Part 5

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James PoV:
"Ems.." i gently shook her trying to wake her. She stirred for a minute before sitting up. "Oh hi..sorry did i oversleep?" She asked. "No you haven't darling. I'm going to drop you at toms in an hour if that's okay?" I said sitting on the bed. "Oh yea..what time is the gig?" She asked. "I've got to be there for 12. So I'm dropping you at toms for 11. So I've got time to get ready" i said. I walked out and let her get ready. I went to my office to do some work. At around 10:30 i heard a knock on the office. "Come in" i said calmly. "I'm sorry to interrupt you.." em said walking over to me. "You've not interrupted anything darling, what's up?" I asked them. "I-I'm just worried about going to Tom's .. I've been feeling really lightheaded and what if i like..what if something bad happens?" She said anxiously fidgeting with her fingers. "Darling..come here" i said. She came over. "Do you want me to send Tom a message? Let him know you're feeling a bit off?" I asked her. "'s not too much trouble" she said. "Of course it's not darling. I'll message him now" i said hugging her. She smiled and walked off. I messaged Tom.
(Bold is tommy)
Tom Simon's
Hey toms. Ems came to me earlier a bit worried. She's been feeling lightheaded and is worried something might happen. She asked me to let you know. I'll drop her round soon.
Aww poor ems. That's all good James. I'll keep an eye on her
Thanks we'll be on your way in a moment.
Ems PoV:
James called me. "Ems time to go darling" he said. "Okay.." i grabbed my fidget cube and followed James. I put on my shoes and me and James walked to the car. After a while we were at a home in which i assumed was toms. "You ready ems?" James said opening my door. He held his hand out. I took hold of it. We walked up to the other apartment block. Tom lived in one about 15 minute walk away. Tom buzzed us in and we walked to his apartment. "Hey ems!" Tom said opening the door. "Hi..." i said. James looked at his watch "oh shit I've gotta run!" He said. "Bye James..." i said. "Bye darling I'll be back soon" he said hugging me. Tom shut the door behind me. He crouched down infront of me. "James told me you were feeling a little lightheaded at the moment. If you need a moment to lay down or a drink or whatever just let me know yea?" He said. I nodded. He stood up. "There's someone i want you to meet" he said walking into his living room. "Emily this is Molly, my girlfriend. Molly this is Emily or ems,James kid" he introduced us. "Aww hi!" Molly said. "Hi!" I smiled. Molly was really pretty. And her style was fuckin awesome! "You're gorgeous!" I said to Molly. "Hey! Kidddo lay off! She's mine yea?" Tom joked with me. "Thanks em" she said. Me,Molly and Tom sat down and chatted for a while. "Ems you want some food? It's late" I looked at my phone. It was 8pm. "I'm okay thanks...I'm not hungry." I responded. "You've not eaten since you arrived" he said looking at me concerned. I wasn't sure how to say this.. "Tom..I've got anorexia..i can't just eat" i said. "Oh ems..does James know?" He asked. "Mhm he's been helping me" i said. He smiled before looking at his phone "I'll be back in a moment" Tom said walking off to his office. It was just me and Molly.
"I've seen your art online! I love it so much!" I said. "Aww thanks! I don't post often" she said. "Yes but when you do it's really cool!" I said back. "Can you excuse me a sec? I need the toilet" i said. She nodded. I walked over to the hall to go to the bathroom. Suddenly i felt incredibly dizzy. "Em? You Alr" Molly asked. I couldn't speak. I grabbed the wall. "Ems?" I felt someone behind me. The voices were fading out. The world was fading out....
Molly PoV:
"Emily?" I said again. She was just stood there gripping the wall. Suddenly she fell. I caught her. "Hey I've got you!" I led her down to the floor and rested her on my lap. "TOM!" I shouted. "TOM PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP! TOM!" I shouted again. He came out. "Molly what's up?" He said running over. I looked down at Emily then back at him. "Em? Em? Hey can you hear me?" Tom said. He knelt down next to Emily. He shook her slightly. "Ems? Can you hear me?" He shook her again. "Do we call James?" I asked. Tom looked at the clock. "It's almost 9 he'll be on stage" Tom said. "What do we do? I don't get why she's just passed out" i said. "James messaged me to say she was feeling light headed earlier. She was worried something might happen and i guess it has" he said. He ran off and came back with a towel and some water. He dipped the towel in the water and placed it on ems head. He rubbed ems arm slowly. We sat there for a bit. Em still didn't wake up. I looked worryingly at Tom. "Molly she'll be okay" Tom said holding my hand. As much as I'd just met Emily i felt scared and worried for her. I've got little sisters and brothers. She felt like another one. I was really fucking worried. Em moved slightly. "Ems?" Tom said. Em tried sitting up. Tom helped her. "Ems I've got you your okay..." Tom said. Em looked scared and confused. Her hands began shaking. I took hold of them. "Emily..your okay. Breathe" i said calmly. "W-what happened?" She asked looking at me. I glanced at Tom. He gestured for me to tell her. "You passed out." I said, she freaked out. "What!? I-I...I'm sorry i didn't mean to! It's my fault...I'm really sorry plesse don't hit me!" She said frantically. "Em...hey calm down, calm down. Breathe..I'm not gonna hit you. Why would you think that? Please breathe..." i said trying to calm em down. She kept crying..."hey come here" i said pulling her into my chest. "'s okay sweetie. Shhh" i rubbed ems back slowly. "Shh" i kept whispering rocking her side to side slightly. I looked at Tom. He was sat there in shock. "Tom can you get em some water please?" I asked Tom. He got up and walked to the sink. "I'm so fucking sorry! I didn't mean to!" Emily said anger in her voice. "Em it's not your happens yea?" I reassured Emily. I continued rocking her as she cried. "Shh"... tom came back and passed me some water for em. "Here..have a drink" i said passing it to em. Her hands were shaking so i held the glass for her. She took a sip. "That's it. Calm down" i said as she kept sipping the water. After a while she was fully calmed. "Would you like to lay down for a bit?" I offered her. " if you don't mind.." she mumbled. "It's not trouble" i stood up and helped her stand. I led her to the bedroom. "You relax here. It's okay." I said closing the door. I walked back to Tom. "Wha- where did you learn to do that?" He asked. "siblings, mum was always out" i said. He came over to me and hugged me. "I'm proud of you Molly. Em looked really happy having you there"...
Emily PoV:
"Ems?" I felt someone shake me. "Mm?" I said. "James is here.." Tom said. "Oh! Okay.." i got out of the bed..
"Hey ems! How was it?" James said. "It was okay..". I said bluntly. "Tom? Was em okay?" James asked. "She was perfectly behaved. We had a slight mishap but Molly delt with it fine" he said. "Where is Molly?" Asked. "In my office kid" Tom said, i ran to the office. "Molly!" I excitedly said. "Hey sweetie!" She said. "Thank you! So much I'm sorry i passed out but thank you for comforting me" i hugged her. "Oh it's okay. I'm glad you're okay now..." she said. James called me so i went back to him. I said goodbye to Tom and me and James drove home..

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