Part 32

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A week after Ems was raped

James pov:
Ems was still in pain but the bruising had gone down a lot. She's been feeling upset and was fairly anxious. She didn't like the fact that she couldn't do much. "Hey Ems? I've got to go out will you be okay alone?" I asked entering her room. She was laying down and i heard light sobbing. "Hey sweetheart? You okay..." i asked sitting on her bed. She nodded. "You sure?" I asked. "I'm fine" she sniffed sitting up gently. " me if you need anything" i said. She hugged me before laying back down. I was worried but left for my recording. I called Tom to see if Molly could come and look after her while we filmed. He said she would be round soon. I left the door unlocked for her...

Ems pov:
"Hey sweetie" someone said. It was molly. "Hi.." i mumbled. "You feeling okay?" She asked. "Not really.." i said. "Oh love..James told me what happened with your waist. I'm so sorry" she said. "It's fine" i said trying to move. "Ah fuck!" I said as the worst pain I've felt shot through my waist. It was meant to be better! "Hey..hey be careful" Molly said concerned. "I'm okay.." i lied. "Sweetie..i know your in pain don't try and hide it" she said. "I'm not. Just please don't mention it! I'm not ready to deal with it!" I begged. "Hey hey.. I'm not going to. I'm just worried like James yea?" She said sitting in my bed. I moved gently and slowly to sit next to Molly. "How worried is James?" I asked. "I'm not sure exactly but I've overheard him talking to tom. He sounds very worried. He's just worried about how it's going to affect you okay?" She said wrapping one arm around me. "I'm just worried about James being worried..." i said. "Hey don't be..James is okay yea? You just need to focus on fully healing yourself" Molly said softly. "Okay.." i sniffed. I layed my head on mollys shoulder. She began softly petting my hair. My waist hurt still and the pain was pulsating thought it. "You okay?" Molly said noticing my discomfort. "I'm good just my waist again" i said. "Do you need your pain killers?" Molly asked. "Yea..they are in the bathroom on the counter" i responded . "Okay I'll grab them" Molly said getting up. I had to stand up as the pain was getting worse. Molly came back and gave me my painkillers. I wasn't excited to deal with it for another hour. "Molly..." i began. "Mhm?" She said sitting at my desk. "James said that..if my waist wasn't better in 7-10 days we'd have to go to hospital again..." i explained. "Yea..." she said. "But the pains just gotten worse and worse..." i admitted. "Okay. Do you want me to tell James when he's back?" She asked me. " much as i hate hospital i can't take this pain much longer" i said. "Okay sweetie. You've got the pain relief gel if you want me to put that on for you" she said. "No..thanks tho. It just makes me sticky and i hate the feeling" i Said. "Alright..I'm sorry sweetie i can't help you anymore" she said. "It's fine..I'm okay. When will James be home?" I asked. "Not sure. A few hours probably" Molly said. "Okay...can i be left for a bit?" I asked. "Of course. Just shout if you need anything" she said leaving my room.  

Time skip.
James pov:
I'd just come home from recording. "Hey James. Just before you go see Ems can i tell you something?" Molly asked me. "Yea of course" i said. "Ems Said that her pain has only gotten worse over the last few days and wanted me to let you know that she thinks you should take her to hospital. I think she's quite worried" molly said. "Oh Ems..okay thanks for telling me and thanks for looking after her" i smiled. "Anytime" she said , leaving. I went to Ems room and she was listening to music. I could see the pain in her eyes. "Hey Ems" i said tapping her gently. She took off her headphones and looked at me. She had pain written all over her face. "Hey sweetheart...i know your hurting but can you hold off till tomorrow?" I asked softly. "Mhm.." she said. "You sure? I can take you now if you'd like" i said. "I don't just hurts" she whined. "Oh sweetheart i know..look let me call the emergency line again yea?" I offered. "Yea.." she responded. I took my phone from my pocket and dialled 111...

Ems PoV:
James spoke for what felt like forever! Please just fix the pain! I thought. It was supposed to be better so why wasn't it!. "Ems.." James said coming off the phone. "They are going to send a paramedic to come and look at your waist okay?" James said. "Mhm" i said folding forward into james' lap. "Ems..." James mumbled. "I'm sorry..." i said. "For?" James questioned. "Being annoying! I can't deal w it because I'm a pussy!" I said. "Hey! Ems no you do not say that about yourself! Being raped fucks with your life and pain is part of that! I'm never going to find you annoying for feeling pain! I want to help you and if i don't know when you're in pain i can't help you" James said. I just stayed quiet. James carefully picked me up and sat me in his lap. "I'm sorry for snapping darling" he said quietly kissing my head. "It's fine...I'm fine..." i said. I wanted it to go away so bad. Just then the door knocked....

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