Part 28

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Ems being out and helping Tubbo was good. She was probs just trying to find something to do. I was sat in my office responding to emails and messages .Just then i got a call from Ems. "Hey Ems" i answered. I was greeted with a raspy out of breath sounding Ems. " me" she said. "Ems hey..what's wrong? You having a panic attack?" I asked. "I-I...was raped" she cried. "Hey hey okay Breathe..where are you?" I asked instantly worried . " to the office. He dragged me" she cried. "Okay okay I'm on my way just breathe" i said putting on my shoes. Her phone cut off. Shit! I called Tubbo and explained while i ran to find Ems. I heard her sobbing in the alley. Tubbo was running down the alley to Ems much like me. "Ems hey hey Shh im here now baby I'm here" i said quickly kneeling by her side. She was curled up against the wall. I gently picked her up from under her arms and pulled her into my lap. I sat cross legged and rocked Ems. "Im sorry James.." she cried. "Hey it's not your fault okay? Just breathe" i said placing my hand on her chest. Tubbo sat the other side of her. "She's got a massive bruise on her waist.." Tubbo said. "I'll look later... can we take her into your office?" I asked. "Yes we can go now" he said. I quickly picked Ems up. She was shaking as i could tell the adrenaline was wearing off. "Shh it's okay" i said kissing her head. We got into tubbos office and he texted the other to do something else with chat as he was dealing with something. "Tubbo call 999" i said quietly but ems still hurt. "What no! Don't do that!" She cried harder. "Hey hey Shh i has to" Tubbo said. "Ems you know it's for your safety. I know your scared but it won't take long I'm sure. Just allow it okay?" I said. "James...i don't want t-.." she winced trying to move. "That's why" i said placing her next to me. "Ems Just Tell me what hurts while Tubbo talks to them yea?" I said. "Everything! It all hurts!" She cried. "Okay okay..Breathe" i said sensing her panic. She took a deep breathe and winced more. "Hey your okay...I'm here. Tubbos here okay?" I said. "Mhm.." she said. Soon the paramedics came in. They were gentle and patient with Ems. I explained how quickly she was overstimulated and they understood. They explained to Ems that we were going to go to the hospital for a few checks and after almost having a panic attack we got in the ambulance. I sat with Ems the whole time. I could sense how tired she was getting but also how much pain she was in. It was growing close to 1am. Fucking NHS hospitals take ages. FINALLY i got to take Ems home. She was clear of anything nasty and i was told to warm her up to going out alone again and how to help her though what she felt. I was told to just let her feel how she feels and be there when she needs which i would be anyways. I was going to let her deal with it however she wanted. I always supported her and always would. If she wanted to be left alone in a room to cry for hours without interruption she could be. If she wanted to sit with me for an hour and watch a film to deal with it, she could. I just wanted her to be okay. "We're almost home sweetheart" i said taking her hand. She just looked at me sleepily and pained. When the taxi pulled up i thanked and payed him before helping Ems. When we got in Ems ran to her room. I left her for a little bit and went to my room to sob quietly. Oh my baby...I'm so sorry. I thought. After an hour or so i went to see if she was sleeping...

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