Part 25

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James pov:
I walked back to the house after an hour or so. I'd walked down to the park and sat on the grass. I had a panic attack then just stared at the stars for a bit. I saw wil sitting on the couch half asleep and assumed Ems was in her room. "James! Finally I've been worried" wil said. "Sorry man and I'm sorry i snapped I'm just dealing with a big mental blocker right now" i said. "I'm just gonna see if Ems is okay" i walked down the hall. I opened her room door to see her wriggling and moving violently. Fuck she was having a nightmare. "Ems Ems hey Shh Shh" i Said sitting on her bed. She kept ticing and moving. "Calm down it's okay I'm here" i said taking her hands to avoid her hurting herself which she'd already done. "Ems!" I Said shaking her as it was clear she wasn't going to calm down. She sat up quickly and began to cough. "Your okay" i said. "I feel like throwing up" she mumbled in between her coughs. "Hey you properly just got a bit motion sick." I said. She kept coughing for a minute and i began to worry that maybe she was sick. "WIL?" I shouted. Ems flinched softly. "Sorry" i mumbled to her. Wil came in. "Can you grab the bucket from my bathroom" i said. He nodded and went to the bathroom. He soon came back and placed the bucket next to the bed. I moved it to Ems Lap and rubbed her back. "You have a nightmare?" I asked as her coughing slowed. "Mhm" she responded. She coughed again. "Alright darling.." i said. She seemed really stressed and looked slightly pale.  I ignored it as i was more focused on the nightmare. "What was it about" i asked. "My sister..." she said a tear forming. "Oh love..okay" i said. She was clearly really missing her sister . I'm guessing me pushing the idea of pills onto her made her worry and think of her death... i felt awful.. was it my fault? "James...I'm so sorry" ems said. "Hey love your not at fault for anything. I shouldn't of pushed you okay? Your clearly missing your sister and having a hard time" i said. "I'm not im fine i just can't deal with it. I miss her James! I really fucking do! It's been 10 years! 10!" She said. "I know darling i know" i said as she lent on my chest. She sobbed lightly. "It's okay Ems" i whispered kissing her head. Wil looked at me. I smiled back weakly. Ems sister was only a few years older than her, she died at 10 because her parents wanted her on pills for supposedly having adhd which she didn't and Ems did. They just wanted the free cash they were given for child support. Ems was close with her sister as that's the only person who made her feel safe when her parents didn't. When her sister died Ems took the fall of her parents anger. "Shhh..shhh your okay darling" i said softly to comfort Ems. Wil came over and whispered to me. "Have you noticed how pale she looks?" He asked. "Mhm" i responded. Ems had stopped crying she was slowly fluttering her eyes. "Shh..." i kept whispering rocking her gently hoping she'll sleep. Soon she was. I placed the back of my hand on her head and she was warm. "Does she feel warm to you?" I asked wil. He placed his hand on her. "A bit yeah.." he said looking at me concerned. I layed her down and left the bucket next to her bed. I knew exactly was wrong with her. I walked out and sat on the sofa my legs shaking. I began to cry. "James hey hey what's up man?" Wil said sitting next to me. "She's fucking made herself sick!" I said. "What..?" Wil said confused. "She's overthought and her anxiety has made her sick! Her anxiety has been triggered because of me trying to force her to have pills she doesn't want which has made her think of her sister and now her body can't handle the overwhelming feelings of anxiety and panic and anger and the trauma she's reliving so it's finding other ways to distract itself which is by making her sick!" I said all in one. "Woah Breathe man..." wil said placing a hand on my back. "It's my fault!" I said standing up and beginning to pace. "James you need to calm down" wil said. "Just leave me alone!" I said. And with that i went to my room...

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