Part 8

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James PoV:
I couldn't sleep well. I was up early. Tom was due to come soon. I sat down and waited for Tom. Soon he knocked. "Hey Thanks for coming so early" i said shitting the door behind them. "Hey James no worried man. Molly was looking forward to spending some time with em. They get along so well" Tom chuckled. "Sounds like it. I've gotta run I've got a train to catch. Ems sleeping still and their food in the fridge if em wants it and you guys are welcome to it. Drinks are also there. Thanks again Tom" I said running out. "No worries" he called after me.

Molly PoV:
James had left and me and Tom sat down. We chatted for a few hours. "Should i wake em up? It's nearly 12" i asked. "Probs" Tom said. "I'll go" i said standing up. I walked down to ems room. I knocked then opened the door. "Ems?" I whispered. I walked over to her bed. "Ems.." i said again. I knelt next to the bed and placed a hand on her back. I rubbed it gently up and down. I didn't want to scare her and it was a nice gentle way to wake her up. "Em..morning sweetie" i said as she stirred a little. "James..leave me alone.." she said. "Ems it me, Molly. James is out" i said. "Hi Molly.." she mumbled. "Ems sweetie..are you okay?" I asked, she sounded off. She'd asked James to go away.. "I'm fine" she mumbled. She curled up into a ball. "Sweetie... what's wrong? You can tell me" i said. I continued rubbing her back. "It's just..I've started my's fucking aweful!" She admitted. "Oh sweetie. Do you have everything you need?" I asked. "I don't have's fine" she said. "Oh ems..I'll go get you some stuff. It's no trouble yeah?" Isaid standing up. "It's fine Molly..I'll be okay" she said. "Ems I'll be back in a bit, go have a shower and get into something comfy I've got a pad I'll give you for when your done showering okay?" I said going back to Tom. I picked my bag up and took it back to ems room. "Here use this after your shower" i said handing her a pad. "Thanks Molly" she smiled. She was still curled up. I felt bad for her. "Toms here if you need him" i said walking off. "Tom? I'll be back in a bit. I'm going to get em some stuff" i said putting my shoes on. "Oh is she okay?" He asked. "She's good don't worry. Just her period. I've told her to shower and get changed" he nodded at me and i walked off to the shops.
Em PoV:
I got up from bed and went to the bathroom. I got in the shower. Molly was always kind to me. I felt bad I'd make her go out. My stomach hurt like hell! I turned the shower on and got in. I took a couple deep breaths and tried to stay calm. I hated periods...they hurt like ugh! I hate them with a passion! After my shower i got changed into a pair of grey joggers and a blue hoodie. I'm glad Molly gave me a pad. I would have been screwed otherwise. I went to the kitchen to get some water. "Hey ems." Tom said. "Hi" i said pretty emotionless. "You okay? Molly said you were on your period" he said walking over to me. "'s fine" i said taking a sip of water. I placed the water on the counter. A sudden sharp pain shot through my stomach. "Ah fuck!" I said grabbing my stomach. "You okay ems?" Tom said looking at me worried. "I'm fine" i said. I walked back to my room. Tom didn't follow me. I sat on my bed and plugged my headphones in. I listened to some music. After a few minutes Molly walked in my room. I unplugged my headphones. "Hey sweetie..." Molly said. She sat down next to me. "Hi.." i said. She passed me a bag. "I got you some pads and painkillers. Hopefully that will help you" she said. "Thanks. You didn't have to" i said. "It's no trouble ems. It's only fair i help you" she said smiling. I got get another massive pain in my stomach. I grabbed it and winced. "Hey sweetie you okay?" She said. "Mhm" i said. I was biting my lip as it hurt so much. "Cramps?" Molly asked. "Mhm" i put my legs up to my chest. I sobbed lightly. "Oh ems come here" Molly said pulling me backwards gently. She rested me on her chest. I winced again. She placed her hand on my stomach and rubbed it slowly. The heat of her hand soothed my stomach slightly. "I'm sorry" i said. "For what ems? Having period pains isn't your fault" she said. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. She then continued to rub my stomach gently. I rested my head on her shoulder. "Shh" she whispered. I slowly stopped crying. Tom came in. "is everything okay? You've been in here a while" . Molly looked at him. "Yea we're all good Tom" she said. He came and sat the other side of me on the bed. "You alright kiddo?" He asked . He hugged me gently. He seemed to understand. I looked at him and smiled briefly. "I'm alright.." i said. I moved my head onto toms shoulder. He put his head on mine. I felt safe around them. Knowing Tom and Molly and James were there for me made me feel safe. Safer than my real parents. Safer than with anyone.. Tom and Molly both comforted me, my stomach still hurt but i felt a bit better. I felt better. I heard the door shut and key be put down. James came into my room. "Oh you guys are here. Is everything okay?" He asked looking at me, Molly and Tom concerned. "Darling? Is everything okay?" James said crouching infront of the bed. "I'm fine James..." i said. "Sweetie I'll go talk to him.." Molly said. She gently lifted me off her chest and rested me on Tom. Tom wrapped his arm around me. "Your alright kiddo" he said softly. Molly and James walked outside the room. I could just about hear them..
James PoV:
"Is Emily okay?" He asked. "If something happened why did you not call or text me? Tom said he would!" I said frantically. "James calm down she's fine. Ems just started her period, she's chilling but cramps are painful" Molly said. Poor ems! "I've got her some hygiene products so she should be fine. Just let her rest and try be careful and gentle around her." I looked at her and nodded. "Thank you Molly. How much do i owe you for it?" I asked. "It's fine James don't worry about it. It's on me" she said walking back to Tom and ems. I followed her. "Sweetie you okay now?" Molly asked em. "Yea thanks Molly" ems smiled. She lent off Tom to the wall. Tom stood up. "Bye kiddo" he said walking out with Molly. I said goodbye to them and went to sit with ems. They seemed sad. "Hey darling" i said hugging her . "Ah, James" she winced and pulled away from me slightly. "Sorry ems" i said. "It's fine" she said leaning against me slightly. I placed my hands on top of her hoodie, above her stomach. She winced again slightly but soon relaxed against my chest. She close her eyes. "I'm sorry..i didn't tell you" she said. "Hey no worries. It's weird telling males i get it" i said kissing her on their head. "James, I love you" she said. "I love you too". I said. I kept hold of ems and she slowly slept on me. She relaxed fully and i closed my eyes..

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