Part 2

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James PoV:
It was 9am. I heard a video playing from the other room. I was confused for a moment until i remembered Emily was there. What was i gonna do with her? I couldn't kick her back out! But she's not mine legally... i got up and walked into Emily's room. Tommyinnit video was playing on her phone and she was peacefully sleeping. I picked up her phone and paused the video. I placed the phone on the side table and brushed ems hair out her face. She stirred for a minute before jolting awake. "I'm sorry! I overslept I'm sorry!" She said instinctively. "Hey shh you've not overslept..don't apologise" i said sitting down on the bed. "Sorry.." she said. "It's fine kiddo you haven't done anything please don't think you have. If you're still tired you can go back to bed. I'm not gonna tell you off" i said smiling. "It's okay..I'm awake now" she said softly. Suddenly their phone buzzed, they picked it up and looked at it. She began shaking and tears were in her eyes. " okay?" I asked concerned. She dropped the phone and put her head in her hands. "Hey shh shh it's okay..what's wrong?" I said. "Look at the phone..." she mumbled. I pick it hurt me what i saw.

(Bold is her mum)
Evil bitch 🧙🏼‍♀️(mum)
Emily! You fucking twink! If you thought your could ever coming back home to me and your dad then your wrong! We've disowned you! Have fun being unloved you fucking problematic child! Your a waste of space and don't you forget it!
*This contact has blocked you*
"Emily..I'm so sorry" i said. I placed the phone down and shuffled closer to her. She was in tears. "Shhh don't listen to them. You are loved and you're not a waste of space!" I said hugging her , rubbing my hand up and now their back trying my best to comfort them. "Who loves me!? Fucking no one! All i ever am is someone's punching bag or someone's burden!" She said. "Hey! Your not! So many people love you! I know at least one person who does..." i said hugging her tighter. "And who would that be?" She mumbled through the tears. "Me...i love you" i said. It was true. I did love this kid. She'd been in my life for a day and i loved her like my own! "I may of only had you in my life for a day but your lovely! You're amazing at guitar, you're polite and your sweet! You haven't shown much of your personality to me but I'm sure it's fucking awesome! Even if they don't want you i do if you want me.." i said. She looked at me. "Really?" She asked wiping her tears "yes really. I'd love to have you in my life! I'd care for you and help you however i can" i Said. "I couldn't let you do that James... I'd love it but it's not fair. You can't deal with me" she said. "Emily..i want you! Why would i not be able to deal with you? You're a kid and you need a home, I'm willing to give you one" i said looking at her confused. "I've got to many problems for you to be able to deal with...i can't deal with them at times and i live with them". I felt so bad for them! "Emily whatever 'problems' you have i don't care! I'll help you and care for you whatever! Why do you think i can't?" I asked genuinely interested in why she thought this. "I-i have ADHD..and anxiety. I have outbursts of energy and random emotions changes. I can't always control them and i don't want to hurt you.." she looked down. " won't hurt me. Never be worried to express your emotions around me. If you feel any emotion for any reason you're allowed to feel it! Look I'll go make some breakfast and we can talk properly yea?" I said getting up and walking to make food.
Em PoV:
Food.. ugh my stomach tensed at the thought. I'd not eaten for nearly 3 months now. Yes okay I'll admit it made my life more difficult but i was too fat. Did James really want me? I'd interrupt his life would i not? How would he deal with my ADHD? My anxiety? How would he react when he found out about my eating disorder? What would he think of me? I had so many thoughts crowed my head. I quickly grabbed my headphones and plugged them into my phone. Playing music and turning it up full blast to distract me. I layed down and too deep breaths trying to stay calm. I flapped my hands as it helped me feel calmer. It was a strange thing to do according to my parents but it helped me.

James PoV:
I'd finished cooking some bacon sandwiches for me and em. I walked to her room and opened the door. She was laying on her bed, headphones in and breathing deeply. "Hey em?" I called. No answer. I walked over to the bed and wiggled the mattress slightly trying to get her attention without scaring her. She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Oh hey James..sorry" she said sitting up taking her headphones out. "It's fine. You okay? You were breathing quite deep" i asked. "I'm good" she said smiling. "You sure?" I asked again. "Mhm!" She said. "Okay food ready cmon" i said walking out of her room. I realised they weren't following me. Maybe they went to the toilet i said sitting down waiting for her. I went on my phone and saw Tom had replied to my message.
(Bold is tommy)
Tom Simons
Hey man wanna stream with me?
Hey James sure I'd love to stream with you!
Today good? Theirs someone I'd like you to meet!
Yea sure man! See you at 7?
Yea cool
Emily came over to the table. "Hey ems" i said putting my phone down. Meow Otto jumped onto my lap. I chuckled and pet him. "Didn't know you had a cat.." em mumbled. "Oh yea! His names Otto wanna say hi?" I asked. She came over and pet Otto gently. He purred. "Aww he likes you!" I laughed. She smiled. "Your foods gonna get cold. Why don't you sit down and eat it. I'm just gonna feel Otto quick. I got up and grabbed ottos food. I watched Emily as she just sat theirs staring at her food. I fed Otto them came back over to her. "You can eat it..I'm not gonna stop you" i said sitting back down. "I-I can't James I'm sorry" Emily got up and went back to her room. Wanting to respect her privacy i knocked on the door. "Hey em, i don't know what your parents have said or what they did but in this house you're allowed to eat food .." i said calmly. I stood outside the door as they hadn't said if i could come in. "It's not that.." she said. "It's just... i..i haven't eaten in almost 3 months. Don't be mad please" she said her voice cracking. My heart broke. I enetered the room. "Darling..why would i be mad?" I said walking over to her. "If you haven't eaten i want to help's not good to starve yourself whatever the reason!" I said. I sat on the chair in the room. I looked at her "i thought you'd ..think i was weird..or something" she said after a while. "Darling , ems.. come here.." i said opening my arms. She looked at me for a moment before coming over and hugging me. I felt my shirt getting wet as she sobbed quietly. "Shh it's okay" i said rubbing her back soothingly.. "anorexia recovery can be difficult but I'm willing to help you. You just need to trust me yea?" I said. She nodded. " know you said you'd want me..if i wanted you?" She asked. "Yea..what about it?" . "What if i said i did..want you" she said.. "I'd gladly take you! I looked into how to adopt you. It's simple..we just have to get the legal documents signed by me,you and a social worker" i explained. "Can we?" She questioned. " of course darling" i said letting go off the hug. "Just promise me..that if you adopt me. You won't hit me.." em said moving away. "Oh em..I'd never!" I felt a tear in my eye. This kid broke my heart! She's so fucking traumatised she thinks I'm gonna hurt her or thing she's wrong. Poor kid man! "Get dressed ems and I'll call the authorities to get you adopted yea?" I said. She nodded...

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