Part 31

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James pov:
I'd just woken up again. It was 1:30pm. We'd slept the most of the day away as we were so tired. Ems was Just waking. "Hey sweetie.." i said as she tried moving off the sofa. "Hi.." she winced. "Careful.." i said. "I'm fine" she spoke sourly. "Sorry..i didnt mean to snap" she followed up with. "It's okay. You feeling any better?" I asked. "No. My waist still hurts like hell" she said. "Okay..can i see?" I asked. She slowly lifted her shirt. "Oh sweetheart..How Bads the pain?" I asked. "10" she mumbled back. "Okay..give me 5 minutes and I'll go get those meds for you" i smiled. "Okay.." she said back. I soon left.

Ems pov:
James had been gone for 10 minutes and i regretted not asking him for water before he went. I tried getting up but fell back due to the pain. I didn't want to have to rely on James to look after me. I slowly managed to pull myself up. I walked to kitchen which was a few steps away. I reached up to get myself a glass for water but it hurt me and i stumbled with the glass almost breaking. I eventually got my water but sat on the floor due to my pain and dizziness. I was dizzy as the pain was so bad. I sipped my water trying to shift the dizziness. "Ems? Why you down here?" James said placing a bag on the side crouching down. "I needed water but the pain was to much for me to go back" i said. " you need some help getting back?" He asked me. "Yea" i mumbled. James bent down placed his hands under my arms gently lifting me. "Ah.." i mumbled. "Sorry" he said as he moved me to the sofa. He placed me down and gave me 2 of my new pain killers. I took them. "It should start working in about an hour" James said. "An hour...okay" i said. "There's also this pain relief gel that you can use" he said handing me a box. "Thanks.." i said. I opened the box and put a small amount of it on my finger. "No no no" i said forcing myslef to stand and went to the sink. I washed the gel off. "You okay?" He asked me. "I don't like that on my hands.." i said. "Okay. Do you want me to do it?" He asked. I nodded. He washed his hands and sat me on the counter. He put the gel on his right hand and with his left he lifted up my shirt. He began to rub the gel on my waist. "Ah.." i mumbled trying to be quiet. "Hey..I'm sorry" James said. I bit my lip to avoid making anymore noises. "Ems it's okay...i know it hurts and that it's uncomfortable but your allowed to feel pain" James said moving over to the other side of my waist. "I'm sorry.." i said. "Don't apologise.. it's not your fault" James smiled now washing his hands. "I'm going to go to my office okay? Call me if you need anything so you don't have to move unnecessarily" James said helping me off the counter and back to the sofa. "Okay.." i said....

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