Part 33

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James PoV:
I placed ems back into the bed and opens the door. Two paramedics were there. I showed them to ems room and they examined her. It didn't take long for them to come to a potential fix. "We have some stronger pain meds which will help. If her waist hurts try ice like a pack of frozen peas or something for about 40-60 minutes" they said handing me a bag of meds. "Thanks" i said as they left. "Hey ems" i said re entering her room. "Hi" she said. "You feeling okay?" I said. "Yea. I feel a bit better" she said. "I'm glad..." i smiled...

Time skip. (4 more weeks)
Ems PoV
5 weeks ago already i was raped.. i can believe it! It still haunted me! My waist was fully healed only a slight pain every now and again. James came in. "You okay?" He asked me sitting in my desk chair. "Yea.." i said. "You sure?" He asked me. "Yea.." i said. "Okay..well I'm going to Wils okay? I'll be home in a few hours yea?" James said. "Okay.." i said. "Hey...look your be okay" James said clearly seeing my anxiety. "I'm fine.." i said. "Okay call me if you need me" James said leaving. I decided to try and come to terms with the events of 5 weeks ago. I grabbed a blanket and sat on the sofa in the hot sun. I thought over the events. I became more anxious the more i thought about it. I was struggling to understand the event. I couldn't process it very well. I decided to call James as i could feel a panic attack rising and couldn't find my inhaler. He didn't answer. Fuck... I called him again. "Hello darling" he said answering. "Hi..." i mumbled out. My throat felt like it was closing. "Hey you okay?" He asked me. "Yea where's my..." i stopped to take a breath. "Where is my inhaler" i finshed. "On my desk, why is everything okay?" He said concern in his voice. "Yea..i was trying to come to terms with being raped..and it" i took another breath, shallower this time. "It's making me feel panicked and stuff.." i said standing up to find my ihaler. "Okay sweetheart. You know you don't have to think about it" James said. "I want to get over it.." i took a puff. "Okay..listen to me, distract yourself..don't think about it until I'm home okay? If you think about it to much and you have a panic attack theres a chance your pass out and stop breathing. It's happned to me so don't think I'm being annoying I'm just trying to keep you safe" James said calmly. "Okay.." i sighed taking another puff. "Try and stay out of the sun too as the air is thicker due to the heat. Open any windows you need to and put on the fans" he said. "Alright..thanks" i said. "Anytime.. I'll be back in a couple hours" James said hanging up. I turned on the tv...

James pov:
"Okay so can we film now?" Wil asked me sarcastically yet a tone of rudeness showed. "Sorry Ems needed her inhaler" i said putting my phone down. "Oh..sorry" will apologised. "It's okay let's just film" i said.
Time skip
Soon i was back on the train to Brighton. I was worried that Ems would be struggling in the heat as well. Wil was a little bit due to his asthma. "Ems?" I called as i walked into the apartment. She was sat on the sofa in the thickest blanket i owned. "Ems hey.." i Said going to sit with her. She was zoned off. "Hey. Ems!" I Said slightly to aggressive. She flinched. "I'm sorry!" She covered her ears. "Hey hey.. no I'm sorry for shouting. Hey look at me" i said moving her hands away. Recently she'd been having these small meltdowns. I wondered if it was ptsd or something else. My sister had autism and used to do the same so i wondered if that was undiagnosed with Ems. Ems kinda shut down alot at the moment. ⟟ wrote it off as ptsd. "Hey..can you look at me" i said softly. Slowly her head looked up at me. "I'm sorry for shouting at you. It was an accident okay? Is everything alright?" I asked. "Mhm..mhm!" She sounded off. "Hey Ems calm down" i noticed her getting antsy. "Please let go of me" she sighed. "Okay..I'm sorry" i said carefully placing her hands down. "Look Ems if your seriously wanting to come to terms with it then at least let me help you" i said. "No..i can do it" she said. "Leave.." she mumbled after a minute. "Alright..I'm in my room if you need me love" i walked away. I was getting concerned about ems. I know she's been struggling with everything. With all the pain and mental trauma. She struggled to leave the house and couldn't even go see Tubbo in the office because of it. Her coming to terms with it at the moment seemed dangerous. "James?" I heard my name being called. "Yes?" I said going out of my room. "Sorry.." Ems Said. "You've done nothing sweetheart" i smiled. She ran over and hugged me. "I don't think i can come to terms with it james.." she sighed. "Hey.." i crouched down in front of her "no one is asking you to or forcing you to okay? You will when your ready" i said. "I wanna talk to you about something else.." i said. "Okay.." ems said sounding worried. "You know how recently you've been having these little meltdowns and you've been freezing up and just want to be alone.. and when your overstimulated it gets worse" i asked quietly. "Mhm.." ems said. "I'm not sure if they are because your experiencing ptsd or if you have autism. I'm just letting you know what it might be incase you choose to question it" i said. "Okay..its werid im sorry" she said. "Don't be love. It's happening for a reason and it honestly could just be a way you choose to deal with everything at the moment okay?" I said. "Okay.." she responded. "I'm going to shower okay? I'll be out soon" i smiled going to the bathroom ...

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