Part 27

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Ems PoV:
I woke up and felt a little better. "Wil?" I said walking out not seeing James. "Mhm!" He said. "Do you know where James is?" I asked. "Yes..he's in his room. Do you need him?" Wil said. "Yea..i won't be long talking to him" i said. "Okay" Wil said. I walked to James room and opened the door. "James?" I said. "Hey darling" he smiled looking at me. "Hi" i said. "You okay..?" He asked. "Kinda. Do we have any pain killers? My head hurts like fuck" i said. "Yea I'll grab you some" he said going to the bathroom. I sat down on his bed. "Here" he said passing me a couple with some water. "Thanks" i said taking them. "You feeling better other than your head?" He asked. "Yea...mostly" i said. He sat next to me. I lent on him. "You sure?" He asked. "I don't know" i said. "Your feeling something more and your not telling me" he said. I was hiding only one thing from him. My intense anxiety. I was just fully filled with anxiety, over the meds and the illness and James and everything! "I'm not" i lied. "You are" he said. "Okay but it's not much...I'm just really anxious" i admitted. "Okay. That's fine sweetie don't hide that from me" he said. "Sorry" i mumbled. "It's okay" he said. I cuddled myself into his side. He hugged me back. I closed my eyes...

James pov:
Ems suddenly had her head in my lap. She was sleeping. "Oh baby.." i said placing my hand on her head. I ran my fingers over her forehead. She seemed to be sleeping pretty quick i wondered if maybe she'd not slept too well. Wil came in. "Hey James" he said. "Hey" i said. "She okay?" Wil asked. "Yea..she's just tired. She had a headache and I've given her some painkillers she'll just sleep for a while" i said moving ems onto the bed. I placed a pillow under her head and kissed it before walking out. "I've got to go back to mine...I've been called home, to Newcastle" Wil said. "Oh everything okay?" I asked. "Yeah yeah" he smiled. "Alright man I'll see you later" he said leaving. "Bye" i said. I sat down until ems came out..

Time skip (a week)
James pov:
Ems was better now but still seemed anxious. "Hey Ems?" I said to her going to into her room. "Mhm?" She said sitting up from her bed . "You okay?" I asked. "Yea..." she said. "You sure? You seem off" i said sitting with her. She cuddled into my waist. "I'm fine..just thinking a lot" she said. I hugged her again. "Thinking about?" I asked. "Just things...i don't really wanna talk about it" she said. "Okay..that's fine" i said. She closed her eyes. "Tired?" I asked. "Yep.." she said. "Alright.. I'll let you sleep" i said. "Okay.." she said laying down. I left. She was really tired all the time and i was beginning to worry. Was she slowly slipping into depression? I had depression at one point so understood the signs. I decide to leave it. "Hey james?" Ems said a few hours later. "Mhm?" I said. "Can i go to tubbos?" She asked. "He needs help" she said. "Yea of course. Is everything okay?" He asked. "Yea he needs help setting up something. The rest of the gang are entertaining chat while we set up!" She said. "Okay. Be safe sweetie" i said. "I will" she smiled leaving. If she wanted to go out it was worth it. At least she was socialising still.

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