Part 3

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Em PoV:
I got changed. I was sure..right? Yea. He was nice! He seemed to care, and he does care doesn't he? My brain was fighting with its self ! I want this! But do i? Yes? No? I was so confused! I wanted a new home! And he wanted me! So why couldn't i just be happy! I went out my room and saw James sat on the sofa. He was on the phone with someone.
"Yea. That's alright. Umm yea that's fine. Cheers" he said hanging up the phone. "Em hey! That was the authority. They are gonna send a social worker over to make sure this is a good living space for you. I explained your story and all so as long as the social worker is happy with the place i should be able to adopt you today!" He beamed. I looked at him fearfully. "You didn't tell them about me..Yk. Not eating did you?" I asked frantically. "No..why?" He asked. "No reason.."
their infact was a reason! I was not going to another fucking mental hospital. I was forced to do shit i didn't want to! Those things i had to touch. I shivered with the thought. "Just don't mention it please!" I begged him. "ems im not going to..why are you so desperate for me not to?" he questioned. "I CANT GO BACK THERE!" I shouted. im not sure why i shouted..i just did. "Hey calm down..go back where?" . James looked at me confused. "That fucking hospital! I can't do it! Not again!" I said. "Ems did you get sent to a mental hospital?" James asked approaching me. I backed up... and nodded. "They forced me James! To do shit i didn't wanna! I almost fucking killed myself! I couldn't do it!" I said sitting on the floor bringing my knees to my chest. "Darling..they were only trying to help.." he said. "No they weren't! They were there to help me with my eating! But they fucking forced me to touch shit i didn't want to! In these sensory classes! I had panic attacks because of the sensory overload! They pinned me down because i was seen as a danger to myself or others! It was a panic attack! And that's how i get treated? BULLSHIT! I'm not doing it anymore!" I said anger laced in my tone mixed with upset. "Darling .. okay.. it's okay. You won't go back there.." he promised me. "A social worker is coming in 2 their anything you'd like to do? Anything i can help you with? If you just wanna talk?" James asked. I was still sat on the floor. I shook my head. "Can i just go to my room?" I asked. "yea sure" he smiled. I got up and ran back to my room. I immediately collapsed on my bed. I plugged my headphones back in and took some deep breaths.
Time skip
James PoV:
It was about 15 minutes until the social worker was going to show up. I had finished tidying my office as it was a bit messy from a stream I'd done with ash. I decided to go and check on em. I needed to tell her Tom was coming over. "Ems?" I called. She was laying on her bed headphones in, breathing deep again. "Em.." i sat on the end of the bed. Once again she sat up "hi James ..sorry" she said taking her headphones off. "Don't apologise. I just wanted to tell you something, the social worker is due in around 10 minutes. And later my friend Tom is coming round to stream." I said. She nodded. "I watched the newest tommy video, it was really funny when he called you 'dr Hilton' but you'd branded everything with an 'M' bc you forgot" she said. "Aww...wait. You know who i am?" I asked shocked she'd not said anything. "Mhm! James Marriott! I didn't say anything bc i thought it would change your opinion on wanting me..i didn't think you'd wanna help me if you knew i was a fan.." she said. "Oh ems! I'd want you regardless! You're a loving girl and you deserve a home!" I said. She smiled."I was listening to your music ..and i was playing it on guitar when i first came here yesterday, car lights is my fav but your new album is amazing!" She smiled. "I cried when it first came out because i was so proud of you.. car lights encouraged me to come out to my didn't go to plan but never changed my views on you!" . This kid man! She's getting to me! Just then there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it" i said standing up. I opened the door and the social worker was there. "Hi! My names Zoe! I'm guessing you are mr Marriott?" The lady asked. "Yes that's me" i said "please do come in" i said gesturing to the table for her to sit down. I closed the door behind us. "'re looking into adopting miss Emily ranger if I'm not mistaken." . "Yes i am." I said
