Part 34

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James pov:
Me and Ems were out filming with Tom. We all kept a close eye on her incase. She seemed alright to be out but i could sense the anxiety building. "Hey Ems. Do you need a break?" I asked. "I..I'm fine" she struggled to say. "Alright. Let me know if you do" i said. She nodded. "OKAY SO IN 3 MINUTES THE SIREN WILL GO! WE ALL HAVE 20 MINUTES TO FIND 4 BUTTONS TO SHUT IT OFF BEFORE PHASE 2!" Tom shouted to me, Ems and Tubbo. After 3 minutes the siren went and we all ran to find the buttons. I was running when i noticed Ems. "Hey?" I said walking to Ems. Her hands were in fists over her ears. "Hey..hey it's okay" i said. She began hitting her head. "Hey hey no!" I said placing my hands between her ears and her fists. She was now hitting my hands. "Ems hey hey Cmon your okay" i said realising it was the sirens. Just then i saw Tom! "TOM! SHUT THE SIRENS OFF!" I shouted to him. "Why..? OH!" He said realising. He ran to the control room to shut them off. Soon they stopped and he came back over to us. "Ems Ems..hey hey they've stopped" i said calmly. She was still hitting. "Hey! Ems!" I Said slightly more harsh. "Baby...listen to me. They have stopped. You need to breathe" i said. Just then Tubbo came in. "Hey guys did you find all the but— OMG is she okay?" He asked. "She's fine, she's fine" i said. "Go! Go! GO AWAY!" She shouted. "Hey ems.." i said. "GO!" She shouted again. "Guys can you go outside...I'll call u back in soon" i promised. They slowly left...

Ems pov:
I wanted them to go! I wanted him to stop! I wanted to stop! I was hitting but it didn't hurt. Was i that numb? I moved my hands from my head and o my legs. I began to sob. "Ems.."
Someone said. I liked the voice i heard. "Ems..hey..can you open your eyes for me" they said. Slowly i opened my eyes which had been shut tight. I looked up. James.. "hello darling..your okay" he said taking my hands. I noticed purple red marks forming on his hands. "Ja-mes.." i mumbled. "Mhm? Your okay yea?" He said. "I'm fine...i think" i said honestly confused. "You had another meltdown. It's okay.." he said softly. "Sorry...the sirens were like..reminding me..." i said. "Hey i know. It was busy and your brain turned back to the last busy moment...don't worry I'm here and your safe" he said. "Can i go outside?" I asked. "Mhm." He stood up and held out his hands. I took them not realising how off balance i felt. "I've got you, slow steps" he said. We slowly made it outside. I took a few deep breathes and calmed down. "James? What happened to your hands?" I asked fonally building up courage. "Don't worry love" he smiled. "What happened?" I asked. "You we're hitting yourself i had no choice's okay" he smiled. I did that? Fuck! Now I'm just hurting people. I was lost for words. I hurt him! I didn't mean to do that. "Ems don't get upset. It's okay I'm not hurting yea?" He said. "I'm sorry..i don't know why i feel the urge to do that.." i sniffed. "'s okay. Your just experiencing things..yea? You were in denial of it for a while..." James said to me softly. "I never meant to hurt you.." i said. "Hey you didn't it was an impulse...just try not to think about it" he said taking my hands. I could see a small amount of pain behind his eyes. "Look..let's go home." He said. "But what about toms video.?" I asked. "Ems Don't worry about my video yeah? It's not important" Tom said sitting the other side of me. "Okay.." i sniffed. James stood up and held out his hand. I took it. We walked to get a taxi. "Hey James?" I said as we walked into the apartment. "Yea love?" He said. "Umm...why do i keep..having these meltdowns?" I asked. "It could be multiple reasons..." he said. "But why do you think?" I asked. "It's probably ptsd. Your struggling with noises and feelings as your panicked it might be the same as when you were raped" he said softly. " doesn't explain why...." I said sitting down , confused. "Darling...your overthinking this. You are allowed to question why your reacting in unusual ways but your allowed to react those ways" James smiled sitting next to me. I lent my head on his shoulder but i couldn't help looking at his hands. They were bruised. Very bruised. Suddenly James moved his hands out of my sight. "Why don't you go to your room and take a moment? Ive got work to do" he said standing up. "Okay.." i said going to my desk. I sat down and drew something to calm me. I couldn't help thinking about James and how I'd hurt him...

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