Part 20

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(2 months since em had admitted their negative feelings)
Ems PoV:
James went out to film a few videos with Willne today and stream with Wilbur. Tom asked me to film with him for the day. We were all running around and having fun. For once i felt amazing! "EMS! IM GONNA TAG YOU BITCH" Tommy said jokingly as he chased after me.George and tom and me were the ones filming today. Tom was seeking while me and Gogy hid. We were filming extreme tag in London. Sometimes London scared me, it was loud and busy which made me get overwhelmed at times but Tom and the others understood and tried helping me they best they could. I managed to escape tommy. I saw George. "Gogy! He almost got me!" I said out of breath. "Is he close?" George asked. "Umm kinda but he gave up when he realised i was too fast" i said. "AH SHIT HES THERE!" George shouted. I immediately began running again. I wasn't sure when George was. I was feeling really out of breath. I wasn't sure if Tom was behind me or not. "EMS RUN!" Someone shouted. "I..can't" i mumbled. "Ems? Are you okay?" George said stopping infront of me. "Yea..just give me..a minute" i said. I took my inhaler from my pocket and used it. "IVE GOT YOU BITCH!" Tom shouted at us. "Tom stop! Give ems a moment" George said. "Oh shit are you okay?" Tom said stopping. "Yea..I'm chill" i said using my inhaler once more. I took a breath without it and i was fine. "Sorry" i said. "Nah your good ems. You okay now?" Tom asked. "Yea. Do we have any water?" I said. "Yea I've got some" George said taking some from his bag. "Thanks" i said drinking some. We sat there for a bit and had a rest. "OH MY GOD! TOMMYINNIT AND GEORGENOTFOUND! CAN I GET A PICTURE?" A fan shouted running over to us. I flinched slightly. "Yea sure man.." Tom said standing up. George did the same. "Oh my god! Is that Emily? As in James Marriott's kid!? Can i get a picture?" The fan asked me. "No ..sorry" i said. It wasn't the first time I'd be recognised but i never said yes to photos. It made me uncomfortable and was against my boundaries. "Cmonnn just take a photo with me! Don't be a bitch!" The fan said. "No..i don't want to do that.." i said. The fan tried taking a photo of me. "STOP! She said no!" Tom said standing infront of me. "If she says no! She means no! Don't disrespect her boundaries" Tom said. "Ugh!" The fan groaned walking off. "They were a bitch!" George said. "Sorry that happened to you ems" toms said. "Nah it's okay. Are we gonna finish the recording?" I asked. "If you want who wants to be tag?" Tom said. "I will!" I offered "okay ready? 3....2...1.. go" Tom shouted running off with George. I chased them for a bit having to stop every now and again for a breath. I eventually caught George. "Noooo." George said as i tagged him. Me and George finally after about 30 more minutes got tom. It was 7pm! We hadn't even noticed the time. We said bye to George and me and Tom walked to get the train. We had to get the tube before getting the other train to Brighton. I always hated the tube. It was so loud and cramped. I was already freaked.  Tom took my hand. "It's alright ems.." he said squeezing my hand. We walked into the tube. My heart began racing. Tom stood against the closed door of the train. He pulled me infront of him my back resting against him. His arms around me protectively. After a while we were off the tube. "See your okay kiddo" Tom said. We got on the other train ready for the 2 hour ride back to Brighton. Me and Tom chatted for a while. "Ems I'm coming back to yours until James get there" Tom said. "Yea i know, i might try sleeping I'm really tired.." i said. "Alright. That's fine kiddo" at 10pm we managed to get to mine. "You going to bed kiddo?" Tom asked as he shut the door. "Yea sorry..thanks for the fun day out!" I said placing my inhaler on the counter for James to put back later. "No problem kiddo! Anytime" Tom said. I just went to bed..

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