Part 16

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James PoV:
Ems had been living with me for almost 1 years now. I was so glad she was mine forever.. she'd gotten a lot more comfortable with me and my friends. She'd had less panic attacks and is improving with her eating disorder massively! Yes she does still get overwhelmed and panicked at times but she'd learnt how to prevent one or to come to me for help. I was so fucking proud of her! Most of the time she'd come to me for help when she felt a panic attack happening as it made her feel safer to know i was there incase it developed but i had seen her calm herself a few times. I was going to film with Willne in London. Ems came with me. "Darling are you okay sitting here? I'm just on the desk right there" i smiled. The table was vertical compared to the sofa but she could see me still and i could see her. She seemed quite happy. I began filming with Wil. "In the bad bin?" Wil mumbled looking at me. "Yea.." i chuckled throwing the product in the bad bin. I glanced at ems. She was using her prevention techniques. She was having a panic attack.. "Wil one sec.." i said standing up. I walked over to ems. " okay?" I said crouching infront of her. "Yea..just saw something.." she said. "Alright..would you like a minute outside?" I asked. She nodded. "I'll be back Wil" i said walking out. Ems followed me. We went outside and she saw down on the ground taking a deep breath. "You good? Do you wanna tell me what upset you?" I said sitting next to her. "It's nothing..just a stupid tweet" she said. "A tweet about what? Is everything okay?" I asked again getting worried. "Just..." she cut herself off zoning off. "Darling.." i Said. I placed my hand on hers. "It's fine James" she said. "Okay..if you do wanna talk to me then let me know yea?" I smiled. I wasn't going to push her. "Yea will do.." she said standing up. "You okay to go back?" I questioned. She hugged me. "Hey.." i giggled hugging her back. "I'm fine now...thanks" she said. "Anytime darling". Me and ems walked back inside. She sat back down and i finished the video with will. "Does ems wanna come with us to get some coffee?" Wil asked. "Umm yea she might" i said. "Ems? Wanna get coffee with me and Wil?" I called. "Sure" she smiled. We all walked to get some coffee. London was busy. We eventually found a cafe that was mostly empty. We walked in and ordered. We all drank our coffee and said bye to Wil. We got a train back to Brighton. Ems was fidgety. "It's alright. You've been on the train loads" i said. I swear if it's the fucking tweet again! "Nah it's not that..just forget it yea?" She said. Something was wrong. She didn't want to talk but something had fucked her up. Ems was 16 now. We had told the internet she was my adopted daughter and that they were to respect her boundries like they do mine. If anyone as much as tries to hurt her i will kill them. We arrived home. Ems still seemed on edge. "Darling? Do you wanna do anything?" I asked. "Can..i just be left alone?" She asked. " you want me to check on you at any point?" I said. "Maybe like an hour..?" She said. "Sure.." i smiled. She walked off to her room. I went to my office to do some work.
Ems PoV:
I went to my room. That tweet..bothered me. It was a tweet that said 'how can James Marriott adopt a SLAG of a kid? Have you seen her? She can fucking piss off and stop taking James from us!'. What a fucking joke. I opened the tweet and stared at it. And stared and stared.. "darling? You okay?" James said coming in. "Yea..i said to check on me in an hour." I mumbled. "Darling it's been 2 hours..i forgot to come see you" he said. 2 hours!? "James..can i show you something?" I said. "Yea always what's up?" He said sitting next to me. I showed him the tweet. There was no way i could keep it to myself.. "WHAT THE FUCK?" He shouted. I flinched. "Sorry darling...i didn't mean to shout.." he said. "That tweet is out of order. I'm so sorry someone's said that. Please don't listen." He said. "I'm fine..just scared.." i said. "Why are you scared?" He asked looking worried. "That i might do myself..or someone might do something to me.." i said. " shh shh! No one's going to do anything to anyone. You're not going to get hurt.." he said. He hugged me. "But what if i...relapse.." i Said. "Hey no no! You won't..shh.." he said. "If you feel like hurting yourself or even if you do don't hide it from me...just be honest yea? I won't ever be mad..." he said. "Promise?" I mumbled. "Promise love.." he kissed my head. "Sorry.." i mumbled. "Hey don't say sorry! It's okay I'm glad you told me. They are fucking stupid!" He said. He pulled out his phone. He responded to the tweet. 'If anyone say any of these things again or fucking dares to do anything with my daughter. I will take a break until EVERYONE respects ems again. You say anything against ems you break my Boundaries'. He responded calmly. "James some take a break at any point because of me..." i said. "If anyone disrespects you then they pay the price.." he said. I nodded and hugged him tighter. "Your okay are.." he said kissing my head again..

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