"Care to explain how you guys met?" She asked, i explained about how I'd found her outside the apartment block and offered to give her a home for a while. How she got a text saying her parents had disowned her. Ect.. "okay. And is Emily here?" She said. "EM!" I shouted. "Mhm.." she appeared in the hallway. "You okay darling?" I asked she looked scared. "Yea." She walked over and sat next to me. "So Emily, is this man nice to you? Has he fed you? Given you comfort?" The lady bombared em with questions. "Yes, he is nice to me. He cares and comforts me. He feeds me when he needs to. He actually gives a shit about me!" She said . "Okay.. does he make you feel safe?" Ems nodded. As the lady asked more questions Emily became quieter and quieter.. "You okay?" I said . Her leg was shaking and she was fidgeting with her hands... "Emily please answer my question!" The social worker insisted. Em was clearly anxious and needed a moment. "Zoe! Can you shush for a moment please!" I said anger in my tone. "Ems..hey you okay?" I asked again my voice softer. "I can't do this!" She said running off to her room. "Ems?" I went after her. Fuck the social worker. Em was more important! "Ems? Darling are you okay?" I said knocking on the door. " me" i heard her say . She stuttered it. "Ems darling hey hey shhh it's okay!" I said running over to her. She was sat on the floor leaning against her bed. Breathing heavily. She was having a panic attack. " James i can't breathe!" She said frantically, leaning her head back. "Ems. It's okay shh I'm here your safe your okay... look at me.. breathe in for 3....and out for 4.. in for 3..out for 4.." i said trying my best to calm her down. Her breathing slowed down. She was still panicking though "Darling I'm here! It's okay, calm down calm down" i said. Tears were falling from her eyes and she was still shaking. "Ems it's okay..keep breathing your okay" i kept comforting ems. Slowly they calm down more and more. I hugged her gently, rubbing her back slowly. "Shhh" i whispered as she hugged me back. Her head buried in my chest i held her safely. "I'm sorry James...I've ruined it!" She said crying again. "'ve not ruined anything! It was unfair to push you into it. It's okay" i reassured her. I let go off the hug and looked at her. "Why don't you just rest yea? I'll go and speak to Zoe and tell her what happened" i smiled. She nodded and sat on her bed. "I'll bring you some water." I said turning around. I didn't realise Zoe was stood in the doorway. "That was amazing! You handled that situation so well!" Zoe said writing something down on her notebook. "Yea thanks, who let you come in to ems room and watch me handle something that scares the kid? Huh?" I said angrily. "I- she walked off and i have to make sure this is a good home for her. You came after her and i have to make sure she's okay and that your not trying to control her so you can adopt her!" Zoe said. "I understand that but i only came after Emily because they were clearly panicked and overwhelmed! This kid has lived with me for a day but i understand how overwhelming it can be!" I walked off to the kitchen to grab em some water. Zoe followed me. "Look sit down and I'll come back in a second to finish the interview." I said going back to ems room. "Here you go darling..sip some water slowly yea? Just chill, I'm going to finish the meeting with Zoe" i softly spoke , i kissed em on the head and walked out...

Em PoV:
I heard James talking to the social worker. I sat on my bed sipping the water just like James had said. I felt like shit! I'd been here a day and I'd already had a panic attack! What a fucking wimp! I heard a knock on my door . "Em?" James said coming in. "Hi.." i said quietly. "Hi. Zoe has one more question for you. If you're happy to come and answer it?" He asked. "Yea..s-sure" i said. James Held out his hand and i took it. We sat down at the table. "Emily. Does James treat you well? Handling situations like earlier well?" Zoe asked me. "Yes he does. He is very patient with me and handles situations calmly" i responded. I didn't create eye contact as i still felt anxious. James squeezed my hand gently. "Okay! I'm happy with your home Mr Marriott. Emily seems happy here and you seem to treat her kindly. I've signed the paper i just need you two to sign it" she pushed a pen and piece of paper forward. James signed it and passed it over to me. I looked at it for a moment. James let go of my hand and i signed it. "That's lovely thanks! In a few days you should get a call confirming your the legal guardian of Emily ranger" Zoe said folding the paper and putting it in her bag. She stood up and said goodbye. James closed the door behind her. I got up and went back to my room...

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