Part 1

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(James will be using they as he cannot tell what gender Emily is)
Em PoV:
I ran to my room and packed a bag. A couple hoodies, some hygiene stuff, my headphones ,charger and £100. I grabbed my skateboard as my dad began shouting. "EMILY DONT YOU DARE EVEN TRY CONTACTING US! YOU ARE NO LONGER MY DAUGHTER! YOUR A FUCKING DISAPPOINTMENT!". Tears ran down my face. I plugged in my headphones and skated off. I got to the train station.and brought a ticket to the furthest place i could , Brighton! As i got on the train i felt free yet body hurt from the abuse i had day in day out. Now i didn't have to deal with that. But i didn't have a roof over my head anymore. I got off the train at Brighton and began walking. Walking somewhere..anywhere! It began getting dark and i felt scared,weak and dizzy. I sat down outside some random building and just cried....
James PoV:
I was coming home after going out with the band. It was 10pm and raining. I heard crying . I looked round and saw someone sat down on the floor outside the building. Their legs pressed against their chest and head in arms.
The street light showed bruises and cut all over their arms. I crouched down next to them. "Hey? Are you okay?" I asked. They jumped. "Oh I'm sorry I'm fine" they looked at me briefly resting their head on their arms again. "You don't look fine. Why are you out here in the cold alone?" I asked sitting next to them. "Parents kicked me out. Didn't have anywhere to go..sorry I'll go. Sorry for troubling you sir" they said standing up. "Hey..look it's cold out here why don't you come in?" I offered. "It's okay sir. I'd rather not bother you..sorry again" they looked down sadly. "Please, come in and it's James not sir.." i said smiling holding my hand out. "I-i..are you sure you don't mind?" They asked looking at me.. "I'm sure!" They took my hand hesitantly. I led them inside to my apartment. "What's your name?" I said passing them a towel to dry their stuff off. "Emily..Emily ranger.." they said quietly. "Aww that's a lovely name. Do you prefer any names?" I asked "em..if that's okay sir..". "Em that's lovely..may i ask why you're calling me sir?" I sat down and took my shoes and coat off. "I-i...didn't want to..I'm sorry.." they broke down in tears. "Hey..hey shhh it's okay" i said. I crouched down infront of them. I placed my hand on their back to comfort them. They instantly flinched. "'s okay. I'm not gonna hurt you if that's what you think. I just want to help" i reassured them. Carefully i hugged them. They tensed at the contact then relaxed into my arms. "'s okay em" i rubbed their back and hugged them until they calmed down. "I'm so sorry sir" they said. " name is James... or Jim. Not sir..". I said wiping the tears of their face.
After a while they calmed down fully and sat up against the wall. "I'm sorry just not used to someone being me". I felt bad . They seemed so upset and shocked. "Why did your parents kick you out? Did you do something?" I asked sitting next to them again. They looked down at the floor. "I thought it was a good tell them I'm not straight..or cisgendered.. they didn't like that apparently. They were toxic as fuck anyways!" They paused "oh my I'm sorry i didn't mean to swear please don't hit me it was a mistake!" They said Frantically. "Hey em..I'm not going to hurt you. I wouldn't even think of it!" I said. "What are you preferred pronouns?" I asked not wanting to miss gender them. "She/they...they/them preferred she/her not offensive.." she said. "Okay I'll try and stick to them! Sorry if i forget." I said. "'re not going to punish me for it? Or for saying I'm not straight?" Her eyes lit up. "No ofc I'm not, you're allowed to be yourself". They smiled briefly. I stood up and offered my hand which they took again. Carefully i pulled them up off the floor.. "can i have a drink?" She asked. "Yea of course you can" i said walking off a too the kitchen.
Em PoV:
This man was nice,kind eyes,sweet smile. I noticed a guitar in the corner. I picked it up and started playing. James came back in the room and i noticed him looking at me. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to i was just.." he cut me off. "Hey your guitar skills are amazing! Their awesome." He said passing me the water. "Thanks.." i smiled drinking the water.
"Can i ask you something?" James said. "S-sure" i said shakily. I was anxious about what James wanted to know. The wrong answer and he'd hit me. I'm sure of it! He said he wouldn't but my dad said the same now bruised adorned my arms. "How old are you?" He asked, "15.." i stuttered. He smiled at me "when you said your parents were toxic..what did you mean?" He asked leg began shaking and i fidgeted with my fingers. "They..abused me. Verbally,mentally and physically. Usually physical..they punished me for every little thing! Every fucking think! If i was a minute late i was hit..changing my sexuality was the last straw! They want nothing to do with me! And i want fuck all to do with them" i explained i blinked back my tears. "'s okay..calm down, it's late why don't you get some sleep? I've got a spare room" James said walking over to a room. I followed him. "You can sleep here I'll go get your bag" he smiled and walked out to get my bag. I sat on the bed and looked around. James came back and handed me my bag. "Thanks.." i said. I felt like i needed to tell James..that he didn't need to look after me. "James?" I said as he went to walk out. "Yea?" He turned around to look at me. "You don't need to be kind to me..or let me sleep in your house." I said. "Emily..i want to! It's not right that you should live on the streets alone. You're 15 and still have a life ahead of you. I wouldn't have let you in if i didn't want to help you. Your presence is quite nice and you've only been here an hour" he said sitting next to me of the bed. "Go to sleep yea? I'll still be here in the morning" James hugged me again. I hugged him back. It was a comforting hug i felt safe.. he let go and walked out "night" i called after him. "Night!" He called back. I got changed into a random shirt i had and some shorts. I hung my wet hoodie up and my jeans. I got my phone out and looked at tiktok. I scrolled though tiktok for a while. I felt my eyes get heavy but i continued to watch TikTok and i watch some YouTube. Tommyinnit had come out with a new video and i began watching it..growing more tired but wanting to finish the video i kept watching...

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