Part 14

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Ems PoV:
I woke up. I wasn't sure where i was. I looked at the phone that sat on my lap. It showed 6 am. The Lock Screen  me and James. "James.." i whispered to myself. I remember .. james. I began to cry. I realised i was in toms office. I wanted James! Suddenly someone came in. "You okay sweetheart?" A sleepy Molly said. I didn't say anything. "Sweetheart?" She said again. "I miss James...I want James!" I cried more. "Hey shh shh i know i know you do" Molly said hugging me instantly. "Calm down it's okay" Molly said calming me slightly. "I just want James home! I miss him" i said, "sweetie i know. You will soon" she said. Soon a sleepy Tom appeared behind Molly. "Love it's early why are you up?" He said rubbing his eyes. He looked at me "oh ems what wrong kiddo?" He asked. "She misses James.." Molly said. "Oh ems" Tom stood behind his office chair where i was sat. He rubbed my shoulders. "Look we can take you to see him if you'd like" Tom suggested. I nodded. "Get ready kiddo. We're go in a few" he said walking out the office. Molly followed. I washed my face and brushed my hair. I carefully repositioned my beanie. Molly and Tom were waiting for me. We walked to the car and got in. We drove to the hospital. Once we were told the room James was in I ran. "James!" I said running over hugging him. I cried into his chest. The nurse came in "Oh hello! You must be James' daughter" she said. I nodded. "James is doing okay Yk kid. He should wake up soon. He's breathing on his own. That's a good sign!" the nurse said walking out. Tom and Molly were finally here. We sat for a while. Suddenly i heard a long beep. His heart had gone dead..a  rush of people came in. I screamed and cried and begged for them to help him. Tom and Molly dragged me out the room. "Ems hey hey shh shh it's fine" Molly said. She looked at tommy worryingly. I buried my head into Mollys chest. It felt like ages until someone came out. "Can we speak to miss Marriott please?" The lady said. I walked back in the room. Molly and Tom stayed outside. "I'm sorry to inform you..but your father has...passed away." The lady said. I froze...
Toms PoV:
We heard a sudden scream. Me and Molly looked at each other and ran in. Emily was on the floor screaming and crying. "NO! NO! HE CANT BE!" She shouted. "James Marriott has died.." the nurse said walking out. Oh fuck! "Ems hey hey shhh shh" i rushed to her. I sat on my knees infront of her. "Hey sh sh. Ems it's okay please calm down" i said. She punched the floor. I moved my hand to stop her. She allowed herself to fall into my lap. She cried and cried and cried. "Oh ems. I'm here shh shh" i tried reassuring ems. It wasn't working. Molly came over. "Ems I'm so sorry..sweetie shh shh please!" She tried. She rubbed her back. "Cmon kiddo i know you're upset. I am too but breathe. Calm down...we are going to help you..." i said. "HES DEAD! HES FUCKING DEAD! AND ITS MY FAULT!" She shouted. "Ems hey no no! It's not your fault. He was trying to protect" i rubbed her back. "Molly call philza. Please!" I said handing Molly my phone, she called Phil and soon he appeared in the room with us. Kristen was with him. "Hey kid..shh" Phil said. Phil carefully picked ems up of my lap. I went outside with Molly and cried. I broke! I was being strong for ems..but one of my best mates had died! "Tom hey it's alright" Molly hugged me. I cried into her shoulder.
Ems PoV:
A different voice was trying calm me. "Breathe ems. I know it's hard but try your best love" someone else said. Someone was rubbing my back. But it wasn't Tom. I looked slightly. It was Phil and Kristen. I cried. "He's gone! He's fucking gone!" I said. "Hey shh i know..i know. Calm down, calm down..." Phil said. "HES FUCKING DEAD! I CANT LIVE WITHOUT HIM!" I punched the wall behind me. "Hey no don't do that! Cmon love's okay.. breathe..." Kristen said. "I need him.. i want James!" I said. "I know you want him love! I'm sorry you can't..he's gone..I'm so sorry!" Kristen said. I let go of Phil and went to the wall. I punched it . Over and over and over...until my fist was bleeding and brusied. "Ems! Cmon stop! It's okay" Phil said. He didn't stop me. And I'm glad he didn't. I slid my back down the wall. I felt upset. And angry! "HE PROMISED HE WOULDNR LEAVE ME! HE PROMISED!" I shouted. "Ems i know! Just listen to us! He's dead! You're old enough to understand! You can't get angry over it! It happens! Look at Technoblade (o7) it happened to him...and I'm sorry it's happened to you!" Phil said. I hugged him. "Shh..." he calmed me.. Tom came in crying. I ran to him. "Don't cry's okay!" I said sniffing. I was crying...but i didn't want him to be. He picked me up and held me close. Molly joined the hug. Soon we were in a group hug.. i cried. And so did Tom.. he was dead,, gone for life...

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