Part 6

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James PoV:
It was almost midnight. Me and Emily were home. "Darling, go to bed. It's late" i said. "Okay. Also...I'm sorry for embarrassing you" she said. "What? How have you embarrassed me?" I asked. I took hold of her hands and looked at her. "I-Because i passed Toms. I'm sorry" she looked away. "Ems, it happens at times yea? I'm not mad or embarrassed" i reassured her. "Promise?" She asked "promise" i hugged her. "Go to bed darling. Your body needs time to rest. Especially if you've passed out." She nodded and walked off to bed.
Time skip
James PoV:
I woke up a bit later than usual. I checked on Emily. She was still sleeping soundly. I decided it would be best to leave her sleeping. I went to my office to plan a video with Willne. "Hey Wil" i said picking up the discord call. "Sup jimbooo" he said.  We sat down planning. About 2 hours later i heard a knock on the door. "Come in" i said. Em popped her head round the door.. "one second will" i said muting and turning towards em. "I'm not interrupting anything am i? If i am i can come back later" she said. "No darling your not. What's up?" I asked. " know when i umm..hurt myself.." she said. I nodded. "Yea what about it?" I looked at her concerned. "And you said to tell you if i did it again..or felt like it" she continued. "Mhm? Ems have you done something?" She nodded and fell to the floor in tears. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She began. "I just couldn't talk to you. It didn't feel right! Please don't be mad! I washed it and put a plaster over it. I'm really sorry!" . I got up off my chair. "Darling hey shh shh. It's okay" i picked her up and walked back to my chair. I sat down with her on my lap. "Shh..darling" i whispered rocking her gently. She cried into my chest. I saw Wils face on the discord call. I ignored it and focused on ems. "Calm down ems..breathe it's okay. I'm not mad" i reassured her. "I'm really sorry..." ems said again. "Em it's fine..I'm not mad. It's hard to stop once you know how. Just calm down..." i rubbed her back and pulled her close holding her tightly. Ems broke my heart. I felt so bad for her. She eventually calmed down. "Do you wanna stay on my lap while i finish working?" I asked her. They seemed pretty happy knowing i was here. She hugged me. "I'll take that as a yes" i chuckled.  "Also ems? The authorities called me, your officially my daughter" i said. She looked at me. "Really? Aww yay!. I am happy and excited. Sorry if i don't seem it" she said laying her head back on my chest. I smiled "i know you are darling" i kissed her. "Sorry Wil I'm back" i said plugging my headphones in unmuting "JAMES!? WHAT? SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAVE A FUCKING KID?" He shouted. "Wil! She's my adopted daughter." I said. "SINCE WHEN DID YOU WANT KIDS?" He shouted still in shock. "She was outside the apartment block. She was fucking hurt! I brought her inside. It's not fair she should have lived on the street. Her parents disowned her sadly..and i adopted her. I wouldn't change that ever" i said. "Aww James mate you're so soft!" Wil 'joked'.
"Wil! Mate that's not funny! She was fucking hurt and scared! You think I'm going to just leave a kid on the fucking street? DO YOU ACTUALLY EVER USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN TO THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY! SHE NEEDED A HOME AND IVE GIVEN HER ONE! JUST FUCK OFF!" I shouted leaving the call. I looked down and em had her hands over their ears. "Hey? Ems? Darling what's up" i asked her. "Ems?".. i wrapped my arm around her. "She looked at me. Slowly she moved her hands off her ears. "Sorry" she mumbled. "Hey don't be sorry. Was it me? Because i shouted?" I asked. She nodded at me. "Oh darling I'm so sorry! I didn't realise shouting scared you" i kissed her head. "It's fine..can i go lay down please?" She asked. "Yea of course" i responded. They walked out the office.
Emily PoV:
I felt dizzy AGAIN! I didn't want to tell James, I'd just worried him by saying I'd hurt myself. I turned my light off and layed face down on my bed. My head was pounding. I can't fucking do it! It's not fun! I layed there, thinking. I was trying to sleep? Maybe? I'm not just hurt and i wanted it to stop. "Ems?" James whispered. I felt the bed next to me move. I'm guessing he sat down. "Mmm" i said. I wanted to be alone. "You okay? You didn't wanna hang around much after i shouted. I'm sorry if i scared you or upset you. I didn't mean to" he said. "It's not you" i said back. It was muffled by my pillow. "What's up then darling?" . I shrugged. "Nothing. Nevermind" i said. "Ems..what's up? Talk to me yea? I'm here for you." He sounded worried. "I was just dizzy again. My head is pounding but I'm fine..just forget it" i mumbled.
"Oh ems darling..." he placed his hand on my back. "Ems maybe you need to eat" he suggested rubbing his hand up and down my back slowly "Why? I hadent eaten for 3 months until i met you! Then you get me to eat one slice of fucking pizza and then i started getting fucked up! Passing out and being dizzy all the time!!" I snapped at him. "Ems..I'm sorry. Maybe it's just because you've eaten something and then you haven't...". He sounded hurt. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to snap at's my fault once again! WHY AM I SO STUPID!" I sat up and hit the wall. "Hey hey hey.." he grabbed my hand. "Darling theirs no need for that..don't hit the wall.." he said. "James! When you first let me in i told you i didn't you to adopt me because i was worried I'd hurt you or me. And I've done that! I've fucking slit my wrists and snapped at you! I can't fucking control myself! I FUCKING HATE IT!" I shouted at him again! I'm fucking stupid! "Darling calm down. Todays been to much for you... just breathe, I'm trying to help you.." he said. I looked at him. "James. I can't! Just leave me alone please" i asked him to leave. "Alright ems...come find me if you need anything" he let go of my hand and walked out...

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