Part 24

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Ems pov:
No! I didn't want meds! No way! I don't even need them..just because my anxiety is bad doesn't mean i need meds...i knew in reality it was for the best... my panic attacks were worse. I didn't want to have to take them though. I wrote down a few things that i wanted to tell James but could. I then knocked on the door of his office and handed him it. "What's this?" He asked taking it. I ran back to my room.

James pov:
I opened the paper and saw a small letter. "The reason i don't want to take meds is because my sister died of them. I don't want to die like her..i really don't! Please don't make me! I know it's getting bad i know the panic attacks are becoming worse but i don't want to die!" It read. "Oh love.." i mumbled. I went to her room. I knocked. "Darling..?" I Said opening the door. She was sat on her bed panicked. "Darling..hey. Calm down.." i said quietly going over to her. She looked at me. "Love...your not going to die...I'm so sorry your sister died in that way.." i said sitting on her bed. She looked at me and sniffed. "'s okay" i said as she broke down. "Hey shhh shh" i said as she fell into my lap. "Calm..shh" i whispered softly rubbing her back slowly. "Love i understand why your scared to have them but i promise they will help...if your sister overdosed on them i promise you won't" i said. "The doctors provided her to much! They told her to take more than she needed and more times a day than she needed! SHE DIED because of it! and i watched her...i watched her die. Slowly...fading from me" Ems cried harder. "Hey I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry i promise that won't happen! I'll keep count of your dose so you don't have to worry about it..." i reassured her. "But..please! I just don't wanna risk them!" She said. "I know your don' me i do. But your letting your anxiety control how you feel.I know you know that you need them. Your anxiety is getting to bad that somethings gonna happen darling" i said admitting she was becoming dangerous. "Just one more day! We have a recording tomorrow and if i have no anxiety or panic attacks we can wait longer!" She asked. "Okay Cmon you need to sleep." I said. She lifted her head off my lap. I dried her teary face and kissed her head. She curled up into a ball. "Goodnight" i Said as i walked out closing the door. I was worried about her. She curled up in a ball when she was worried, in pain or when she was very stressed. I walked back to my office and closed the door instantly getting upset! I was angry she didn't want the meds but respected her wishes and understood why she didn't want them. I wanted her to have them as it was exhausting for everyone and especially her to deal with her levels of anxiety. I grabbed a stack of paper and threw it across the room in upset and anger. I then broke. I collapsed on the floor in tears. I glanced at my computer and saw wil was calling. I quickly wiped my eyes and answered. "I'm outside James let me in" wil said. "Alright" i said hanging his and walking to my door. Why was he here!? I opened the door. "Right James! Sorry I'm here so late I....Have you been crying again?" He asked cutting himself off. "No what do you want wil?" I said. "I told you yesterday i was coming round for a few train was delayed. You've definitely been crying. What's up?" He asked again. "Nothing..forget it" i said. He looked weirdly at me. "Well let's go to your office and chat about the recording for a bit before we sleep" wil said beginning to walk to my office. "Wait no!" I called as he opened the door. He looked around the room for a bit. "What happened? James something is up!" He said. "No its not! IM FINE EVERYTHINGS FINE JUST LEAVE IT!" I shouted. I stormed out of the house....

Ems pov:
I Heard shouting. It made me jump. I went out to find James. I only saw wil. "Hey Ems.." wil smiled weakly. "Why did James shout...? Where is he?" I asked. "He's just gone out he'll be back" wil said. "But why did he shout..? Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay" i said getting upset. "Hey Shh don't cry Ems he's fine he's just stressed.." wil said walking over to me. I hugged him and cried more. All I'd done today was cry. Why was James always upset or stressed. It was me right? "Did i stress him out..?" I asked. "No i don't know what did. Ems. If I'm honest i just arrived and he looked like he'd been crying and when i asked if he was okay he just snapped and left. I'm sure he's fine" wil said hugging me back. My anxiety was now set off. I tried to hide it but wil noticed. "Hey don't get anxious. He's okay" wil said. "I'm not anxious.." i lied. "You are's obvious. James is worried about you yea? He's just doing his normal and having a walk to calm down" wil said. "I'm just gonna go to bed" i said letting go of wil. "Alright.." wil said. I walked to my room. I layed down and curled up. I just thought about how my mum died but how it would make James happy if i risked it and had the meds...

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