Part 30

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James pov:
The letter in my hand clearly had something in it that was needed to be told. I didn't feel i could face it alone so i got on the next train to london. Wil was in and i needed him. After a long hour i knocked on the door of wils apartment. "Oh hey James! You okay?" Wil said confused. "I need you... Ems has given me this" i showed him the letter. "She told me not to read it without being out the flat and sat down.. so i came here. I'm not sure i can do it alone" i said. Wil invited me in and sat next to me. "Want me to read it first?" He asked. "No..just be here" i said opening the letter. I began to read it my vision blurring with tears. "James.." wil said softly placing his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off. I kept reading..the letter got worse.. i began to cry. "James..hey" wil said. "Fuck man!" I said. "You okay?" Wil asked. I shoved the letter into his hands. I lent forward feeling overwhelmed and dizzy from the information I'd just read. Ems..Ems my love.. i thought. "Fuck james...when the fuck was she raped!?" Wil asked. "Late yesterday..." i said. We'd been at the hospital for hours so hadn't slept yet. Nor did we want to. "James man..I'm so sorry" wil said. I couldn't take it. She was 16! "SHES FUCKING 16! SHE CANT FUCKING DEAL WITH THIS BUT NEITHER CAN I!" I shouted walking out the room. "James" wil called. I ignored him. "JAMES!" He shouted at me standing in my way. I froze. "You need to calm down. Your going no where until you do" wil said. I sat down on the floor in a ball of anxiety. Wil sat with me and kept me company. We spoke about it and i left getting a train back. When i walked in Ems was sleeping on the sofa. "I'm so sorry sweetheart" i said placing a blanket over her. I walked past her to go to my room when she grabbed my hand. "Stay" she mumbled sleepily. I sat down and she placed her head in my lap. "I read your letter. I'm sorry you feel the way you do. But just like last time I'll be here" i said. "I know" she said. I closed my eyes...

Ems pov:
I woke up to a pain in my waist. "Fuck.." i mumbled sitting up. James was still sleeping on the sofa. I glanced at the clock.6:48 AM. I tried getting up but it hurt. I winced. Carefully i managed to get up and go to the bathroom. My legs felt weak..almost like they were numb. I lifted up my shirt and looked at my waist. Both sides were bruised , black and blue all over. It must of been from where that piece of shit guy had his hands so tight on my waist so i couldn't go anywhere! I tried getting back to the sofa but it hurt to bad i just collapsed in the doorway to the bathroom. "Fuck!" I said again trying to be quiet. "Ems..just take a Deep Breath" i Said. I did but that hurt to. "Just get up" i forced myself to. Just then another pain shot through my waist. "FUCKING HELL!" I shouted a bit to loud. The shouting was followed by a thud of me collapsing against the wall. I rested my back against it trying to find any position to take the pain off the waist. "Ems? You okay?" James said coming over. "Fuck i didn't mean to wake you" i said. "No no it's okay.. what wrong? Everything okay?" He asked concerned. "I'm..." i Winced again. I bit my lip to stop me from making a noise. "Darling..Whats wrong?" James asked crouching down to my level. "My's all bruised and my legs feel...numb" i admitted closing my eyes tightly as another pain shot through it. "Hey..okay. Can i see?" He asked. I lifted up my shirt. "Oh Emily...okay.." he said. I winced again. "Your okay sweetheart" James said uncertainly. "Let's just get you back to the sofa" James said helping me stand. Almost instantly i stumbled. "James it hurts.." i said gripping him tightly as the pain travelled to my legs. "Hey I've got you.." he said. He had his hands holding me up. "Right Listen..Slow steps okay?" He said. "Mhm" i said though gritted teeth. Slowly he helped me back to the sofa. He sat me down. "Do you know what happened to your waist?" He asked me. "It was probably the guy..he had a really strong grip" i said. "Okay..did you say your legs felt numb?" He then asked. "Mhm they feel just hurts make it stop" i cried. "Hey hey Shh..I'll try okay? Let me call the emergency line." He said going to get his phone. "No no! Please i don't wanna go in again." I begged. "Hey hey your not going to..they will come here sweetheart. They might not even need to see you" he said. I was scared but the pain just got worse. James began to talk. I didn't know what was happening. Soon James was off the phone. "Right sweetie..tomorrow I'm going to go and get you some new meds which should help. They reckon your legs are feeling numb because of how bruised your waist is. They noticed yesterday okay? If it's not better in 7-10 days then we have to call again .I'm sorry your going to have to deal with it for a bit. I can give you paracetamol" he explained. "Okay" i sighed. He went of and handed me some pain killers. I took them. "Thanks.." i said. "Do you want to try sleeping again?" He asked me. "I don't know.." i said trying to move. "Hey hey careful sweetheart" James said coming to me. "Be careful" he said as i managed to lay down. "You sleep okay?" He said kissing my head. I closed my eyes again..

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