Part 9

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(MASSIVE TIME SKIP! Em has been with James for 5 months now)
Em PoV:
Id been with James for a while, it was great! I'd started eating more my anxiety was less and he taught me ways to cope with my anger. I'd been showing development of asthma. The hospital reckon I've had it since birth but my body learnt to fight it...i was sure it wasn't but they gave James an inhaler in case. I've been mostly good. So i doubted i needed it.. it was possible i would grow out of it. Tom had filmed a couple vlogs with me in them. We were going to film one today. Meeting James was great! I'd become great friends with Tom,Tubbo and Aimsey. Willne was funny as well. I'd gone to see him a couple times to watch Wil and James film. "Ems?" James said knocking on my door. "Mhm?" I said putting my mascara on. I was so excited yet anxious! He came in "hiya darling. You almost ready?" He asked. "Yea. What are we filming?" I asked. "We're filming a video where i hunt you guys in a school" he said sitting in my bed. "Oh sounds fun" i picked up my glasses. Me and James walked out to the car. We eventually got to the school we were filming at. Tom greeted us and Tubbo and Jack manifold were there to. We said hello then got changed into some kind of fake student uniforms. "Right! You guys ready?" Tom said. "GET OUTTA MY SCHOOL" James shouted. I flinched slightly but Tubbo had covered my ears. "Oh shit! We can do what we want!" Tom said running off. Me and Tubbo followed with Jack. Tom instantly ran into a door "Ahhahahaowww" Tom said. "You good king?" I asked. "Yea no worries ems I'm chill" he said . We all ran around for a bit. We went to the hall and played a piano. Well Tubbo did. It was really funny we had a fake fight with James. Then we ran away again. I found a music room and began playing a guitar. Tubbo and Jack had gone away. It was just me and Tom. I played car lights. The we heard a scream. "RUN!" Tubbo shouted Running past us. We followed. I lost the others. I was alone. I felt dizzy. That's why i stopped. The other hadent noticed. I sat down where i was and leant against the wall. I tried taking deep breaths to calm myself. It didn't work. Everything was spinning. Tubbo came over to me. "Hey king you alright? I lost the others and came to find you.". He sat next to me. "Ems? Hey what's wrong?" He said. "I-I can't's spinning...all of it" i mumbled. I placed my head in my hands. "Hey. Okay okay alright.." he said. He stood infront of me. "I'll go get James just try breathing it's okay" he ran off.
Tubbos PoV
I ran to find James i saw him. "JAMES! JAMES! DONR TAG ME!" I shouted as he came towards me. "JAMES! STOP! it's em she can't breathe! James I'm not joking!" I said frantically. "What! Where is she?" He said. "Hall!" I said. He dropped the megaphone and ran..i tried to catch up to him. I was out of breath so i walked...
James PoV:
Em was sat on the floor. Her breathing was fast paced. She was trying to breathe. I could see her struggling. "Darling, hey hey shh I'm here" i said. "I can't breathe..." she stuttered. "Hey hey it's okay.." i looked through my pockets frantically for her inhaler. "Fuck!" I mumbled. It wasn't in my pocket. It was in my jacket not the clothes Tom had give me. I ran to the classroom where we'd gotten changed. I found it an ran back. "Hey shh" i said. I helped her use her inhaler. "Shh I've got you" i said "calm down..shh shh. Breathe" i rubbed my thumbs over ems hand. She was slowly breathing normally again. "Shh" i calmed her. "Ems..your okay now yea?" I asked. She nodded. "Yea..sorry James" she said. "Sorry Tom. For stopping the recording" she said. I hadn't noticed Tom and the others were here. "Hey no probs kiddo. I'm glad you're okay" Tom smiled. I hugged ems. She hugged me back tightly. "Your okay" i whispered rubbing her back. "You need to take it easy ems" i said. "I know I'm really sorry. Don't be mad." She spoke to me anxiously. "Darling I'm not mad. Don't worry it's okay yea?" I said letting go of the hug. "James? Did i do something wrong?" Tom said. "Has something happened to ems? Did i need to watch out for her?" Tom sounded worried. "She's fine Tom don't worry. She's go developing asthma. Her body's used to being pushed extremely so her body leant to fight it. Now they have a less stressful life her body's not fighting it" i explained. "Can i go outside for a sec?" Ems asked me. "Yes of course. Jack,Tubbo can you take her outside?" I asked them. "Yea no problem mate" Jack said coming over. He took one of ems hands and Tubbo took the other. They all walked outside. I sat down and explained to Tom everything that happend. He seemed really upset. "Don't worry it's not your fault toms" i comforted him.
