Part 12

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James PoV:
Fuck sake! Emily's left, what if she gets hurt more!? Or something happens.'re over thinking this! I was getting leg was shaking. "Stop your's okay she'll be fine.." i said to myself quietly. "James?" Tom said, "oh hey" i said. "You alright mate? You seem anxious, Wheres ems?" He asked sitting next to me. "She...left" i said. "Is she okay?" He asked. "I'm not sure..she shouted and left. She was hurt..from earlier. But didn't say anything. Then she said she didn't want me to fuss and left..." i said a tear in my eye. "James, she's gonna be fine" he said placing a hand on my back. "But what if she's not? i over thinking this?" I said. "James it's okay. She's 15..I'm sure she going to be fine yea?" Tom didn't sound certain. He hugged me and i cried. "Oh James..hey shh your okay" he said. It wasn't normal that i cried..or had a child comfort me. But it made me feel better.. i felt someone else hug me. "'s okay" someone said, this time Tubbo had joined us. They both comforted and hugged me. Suddenly i got a call. I picked up my phone and Tom and Tubbo let go of me. "Hello? Ems?" I said. Emily had called me. I hadent realised but she'd been gone for nearly an hour.. "James! I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore.." she said. She sounded like she was crying, "ems? Darling what do you mean you can't do this? Can't do what?" I asked frantically. "Life James! I can't do life! It's to hard. I'm sorry" she said. "Emily! No no no! Where are you darling? You're not doing this! Not today.not ever!" I said standing up. I put her on speaker and put my shoes on. The others looked at me fear in their eyes. "I'm sorry! I can't deal with it. I'm sorry i shouted at you! I'm sorry...i didn't mean it. I just don't like the attention. I've grown up with no attention and now I've got it all. It's to much! It's like I'm a baby again!" She said. I heard cars driving past. "Ems darling please! Don't do don't need it, it's not the way out! Emily!" I said rummaging to find my car keys. "Tell Tommy thank you for all the fun filming. Tell Tubbo he's funny and to never give up. Tell Ranboo he's fucking beautiful and tell George to have fun when he goes to Florida. Tell Molly i couldn't have asked for a better person to talk with or have fun with. And James..tell yourself. And remind yourself.. it's not your fault and i love you.." she said. The line went dead. "NO NO NO!" I shouted running to my car. The other followed. I got in and started it. Tommy was in the car with me. The others were inside crying. Tommy had a tear in his eye. "James what's happening? Why is Emily saying that!" He asked. I drove . "She's going to fucking kill herself! And it's my fault!" I said driving frantically. I tracked her phone. Tom stayed quiet and cried. "Tom it's okay we're get her. She'll be fine" i wasn't convinced myself. We got to the bridge and i saw her. I stopped the car and ran to her. "EMILY! EMILY! PLEASE!" I said. "James I'm sorry! I can't!" She said. "EMILY LOOK AT ME! LISTEN TO ME!" She turned to face me. "Emily darling..I'm here. Your okay. You're safe, I'm sorry for not realising. I'm sorry for being a shit parent. I'm not used to it! Please!" I said frantically. Tommy was behind me on the phone. I think it was Molly. "James it's too late i can't.." she covered her ears. Fuck! Police sirens. "Emily darling.. it's okay." I walked towards her. She took a step backwards. "Emily! No" i ran towards her. I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to my chest. I sat on the floor and held her close. "Shh Emily it's okay.." she was shaking at the noise. "Ems cmon it's alright" she cried. "Shh love please" i placed my hand on her chest and rubbed it gently trying to calm her. She buried her head in my chest. "I'm sorry! Just make the noise stop" she said. Tom came over. "Here!" He said handing me some headphones from his bag. I put them in ems ears and gave her my phone to play some music. She instantly began calming down. The police began shouting. "LET GO OF THE KID!" They shouted at me. "NO!" I retaliated. I kept calming Emily as best as i could. Soon Molly came running over. "Emily! My sweetie" she said kneeling next to ems. Emily looked at her, "I'm sorry" she said. "Hey it's okay shh shh" Molly took Emily from me. I saw the police pointing guns at me. Fuck sake! "LEAVE THE KID!" They shouted again. "SHES MY DAUGHTER! FUCKING LEAVE HER ALONE!" I Shouted. Molly kept hold of Emily. She had her hand covering ems head. The police were now pointing the guns at Molly. "PUT THE KID DOWN!" They shouted again. "YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS BEFORE WE SHOOT!" They loaded their guns. "Molly they won't. Don't leave ems please!" I begged. "3....2....1" BANG!...
