Chapter 58

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We motioned with our Wii remotes like we were bowling as we played the game.

Our Miis rolled their balls down the lane.

Lucas's ball rolled down the lane and knocked down the rest of his pins.

My ball rolled down the lane and knocked two more pins.

The Pins were replaced as a new round started.

Lucas smiled and said, "I am ahead."

I smiled and laughed and said, "Not for long."

Lucas smiled as he motioned with the remote as he watched the screen.

His Mii rolled the ball down the lane.

The ball rolled down the lane and wen in the gutter.

I smiled and motioned with my remote ad watched the screen.

My Mii rolled the ball down the lane.

The Ball rolled down the lane and knocked down one pin.

I smiled and walked over to Lucas and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him and said," Hey dork pause the game."

Lucas smiled as he paused the game and put his arms around me and gave a long passionate kiss and said, "Certainly geek."

I smiled as I pressed my lips to his and kissed him.

Lucas smiled at me and said, "I love you,"

I smiled and said, "I love you too."

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