Part 4

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James PoV:
Ems had gone back to her room again. I felt bad for her. I sat down on the sofa letting her have their own time. It was 5pm. Tom was coming over in 2 hours. After half an hour em came over to me. "James, I'm really sorry" she said standing in the hall way. "What for darling? You've not done anything" i said putting my phone down on the coffee table. "I'm sorry for my panic attack, i don't know what happened i just couldn't breathe and I'm sorry" she said sorrily. "Darling..ems. It's not your fault yea? People can't help having panic attack sometimes it happens yea?" I said patting the sofa next to me. She came and sat down. I wrapped my arm around her. She rested her head on my shoulder. "Ems..Tom is coming over in around 45 minutes. Do you want to try eating something?" I asked. "I can't.. i don't feel like it .." she mumbled back. "Darling you need to eat something, please. I'm going to do my best to help you" i said calmly. "Okay..I'll try..." she mumbled. "Thanks darling. What would you like to get?" I asked. "I don't mind..anything" she said. "Alright how does pizza sound?" She nodded. I ordered pizza. At about 6:30 the pizza arrived. We sat down at the table. Em picked up a slice of pizza. I looked at her and smiled. "It's okay , you can eat" i said. Slowly she took a bite. She tensed up a bit. "Hey it's fine..take it slow" i sat down and ate some pizza. After a while she'd finished a slice. "I can't eat anymore. I'm sorry" she said. "Hey you ate a whole slice! I'm proud of you!" I said. "Oh shit! It's 5 to 7! Toms coming over in a few" i quickly cleared up , i finished just as the door knocked. "Ems can you get that for me darling?" I asked. She got up and opened it . "YOOO! WHATS UP JIMBO!" Tom shouted. Em covered her ears. I ran over. "'s okay" i said grabbing ems wrist and pulling her hands away from her ears carefully. "He's just loud..don't worry" i reassured her. "Who's this?" Tom said sitting on the sofa. "This is em. She's my daughter..well hopefully" i said. "It's tommy flippin innit! In front of me!?" She said. "Yea! You know me?" He asked em. "Fuck yea! Watched you since 2019!" Em seemed excited. "Woah! How old are you!" Tom seemed to like her. "15!" She smiled. "Aww! Mate this kids fuckin adorable" Tom looked at me. "Right do you wanna start stream?" I asked him. Tom followed me to the office. "I'll be back in a sec Tom" i walk back to em. "Hey darling. Anything you need? I'm gonna be in my office for about an hour." . "Okay..have fun" ems said going to her room. I walked back to the office. "So James how did you meet this kid?" Tom asked sitting in the chair next to mine. "She was sat outside the apartment block in the rain. I felt bad and brought her in. Learnt she was kicked out for not being straight. Her parents abused and disowned her. I've adopted her as long as the authorities allow it!" I explained hitting the go live button. "Oh cool" Tom said. The starting soon screen faded out. "How we doing boyzzzz?" I asked chat. "I wanna see your days outta 10!" I began thanking subs and explained what we were doing today.

Em PoV:
I sat in my room. Watching James' twitch stream. Suddenly my mum texted me.
(Bold is her mum)
Evil bitch 🧙🏼‍♀️ (mum)
Hey darling! So i heard some famous guys adopting you! Let's be real here doesn't really want you! He's doing it so his fans think he nice! Don't get your hopes up!
What do you fucking want? Please just leave me alone!
Darling don't swear at me! I'm your mother!
Funny that! You DISOWNED ME! remember?
Well! I still gave birth to you! I brought u into this world and I'll take you out of it!
You're in bitch! I'll find you and drag ur ass home for a beating!
*this contact has blocked you*
Fuck, she would find me an all! She can't take me out this world! Not if i do first. Wait no don't think that. You don't wanna die..right? I honestly wasn't sure! Maybe i did. I had a shit life,shit treatment from everyone. What was the point of James adopting me? It wouldn't end well anyways. wasn't good to even consider it! Maybe i should talk to James about it..he wouldn't care! "OH MY GOD SHUT IT JUST STOP!" I Shouted at myself! "Shut...up!" I said to myself again. I hit the wall in frustration. I kept hitting the wall. My knuckles began bleeding but I didnt care. I went in my bag and found my blade. I always kept it in my bag. I placed it on my wrist...slowly i dragged it across my wrist. I bit my lip as it stung. I cut it a few times. My wrist was now bleeding a lot. I didn't know what to do so i just pulled my hoodie back over it. It began bleed through my hoodie but i ignored it. My knuckles bled to. I pretended i didn't know. My hands were shaking but i just picked up my phone and listened to music...

