Part 22

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Time skip few days
Ems PoV:
I was feeling better now. I went to see James in his office. "Hey love you okay?" He asked. "Yea.." i said. "Sure?" He asked. "Mhm" i smiled. "You still seem off..something bothering you?" He questioned turning to face me. "I'm fine just tired" i said. "Okay..."  he said. I hugged him. "Okay I'm worried now what wrong?" He said  "nothing!" I said. He hugged me. "You sure your okay..?" He said again. "Mhm..just twitter being..Yk" i said. "Have ppl on twitter said shit again?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm sorry..want me to call them out?" He said. I shrugged. He kissed my head. He began typing and i saw he tweeted. 'You guys have one more chance to stfu about my daughter! Stop saying shit that goes against bother our boundries'. "Thanks.." i smiled. "Anytime" he said kissing my head. I went to my room and chilled for a while. After a couple hours James came in. He looked kinda sad. "Hey my mums just been taken to hospital..She lives a few hours away..i can call Tom to come and look after you if that okay.." he said. "I'll be fine alone..are you okay?" I asked back. "I'm fine darling..i don't want you to be alone incase something happens" he said. "I'll be fine" i said again. " me or Tom or anyone if you need them" he said. "Mhm" i said hugging him. "She'll be okay" i said. He smiled and kissed my head before leaving. I was worried for him..he seemed really upset. I kinda regretted being alone..the people next door were arguing for the 5th time today! I decided to go and knock. "Hello?" The lady answered. "Hi..umm can you guys keep it's kinda freaking my siblings out" i lied. "Oh I'm so sorry darling! Of course.. HE needs to stop being stupid!" She said. I thanked her and went back to mine. They immediately began shouting again. I began getting overwhelmed. I wasn't going to call James..but Tom was probs busy.. fuck it. "Hey ems!" Tom answered. "Hi.." i mumbled. " okay?" He asked. "Overstimulated and James isn't home.." i said. "Okay..okay..I'll come over. It's okay.." Tom said. I heard rustling and movement, i assumed he was getting his shoes on. "I'm on my way..just breathe" he said. I was struggling. My chest hurt...a lot. "Hey ems..breathe. I know it hurts" Tom said. I couldn't even imagine how upset James was. Soon there was a knock. I couldn't breathe at all. "Ems? Hey ems?" Tom said. I stood up and opened the door, collapsing the second it was opened. "Ems hey hey shhh it's okay shh" a gentle female voice said. Molly.. "ems hey..shh calm down. Breathe" she repeated. I began to shake. "Hey..hey your okay" Tom chimed in. I curled up into a ball as the anxiety took over every inch! My body hurt. My vision faded off but my thoughts kept running. "Shh..shh" one voice said. " this ..? Woah is she okay? And who are you" someone said. "I'm her friend. She's fine fuck off" a voice said. I heard the door close. "Ems..please sweetie..breathe" the voices faded in and out. Someone took my hands. "Calm can breathe. I know it's painful but it's okay" the voice became clearer. My vision faded in slightly. "Sweetie..I've got you...your safe" Molly said. "Ems..? Where's your inhaler?" Tom askEd. "" i stuttered. Tom ran off and soon came back. "Hey here..look..shh" Tom said helping me use my inhaler. Soon i could breathe. "'s okay" Molly smiled. She hugged me lifting me up. She sat me on the couch sitting next to me. "What happened eh?" She asked. "I don't know..James left to see him mum and it just got too much" i muttered. "Hey it's okay.." Molly smiled. I leant my head on her. "Shhh" she said rubbing my back. "Do you want me to call James and tell him?" Tom asked. "No..he doesn't need to know" I said. "'s your safety here.." Tom said.

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