Part 13

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Tom PoV:
Emily was so upset. Molly and her were walking up ahead. I felt so bad for her. I opened my apartment as soon as we got there. Ems went in and sat in my office. Me and Molly left her. We assumed she wanted some time alone. We glanced at her every now and then just to make sure she was okay. She was just sat on my chair , knees pressed to her chest. She was holding a phone in her hand starting at it. Tears falling from her eyes. I thought it was her phone until i saw the sticker. It was James phone. When James grabbed her. i gave him headphones for his phone so ems would calm down. I felt bad she looked so distraught. "I'll be back in a sec Molly, I'm going to see if ems is okay." I said standing up. I knocked on my office door before entering. "Ems? Kiddo are you okay?" I said. "He's so sweet..he didn't deserve it.." she said. "Ems it's not your fault. You need to understand that. He did it to protect you. They wanted to take you and he knew you wouldn't like it." I said. "He passed you to Molly so you wouldn't get shot. When they threatened to shoot Molly. He stood in the way" i explained. "But if i didn't make him come find me. They wouldn't have shot him!" She began crying again. "Hey no. It's not your fault! Don't get upset" i picked her up and sat her on my lap. I swung the chair side to side slowly to calm her. She didn't get go of James phone. I looked at the lockscreen. It was her and James, no wonder she didn't want to let it go. "I can call the hospital to get an update if you want?" I suggested. She nodded. "Molly!" I called. "Yea?" She called back. "Can you get my phone please?" I responded. She came in and gave me my phone. She looked at ems and smiled. I rung the hospital. "Hello? Brighton hospital" they said. (Bold is the hospital to make it easier). "Hi I'm calling with regards to an update on a patient" "what's their name?" "James Marriott" "relation to them?" "Friend. I'm looking after his daughter and she would like an update" "okay. All i know about him at the moment is he was brought in with a shot wound just below his heart. He was taken into surgery and he is currently there. I have no further updates" "okay can you tell me when he's out of surgery?" Emily head shot up. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "We can call you yes." "Okay thanks" "no worries bye now" "bye". I hung up and looked at ems. "Surgery? Have i killed him?" She asked panicking "hey no. Calm down. They are just helping him". I said. She was panicking a lot. "Ems shh it's okay". I have her the fidget that sat on my desk. I wasn't sure how to deal with panic attacks. That seemed to help her. I rocked her still. My heart sunk. Fifteen, and she's run away from home. Found a new dad and now she believes she's the reason he's hurt. I held her and rubbed her arm. She slowly relaxed more and more. Soon she was asleep on my lap. It was only 5pm. I didn't move her. She was clearly upset and hurting. If she was happy sleeping on my lap she was welcome to. Molly came over. "She sleeping?" She asked. "Yea. She thinks she caused James to get hurt. She didn't tho. She's not convinced. I feel awful for her" i said. "She will be okay i hope. I'd let her sleep for a bit. She'll calm down and hopefully we can talk to her tomorrow. I feel awful to." Molly sat on the other chair in my office. "It must be so difficult for ems. James will be fine right?" I said. "I'm sure he's okay.Have you had an update?" Molly asked me. "Yea he's in surgery, they couldn't tell me anymore, idk why he's having surgery tho." I said. I looked at ems. A tear ran down her face, she was asleep but still crying. "Shh" i said wiping the tear from her face. She stirred in my lap. "Hey you're safe." I said. She relaxed again. "Oh ems.." Molly said. Me and Molly chatted for a while. Ems was still sleeping.. we heard a knock on the door. Ems woke up. "Hey ems go back to sleep kiddo" i said. Molly went to answer the door. "TOM? I NEED EMS" She shouted. Ems went to see Molly. I stayed in my office.
Ems PoV:
"Are you Emily Marriott?" The officer asked. I nodded. No one had called me that before it made me feel happier. "Your dad is James Marriott yes?" He asked. " he okay?" I asked. "An officer shot him earlier today. He went into surgery but sadly didn't wake up" the officer said. "HES DEAD?" I Shouted shaking. "Potentially. He's currently in a coma and nothing is going to show if he wakes up or not. Worse comes to it you're have to decide what to do. I'm so sorry to inform you on this. You're welcome to go see him. I hope he wakes up for you lovely" the officer walked back to her car. I broke. He's dead? He might be dead? What! I'm a müderer I've killed him! I collapsed to the floor and cried. "Ems hey shh shh" Molly sat down trying to calm me. "IVE KILLED HIM! HES DEAD AMD ITS MY FAULT!" I shouted "hey no no! Shh shh you've not done anything sweetie" Molly picked me up of the floor. "Calm down it's okay" she rubbed my back and hugged me tight. "Ems I'm so sorry" Tom came up behind me and hugged me. "I've killed him..I'm a murderer..." i cried. "Ems no your not! You haven't done anything!" Tom said. "Calm down calm down." Molly kept trying to calm me. I didn't want to believe it! He was dead..DEAD! "HES DEAD! HES GONE!" I shouted. I was upset and angry and worried! "Hey no no! He's in a coma it's different. He could wake up ems and i promise he will" Molly said. "Can i be left alone? Please" i asked. "Yea is toms office okay?" Molly asked. I nodded. She carried me to the office and placed me on the chair. She walked out and shut the door. I took James' phone and hugged it again. I cried and cried and cried..
Molly PoV:
"She's fallen asleep again." I said. Tom looked over. "Awh poor kid." Tom said. He stood up and got a blanket. He quietly walked over and placed the blanket over ems. He turned off the light leaving only the small lap in the corner on. He picked up James' phone and placed it on her chest. He walked out and sat back with me. "She'll be okay. Maybe we should go to bed, it's late" i said. Tom nodded and me him headed to bed.

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