Part 19

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James PoV:
Me and ems walked out the flat and around Brighton. We didn't really speak we just kinda walked in silence. If it made ems happy i honestly didn't care. I wanted her to be okay. If she was safe and happy so was i. We walked for about an hour before returning home. She went straight to bed and it was fine by me. I sat in my office again. I was talking to wil (Willne) as i needed to tell someone. He always listened. If my mental health went shit then ems would be worse. "James..I'm so sorry! Is ems okay now?" Wil asked me. "She's okay i guess..she went to bed once we got home" i said. "I really hope she's okay mate..but I'm worried about you" Wil said. "I'm fine mate. I promise..I'm just fucking worried! She's 16 and thinks not living is better!" I said. "Hey i know you are mate..but you need to make sure you look after yourself. Don't let yourself get to stressed or worried please. I'm here for you and ems" he said. "I know you are Wil...i know you are but i can't not worry. She's only a kid! I can't bear to think about what she must feel! I feel like she's going to hurt her self again. She nearly punched the floor because she felt so bad about telling me! What if she just can't do it Wil? Then what!?" I said. I was getting upset. A tear began to form. I quickly sniffed it away. "That's it James! I'm coming over" Wil said hanging up. Fuck sake! He doesn't need to come over and baby sit me! I just went to see ems maybe that would make me feel better. "Ems?" I said quietly knocking on the door. She opened the door. "Mhm....?" She said. "Your alright?" I said. "I guess...i had a nap..i feel better now" she smiled. Her smiled seemed off... "that's good darling..umm will is coming over.." i said. "Oh okay" she said. She hugged me. I hugged her back. I felt really upset.. a single tear fell from my face. "Why are your crying?" She said looking up and me. "No reason darling..don't worry.." i smiled. "Okay..if you're not okay..tell me please James.." she said. "I will darling.." i lied. I wasn't going to worry her with my worries. She buried her head into me. "Hey...are you sure you're okay" i asked. "Maybe...I'm not sure..I'm worried i guess.." she said. "Hey..what's worrying you now?" I asked. "" She said. Me? "Why? I'm okay darling.." i lied again. "You're not..don't lie to me! I heard you in your office. I'm sorry..i worried you i never meant to!" She said clearly getting upset. "Hey shh no I'm okay darling! I promise!" I said. "Please believe me...I'm okay sweetheart" i said frantically. "You're not and I'm sorry it's my fault" she said now crying again. " no don't cry sweetheart shh please..." i said rubbing her back. "I really didn't mean to.." she mumbled. "Look it's okay..i have help if i need it okay? I'm your help yea? I'm here for you..every time you need it" i said. She looked at me. I wiped her eyes with my sleeve gently. Suddenly the door knocked. I went to open it. It was will. "Oh hi Wil" i said. "Hey okay?" He said looking at me. "Have you been crying? Your eyes are red.." he asked me. "Nah I'm fine..I'm fine" i said. He looked at me weirdly. "Your not are you? James your stressed out your fucking mind! Look i think you need to go to bed" Wil said. "I can't I've gotta look after ems and.." i said Wil cutting me off. "Go to bed. I'll look after ems" he said. "Fine!" I said going to my room. I layed down and tried to sleep
Ems PoV:
I walked out to see Willne sat on my sofa. "Hey will" i said. "Hiya..umm I'm looking after you for a bit while James sleeps okay?" He said. "Is James okay? He seemed really stressed and upset..i didn't mean to upset him by telling him how i felt" i said sitting next to him. "He's okay ems..he just worried about you okay? He'll be okay soon" he said. I still felt bad. "But..I'm scared I've really hurt him. He asked me to tell him how i felt but i wouldn't off if it meant he would become worried.." i said. "Hey no he's okay..he's going to be worried about even if you hadn't of told him. It's what happens yea?" He said. I began fidgeting my leg bouncing as i thought harder about how much i might of hurt him. "I'm really sorry! I really didn't mean to" i said. "Hey ems please stop..he's okay. Just having a rest. He was up late that's all love" he smiled. I was getting more panicked. Why was he up late!? Was it because he was worried? About me? Fuck had i caused this? "Ems hey hey...what's wrong?" Wil said. Nothing was wrong? I hadn't even noticed i was panicking. My chest hurt so did my head. "Hey shh calm down" he said. I breathed hurt. I winced. "Hey are you okay ems?" He asked again. "No...i can't breathe.." i said. "Hey okay's okay..." Wil said. He seemed to not know what was happening. I stood up as my vision blurred. I went into James room. "James? James where my inhaler?" I asked frantically. We'd found out i had asthma. Sometimes during panic attacks I'd need my inhaler to help. James woke. "Darling what? Are you alright?" He said confused. "Where's my inhaler? I-I need it.." i said. I stumbled backwards. "Hey hey..okay sit down.." James said he grabbed my arms gently and sat me on his bed. He left the room and came back. "Hey here..I've got it. Ready? Breathe breathe breathe" he said as he pushed the inhaler down. He did that a couple times until i could breathe. "There you's okay now sweetheart" he said. "Sorry..for waking you.." i mumbled. "It's fine i wasn't sleeping really" he said. "Is everything okay?" Wil said coming in. "Yea! Everything's fine Wil" James said. He crouched infront of me. "Darling can you see now? Your chest still hurt?" He asked me. "I'm okay..thanks James.." i said. "What's happened? She just panicked and i didn't know what to do" Wil said. "She just had a panic attack. She needed her inhaler i forgot to tell you where it was..sorry Wil" James said. "Fuck..I'm so sorry ems. Are you okay?" He asked me. "I'm fine Wil my bad" i said. I hugged James. "Thank you..I'm sorry again" i said. "It's no trouble darling..i should have told Wil where i kept it just incase" James said hugging me back. I buried my head into his shoulder. "You're okay now darling.." he said softly. "I apologise for not telling you Wil. Ems will be didn't have to come round I'm fine Wil honestly" James said. "I'm staying here for a few days i don't care if you want me to or not" Wil said. "I'll see you tomorrow" Wil walked out. "James..I'm so sorry" i said again. "Hey don't apologise you did nothing" James said to me. "Cmon why don't we watch some tv in bed?" He asked me. I nodded. He sat on his bed grabbing the remote. I sat next to him. He was the greatest dad ever. Okay yes i was adopted but fuck that! I'd rather be adopted by the kindest man alive than live with my abusive as fuck parents! I felt tired so closed my eyes. Just for a moment..
James PoV:
Ems fell asleep next to me. I was still kinda worried for her. She seemed happier now someone knew..but she never seemed as happy as before. "Night darling" i said kissing her head. I scrolled though insta until i slowly fell asleep..

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