Part 10

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James PoV:
I was sat my office. I felt bad for shouting at em. I wasn't mad! I was worried and stressed. I've not had a day off in months and it was stressing me out! I couldn't deal with it! Poor ems must be so upset and confused. I felt fucking awful. I took a few deep i decided to see if Emily was okay, i walked down the hall and knocked on her door. "Ems?..darling" i poked my head around the door. Molly was sat on the floor. She brought her finger to her lips. I looked in her lap and there was a sleeping ems. "Molly? When did you get here? How? Why?" I whispered sitting on the desk chair. "Ems called me, she was upset. She let me in" Molly whispered. "She was worried she'd really upset you and that you were annoyed. She was in tears and i couldn't just not come round. I've cleaned and dressed her hand. It's quite bruised and a couple cuts..she should be okay tho" Molly looked down at ems. She was still sleeping. "She likes you a lot..she always seems to be happy around you" i said to Molly. "She really looks up to you Yk." . Molly smiled. "Aw. Ems lovely. I've grown up with loads of siblings i just know how to calm mum never used to be around" she said. Ems moved a bit. She didn't wake up she just took a deep breath and relaxed into Molly. Molly rubbed ems back slowly. "She seems so you think I'm fit to be her parent? I love much. But i feel like I'm doing something wrong.." i said. "James, you're not doing anything wrong. You're just not used to having a kid around. Regardless of how long you've had her it's difficult to be able to understand parenting quickly" Molly said. "Emily loves you. She couldn't have a better parent James. We all have moments when we can't control our self's. It's normal yea?" Molly said. "Thanks..that really helped" i said. "No problem. I just want to help people. I'm not out for anyone. Just kindness" she said smiling. Ems stirred again. She began shaking slightly. "I think she's cold" i said getting a blanket. I passed it to Molly and she wrapped em in it. She kept hold of ems. "She's not slept this well in months" i whispered. Molly smiled. "I'll leave you to it" i said walking out. I went and got some food. I was out for about 40 minutes. I came back and mollys phone was ringing. Tom was calling. "Molly? Toms calling you" i said passing Molly her phone. I made sure to stay quiet as em was still sleeping. "Hello?" Molly said, "I'm busy right now toms. I'm looking after ems" .."no she's okay. She was just having a moment and called me. Don't worry Tom" .."I'll be back soon. Okay ..alright love you. Bye" she hung up. "Everything good?" I asked. "Yea Tom was wondering where i was. I should have met him 30 minutes ago, i couldn't tell him i would have been late. Ems was asleep." She whispered. "Oh Molly I'm so sorry! You can go it's okay" i said. "No James it's alright thanks, if she's happy I'm fine to stay here" Molly rocked ems. "If your sure Molly..thanks" i smiled.
(Time skip RQ like 2 hours)
Ems PoV:
I woke up. I felt warmth. I looked and Molly was there. I was sat in her lap. " okay?" She asked. "Mhm.." i yawned. "How long have i been here? Asleep i mean?" I asked. "3 maybe 4 hours" she said. "Sorry" i Said, "your all good sweetie. It's okay..I'm glad you've slept well" she smiled. "Is James still mad?" I asked. Just then James walked in. "Darling...I'm not mad. I never was. I'm sorry for shouting. It got to much for me. I was just worried" he said. I got off mollys lap and hugged James. "I'm sorry i hit the counter. It was an accident" i said. I hugged him tighter. "Darling it's okay.. i should have been patient with you. It's my fault" he said. He let go of the hug. "Molly. Sorry for keeping you here" i said. "Hey sweetie it's okay..i don't mind" she smiled at me. "I've gotta go now if that's okay?" She said. "Yea of course" i hugged her goodbye. She left. "James I'm really sorry" i said again. "Darling..." he picked me up and held me again. As much as i was a teenager it made me feel safe "I'm sorry for shouting..I'm sorry i lost my temper" he hugged me tighter. "I'm sorry too" he put me down. He looked at the bandage on my hand. I winced. "Oh darling.." he said. I sat on the sofa and looked at James. "you hungry?" James asked. I nodded. "Alright, I'll cook you some food" James said. He went over to the kitchen. I started thinking of everything...that i did. I felt so bad.. i zoned off... "ems?" I faded back. "Hmm?" I said . "Dinner..." . Me and James sat down. I ate half my food. "I'm not hungry anymore. It was really nice thank you." I said. "That's alright darling. You can go to your room if you'd like" he said, i nodded. I layed down on my bed and stared at my ceiling. I zoned off again.. "ems?" A voice whispered. I felt a hand on me. " okay? You keep zoning out.." James said. I sat up. "I'm good..sorry." I said. "It's okay. Is something bothering you?" He asked. "No..not really" i said. "Darling, if somethings an issue or bothering you please tell me" he said. "It's fine. I'd rather not talk about it" i hugged James. "Alright darling, if you need to talk you can. Tom invited me  and a few others to film tomorrow at a trampoline park if you wanna come?" He asked me. "Yea. Sure. But..i don't wanna ruin it again" i said. "Ems love. You won't" James let go off the hug.

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