Emily PoV:
Jack and Tubbo came outside with me. "You okay ems?" Jack asked. "Mhm" i sat on the wall. I felt bad. Like I'd ruined the video. "Sorry" i said. "For what king?" Tubbo said sitting next to me. "Ruining the video.." i said. "Ems you've not ruined anything. You can't help it" Jack said sitting the other side of me. "I should have just dealt w it myself. Sorry tubbo" i apologised. "Ems! King! Stop apologising you've don't nothing wrong" Tubbo hugged me. "I feel like i did." I said. Sighing. "You didn't king don't worry" Tubbo said again. My head still hurt slightly so i lent it on Tubbo. "Your alright king.." he said petting my hair slightly. Jack smiled at us then went back inside. It was just me and Tubbo outside. The cold air made me shiver slightly. "Do you want to go back in?" Tubbo asked. "Yea please" i Said. Me and Tubbo walked inside. I went over and hugged tom. "I'm sorry for stopping the recording" i said, sniffing. "Hey ems. You didn't! It's no issue" he said hugging me back. "We've got a lot of footage, enough for the video. Please don't worry." Tom said. He leg of of the hug. "Ems? Do you wanna go?" James said. I nodded. "See you soon ems" Tom said. "Bye.." i mumbled, me and James walked to the car. He drove me home. We came inside. "I'm sorry James." I said. "'ve apologised so many've done nothing darling, please stop feeling so bad" he said. "I just feel like i always ruin everything! Because i either push myself to hard or i just can't control myself!" I said hitting the counter. "Hey! Ems! No! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO STOP HITTING THINGS? YOU WINDE YOURSELF UP AND MAKE YOURSELF ANGRY! ITS NOT FUCKING FUN! YOUR HURTING YOURSELF! IVE TOLD YOU HOW TO CONTROL THIS!" James shouted and walked off to his office. I began to sob..he never shouted at me. Ever! Maybe a couple of times but by accident. And it wasn't malicious. This didn't seem like an accident. My hand was bleeding and i hadent noticed. I washed it under the sink. The bleeding didn't stop. I wrapped it in a bandage. Pretty shitly. It's difficult to do with one hand. I went to my room. I was fully crying now.. i felt like shit. Like hurting myself. But I'd done that already by loosing my temper again! I didn't know what to do so i called Molly. "Hey sweetie! You alright?" Molly asked. I sniffed. "Molly. I didn't know who to call I'm sorry if i interrupted you" i said. "Hey sweetie it's okay. What's wrong you sound upset" she said. "I couldn't breathe in toms recording today. And i felt like i ruined it. So when i came home..i got angry and punched the counter. And James shouted at me i don't know what to do" i cried. "Hey ems shh it's okay. I'm coming over" she said. "Okay..thanks" i said. She hung up. A little while later i heard a knock. "Hi.." i said opening the door. "Sweetie hey...shh shh" Molly instantly hugged me. "I'm sorry" i cried into her shoulder. "Sweetie don't be sorry. It's okay" she said. She took off her shoes and closed the door. Me and her walked to my room. She sat on my bed and i sat next to her. She wrapped her arms around me. "Ems what happened.." she asked. "With James.." she finished. "I don't know. I just got angry and punched the counter..then he just lost it." I began crying again. "Ems sweetie shh" Molly pulled me into her lap and rocked me gently. "Is your hand okay?" She asked. I showed her it. She moved the bandage that had basically fallen off and looked at it, she held it in hers. "Oh ems..." it was brusied and bleeding. "I'm sorry.." i said. "Ems it's okay, no one's made at you.." she said. "Other than James.." i mumbled. "Sweetie I'm sure he's not mad at you. He probably worried and it just got to much for him..why don't we go clean you up?" She suggested. I nodded and got off her lap. We walked to the bathroom and she cleaned and dressed my hand. It hurt but it had stopped bleeding. Molly and me walked back to my room and sat down. She hugged me tight rocking me side to side slowly , rubbing my back gently. "Shh.." she kept whispering...

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