Ems PoV:
I heard a gunshot. I looked up from Mollys shoulder. She was trying to stop me looking. I saw James ..laying on the floor. Blood..everywhere... i took out the headphones and cried. "JAMES! NO!" I Scratched Molly trying to get her to let go. She did. I ran to him. "JAMES! JAMES PLEASE!" I begged. "Ems..I'm fine.." he said before blacking out. "JAMES! NO PLEASE COME BACK TO ME! DONT LEAVE ME IM SORRY!" I lent my head on his chest and cried..."James..I'm sorry..please" i begged again. Molly came over to me. "Ems.." she said. I shrugged her off. "James.." i said again. The paramedics pushed me and took him away. "NO JAMES!" I Shouted. It's alll my fault! If i didn't want to kill myself he would still be fine! Tom picked me up. "Ems shhh kiddo it's okay" he said. I cried into his shoulder. Molly hugged me and Tom. Tom never let go off me. I dug my hands into his shirt. I couldn't deal with it! It's no fair! "Tubbo and the others are on their way" Tommy said. He was crying too. I wiped his face before continuing to cry from mine. Police came over to us. "We need to talk the kid. She needs to come with us" they said. "Tom please don't let them" i mumbled. "No. Emily is staying here" Molly said. "Mam we need to take her" they said. Again. "No! Why?" Molly asked "she needs to be taken to care until her dad can take her back. She needs help" the officer said. "No! She's fine" Molly said. "Ems!" Tubbo ran over. Tom passed me to him. I assumed Tom was going to talk with the police. "Ems king. He's okay"  Tubbo said. He rubbed my back. I was fifteen. And being passed around everyone like a child. This was the reason James was hurt. Because i didn't want to be treated like a child. But here i was being treated like a child and accepting it. Something about it made me feel safe, how everyone is treating me with kindness. But at the same time it was overwhelming..i was 15 and light enough for everyone to pick up. Shows how much i ate. I couldn't hear what Tom was saying. I just cried..."shh! It's okay. James is strong. He'll be okay." Tubbo said. Tommy appeared behind Tubbo. "Ems" he said. I looked at him. "No ones taking you. They have agreed to let you stay with me and Molly. We'll look after you. They have taken James to hospital.." Tom said. I began crying again. "Hey no shh shh he's okay" Tommy said frantically trying to calm me. "What if he's not? What if he..dies. Then what happens?" I said. "Hey no he won't" Tom said. "But what if he does!" I said again. "Ems let's not think about that right now yea?" Tubbo said putting me on the floor. I instantly just collapsed in tears. "Oh ems.." Ranboo sat next to me. I hadn't even realised that Ranboo and George were both here to. Ranboo hugged me. I layed on him and continued to cry. I didn't feel anything other than sadness and anxiety. I could only think about what would happen if he died. Would he? This just made me sadder. I clutched James phone. It was in my pocket from earlier. I looked at the lockscreen. It was a picture of me and James from the school vlog. I hugged the phone like it was it was the only thing that had James memory. I looked at Tom. He was crying. So was Tubbo. I felt bad for them. "Ran, please make sure Tom and Tubbo are okay. I'm fine" i said sitting up. "Alright" ran said. He walked over to toms and Tubbo. I cried and cried. I looked around. The cars were returned to normal. Driving past. James car was no where to be seen. I guessed they had taken it home to ours. I punched the floor in anger. It was my fault! My stupid fault! If i hadent of acted on my thought he wouldn't have been shot! It's my fault and my fault alone! I closed my eyes and punched the floor again and again. The floor was concrete. Until it wasn't. I was punching something soft. I looked up. It was George. "Emily you can't hurt yourself. It's not your fault" he said. "It is! It is my fault! If i didnt call him to tell him he wouldn't have tracked me! He wouldn't have come here, he wouldn't have been shot! It was my fault!" I screamed crying again. "Emily no! It's not your fault! Calm down. It's okay shh" George picked me up. Everyone does. Like I'm a doll. Yet it was still comforting. He hugged me close. Carrying me to Tom. He placed me down. I hugged Tom. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to kill him!" I said. "Hey ems no you didn't kill him" Tom said. "I did! If i didn't come here he wouldn't have got shot! I'm sorry" i said again. "Ems..let's just go home" Tom said. Molly came over and held out her hand. I took it, we walked back to toms apartment...

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