Part 23

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Toms pov:
Ems really didn't want me to call James.. i decided I'd tell him later. "Ems..what triggered you?" I asked. "Next Doors shouting...they won't stop!" she said covering her ears. I looked at molly. "Ems..hey do you wanna come back to toms? Or we can go see Tubbo he's doing his subathon" Molly said. "Okay.." she mumbled. "I'll text James" i said. we took ems to ours. she still seemed sad. "Hey ems? Tonight James is referring tubbos dodgeball game. Wanna join us?" I asked. "Sure..thanks" she said. "James is gonna be okay he's gonna come over and we will all walk to meet tubs alr?" I smiled. She nodded. Soon James was here.

Ems pov:
"Hey darling..." James said walking over to me. "Hi" i smiled. He crouched down. "You okay...?" He asked taking my hands. "Yea.." i said. "Sure? I know you had a panic attack" James said. "I'm sorry" i said getting teary. "Hey it's okay..don't get upset" he said hugging me. I gripped him softly. "Shh" he said. "It's okay..." He stood up and held out his hand. I took it. "Cmon let's go have fun at dodgeball eh?" He lead me over to Tom and Molly who were waiting. We walked and met up with Tubbo in his new office. "Hi chat!!" I said. No one was in the office. "I heard there someone special here..." Tubbo said entering. "Hi Toby!" I said hugging him. He messed with my hair. Soon we got in the van and began to drive to the hall we were playing in. We were meeting some people there. "You okay?" James whispered to Me. "Mhm" i said realising i was zoned off. He smiled. "So chat plan Yea meet the others at the hall. Get into teams and play a game then switch the teams and repeat" Tubbo explained. "James?" I whispered. "Yea?" He said. We arrived at the location. "Can i talk to cam?" I asked. "Yea.." he said getting out the van. I followed. He told Tubbo we'd be inside in a second. "What's up?" He asked crouching infront if me. "I..I nevermind" i said. "No..what's wrong eh?" He said again. "Just feeling panicked and head hurts so bad.." i said. " you want to stay out here for a minute or ?" He asked. "I don't know..
Just..stop the feelings" i said getting upset at the pain. "Hey i wish i could! You know i do love..but i can't. I know it hurts.." he said. He opened his arms and i walked into them , crying. "Shh..i know it hurts love I'm sorry" he said. Dizziness came with extreme headaches. "Do you want me to take you home?" He asked. "No..i still wanna try and play" i said. James stood up and held my hand. He took me inside and i began to play dodgeball. After about 30 minutes i felt dizzier. I tried to talk to James but saw the microphone. I kept feeling dizzy so walked off the court. I walked outside and sat down. I realised my anxiety was making me fell worse as i was overwhelmed by the noise. I began to breath heavily. Okay calm down.. i thought. I tried using the techniques James taught me but they weren't working. I began to panic more. "Hey Emily? You good?" Bill asked coming outside. "I'm f-Fine.." i mumbled. "You sure..?" He asked.  "G-Get James p-please" i said. He went back inside and soon James came running out. "Hey you okay?" He said crouching infront of me. "I tried to calm down but nothings working.." i said closing my eyes. "Hey it's okay..your okay" he said. "James it really hurts..more than normal.." i said. "What does..? What hurts darling?" He asked. "My head and my chest and everything" i said. "Hey okay..Breathe your okay" James Said. "It hurts..." i said. "Hey i know but you need to try...Just take slow deep breaths it's okay.."James said. I tried but it hurt.. slowly i got my breathing down just a little. "Good girl..your getting there" James said brushing my hair from my face. "Just keep breathing.." he said, we'd left mh inhaler at the office by accident. . "James..i wanna go home...everything hurts" i said. "Hey i know..." he said taking my hands. He squeezed them one at a time. I questioned what he was doing until i realised it was a distraction. I took a deep breath. "Good girl..your okay" he said. I was still struggling. "Your okay..your okay. Breathe slowly..." he said. Finally i breathed normally. My head still hurt and so did but chest but my breathing didnt. "Ems you've been having loads of anxiety and panic attacks recently..Maybe we need to get you checked out.." he said. "No! Please not again" i said. "Hey okay...okay..if it gets worse we will have to but for now we won't.." he said. I nodded. He stood up and picked me up. He held me for a bit while i finished calming down. He rubbed my back softly. After a bit longer we went back inside. I finished the final round of dodgeball before James took me home....
James pov:
We got inside and Ems went to go to her room. I was really worried for her. The panic attacks were getting worse and worse. "Hey ems come here" i said. She looked at me before walking back. "Yea..?" She said anxiously. "Seriously..we might need to get you meds for your's getting really bad" i said again. "No! No! I don't want that to happen!" She begged. "Hey..shh. It was only a suggestion" i said. "I'm just worried for you darling...I just want you to be okay" i said. "I know but i don't want meds! Not again!! Please James! Please!" She begged getting upset. "Hey hey Shh ..we won't. It's okay" i said walking to her. I crouched down. "Sweetheart...look at me.." i said. "Just hear me out..." she nodded. "Look I'm just worried your anxiety is controlling you to much...your having nearly 3 panic attacks a day! I'm just trying to help you yea?" I said. "I know but i don't want any more meds! Last time that went wrong!" She cried. "Yes i know...but this time it won't...I'm here and I'm going to keep you know how much i love you" i said. "Yea..but it's scary.." she mumbled. "I know it is..and I'm sorry it is but I'll help you yea?" I smiled. "Okay...just a few more days too see?" She asked. "Yea..but if it's not any better in 3 days we're gonna have to try get you meds" i said. She nodded. "Can i go to my room..?" I nodded and went to my office...

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