James PoV:
"OH YEA REALLY?" i responded
"Chat I'm done bro! We're gonna raiddddd... We'll raid Tubbo! Chat please go give Tubbo some love. Have a lovely day! Bye" the chatters left and went to Tubbo stream. "That was fun" Tom said. "Yea. Wanna hang for a bit?" I asked Tom. "Yea sure. I'm not doing anything" he said. We walked out to sit on the sofa. "I'm just gonna go check on ems I'll be back" i said walking to ems room. I knocked. "Ems?" I said poking my head round the door. She looked at me and took her headphones off. "Oh hi!" She said. She looked like she'd been crying. "Ems are you okay?" I asked her. "Mhm.." she looked down. I noticed her hoodie was stained with red. "Ems..why is your hoodie stained red?" I asked. She stuttered "No reason.." . "Emily? Have you done something?" I was concerned. "no! I haven't!" She snapped back. "Okay..okay. Tommy is still here if you want to say hello" i said walking out the bedroom back to tommy. Em followed me. "Hi ems!" Tommy said. "Hi!" Ems said coming over. Suddenly my phone rang. "Hello?" I picked it up. It was my mum. "Oh umm yea i can" i said walking to my office leaving em and Tom alone.

Emily PoV:
"So ems! How are you!?" Tom asked me. "I'm fine, you?" I responded. "I'm good!" He said. I was fidgeting with my hands. "Em your knuckles are bleeding are you okay?" He asked me. "I'm fine. Why does everyone assume I'm not!" I snapped back. "Hey Emily I'm sorry" he said. "No I'm sorry Tom i shouldn't have snapped. I punched the wall and it split my knuckles" i said. "Ems..why'd you punch a wall?" He asked me. "I-I my thoughts were arguing against each other and it got to much.." i admitted. "Aww ems..don't do that it's not good! Please don't hurt yourself" he said hugging me. I hugged him back. He released from the hug and took hold of my hands. He glanced down at my arms then looked at me. "I'll be back in a moment.." he said looking at me. He went into the office where James was. Fuck was my cover blown?

James PoV:
Tom came in the office as i said goodbye to my mum. "You Alr mate?" I asked him. He looked worried. "Umm Emily has..cuts all up her wrist..and he knuckles are bleeding, she said she punched a wall and it split her knuckles" he said. "WHAT?" I shouted. "She said her thoughts got too much and she punched the wall" he said. I walked out to Emily. "Emily? You told me nothing was wrong! Why didn't you tell me you'd hurt yourself?" I said trying to stay calm. "I thought you would hate me. And i didn't want you to worry! I'm sorry James please don't hurt me" she said curling up. "Em I've told you many times! I wouldn't dare hit you." I crouched down next to her. "Ems.. show me what you've done..i won't be mad.." i said. She slowly held her wrist out. I rolled up her sleeve to reveal five cuts. "Oh darling.." i looked at her. Tears in her eyes. "It's okay ems come here" i held my hand out and she took it. I led her over to the sink in the bathroom. I picked her up and sat her on the bathroom counter. I got a cloth from the cupboard and damped it with water. Tom came in. He stood in the doorway. Em looked at him. I carefully wiped the blood from her wrist and knuckles. "Ems..what did you use?" Tom asked her. "A blade, i keep one in my bag.." she said. I got some disinfectant from the first aid kit "this might sting a bit ems" i said. Carefully I dabbed it over her knuckles and she winced. Tom came over and held her hand. She smiled at him. I carefully tapped the disinfectant over her wrist cuts. Then i bandaged her hand. "I'm really sorry James" she said tears in her eyes. "Hey shh it's okay" i said. I picked her up of the counter i didn't put her down i just held them. She cried into my shoulder. I rubbed her back with my free hand. She was really light..probably because she'd not eaten for three months. "I'm proud of you em. Please just tell me if you feeling like hurting yourself..or if you have yea?" I asked her. "I promise.." she said. I put her down and she ran to her room. I left her alone for a bit. At around 9:30 Tom went home. I went into ems room to give her a glass of water. She was sat in bed crying. "Hey ems shh.." i said sitting next to her. "What's wrong?". .."i feel reallly bad for worrying you. I did it because of my mum and i know that's no excuse but I'm so sorry!" She said in one breath. "Hey's okay. I'm not mad okay?" I reassured her. She went in her bag and passed me a piece of paper. I opened it and it had the blade. "Oh ems..." i said placing the blade in my pocket. "Darling get ready for bed and I'll wash your hoodie" i said. She nodded and i left. At around 10 she came out and gave me her hoodie. "Go to bed em. I'll wake you up tomorrow...are you okay with tommy looking after you for the day?" I asked. "Yea..why is he?" SHe looked puzzled. "I've got a gig. I'll be home around 11 but toms happy for you to sleep at his till i can pick you up" i said placing the hoodie in the wash. "Okay.." she walked back to her room. I came into her room just before i went to bed. She was awake still. "I've got a gift for you" i handed her a small box. She looked at me. I nodded. She opened it. It revealed a fidget cube. "Thought it might help with your anxiety" i smiled. "Thanks" she said hugging me. "That's okay darling" i kissed her on the head and left to go to bed...

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