come. I've been counting down the moments to when I could move out. 

"Okay, it looks like that is everything," I say, putting my hands on my hips.

"Are you sure you don't need me to follow you and help you set everything up?" Dad asks for the millionth time today. I suppress the urge to groan and roll my eyes. That would get a swift slap to the face. I don't want to see my significant other with a red mark on my face.

"Yes, Dad. I am sure. Jeremy will be there, helping me." Dad nods in approval.

"Man, he is such a sweet boy. Why didn't you and him ever get together?" Mom asks. 

"He was never interested in being with me. He thinks of me as an excellent friend and that is it." There are other contributing factors as well.

"You two would make a darling couple. And he comes from a good home. Goes to church every Sunday. Speaking of which, you kept your church outfits here, right?" Not again...

"Yes, Mom. I did."

"And you will make the trip with Jeremy to the church, right?" Mom stares at me hard. 

"Yes, Mom. As long as I don't have a test the next day," I tell her.

"Oh, nonsense. You'll have plenty of time to study before the Lord's Day. Now, come hug me." I hugged my mom tightly and moved over to Dad. I hugged him as well before letting go and getting in my car.

"I'll call as soon as I get to the campus." They both nodded and I started my car, driving out of the driveway. I played some gospel songs and Mom covered her heart with her hand, smiling. As soon as I saw the house in the distance, I sighed heavily and changed the radio station on my phone to heavy rock music. I grabbed my vape from my purse and took a heavy hit, filling my car with the flavored air.

You might be wondering what the hell is going on, right? Well, my parents are very religious and are bible-thumping bigots. I was raised with their weird teachings and who I was allowed to have as a friend. From an early age, I knew not to take anything my parents said with a grain of salt. One of my longest and oldest friends is a beautiful black girl, littered with tattoos and piercings. Jeremy was an involuntary friend that I have known since kindergarten, unfortunately. Our parents were desperately hoping we would get together and Jeremy did ask me out when we were in 6th grade. I shot him down hard but still had to stay friends with him because of our parents. 

My phone rang and I saw it was my love. I blushed just thinking about her. We've been together for over 2 years now and it's been nothing but bliss. I knew my parents would never accept her because it's a she, not a he. Her name is Justine and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She's a year older than me so she's already in college and asked me to move in with her when I started college. Of course, I said yes. My parents know of her and they think she's my best friend. I mean, it's not a lie. She is one of my best friends but I happen to find her face in between my legs anytime she can do it. I may only be 19 years old but I know love when I see it and this is it. I don't care what anyone says but I know Justine wants me to keep a relationship with my parents because they are paying for my tuition. But, what they don't know won't hurt them.

"Hey, baby," I greet with a happy tone.

"Hey, baby girl. You left your parents' house yet?"

"Yes, I'm finally free," I breathed heavily. She giggled at my dramatics.

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