Part 21

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James PoV:
I'd just come home. Toms had told me that em went to bed. I said goodbye to Tom and had a shower. I went to check on Ems. I opened her door. She was sleeping in her desk chair. Her head rested on her arms on top of her desk. She didn't look comfortable. "Ems..?" I said quietly. She didn't move. "Ems..?" I said again a bit louder. She moved slightly. She looked at me her hair covered her eyes. I brushed it away. "Hey darling.." i said quietly. "Hi..?" She mumbled. "Hey..why are you sleeping at your desk?" I asked crouched next to her. "I was ..." she looked around. "I'm not sure.." she said. "Oh darling..cmon let's get you to bed eh..? It's late" i said. She stood up and layed down in bed. "Night darling.." i smiled kissing her head. She was asleep in a second. I went to bed..
Time skip
James PoV:
It was 10 am. Ems wasn't awake yet. After a while she came out. "Morning darling" i Said. "Hi.." she mumbled. She looked like she was in pain. "Is everything okay darling?" I asked. "My back hurts.." she said. "Oh darling. It's probably where you feel asleep at your desk" i said. "Oh.." she responded. "We were meant to film today but we don't have to" i said getting her some water. "We can..i might just sleep" she said drinking the water. "Do you feel okay? It's not like you to sleep in the day" i said sitting down. "I'm fine" she said. "Alright..well Tubbo is coming over to film but you don't have to join us. Tubbo is also gonna stream with me after so if you feel better later then you can join us" i smiled. "Okay..can i go back to bed?" She asked. "Yea of course" i said. She walked back to her room. I was convinced something else was up.. i left her for an hour. I texted Tubbo to come over at about 12. Just before he arrived i went to check on ems. She was sleeping. She'd not got changed so she was still in her hoodie in which she slept. I went over to her and placed the back of hand on her forehead. She was burning! "Oh darling.." i said quietly not waking her. I walked out and went to the bathroom. I grabbed a flannel and ran it under the cold tap. I went back to ems and placed it on her forehead carefully. I then left her room just as Tubbo knocked. "Hey man" i said opening the door. "Hey!" He smiled. "Where's ems?" He asked. "She's in her room sleeping. I think she's ill..she's like burning up but we can film still." I said closing the door. We walked to my office and began filming. "Okay so Tubbo. We're gonna rate.." i began. Just then ems walked in. "Hey darling" i said softly. "Hi.." she mumbled. "You alright?" I said. "Do we have any pain killers? My head hurts" she asked. "Yea we do" i said going to the bathroom. I brought out some painkillers to ems who was now back in bed. "Darling are you alright? Your really warm" i said. "I'm okay" she said. I was not convinced at all. "Ems..if you're feeling sick you need to tell me.." i said. "I don't feel that bad..just tired and a headache" she mumbled. "Alright..I'm in my office if you need anything.." i said. She nodded and i kissed her head. I went back to my office. "Is ems okay?" Tubbo asked. "Yea i think she's sick..she has a temperature but as long as she's fine sleeping I'm not fussed" i said. Me and Tubbo finished the recording and began to stream. About 30 minutes in ems knocked on the door. I opened it.. "Tubbo can you mute please" i called back to him. He nodded. "Ems you okay?" I said. She hugged me burying her face into me. "Hey..what's up?" I said. "Feel sick" she mumbled. "Okay.." i sighed. I picked her up. I wandered back to my chair. I sat down with ems on my lap. She rested her head on my chest. "Shh.." i said unmuting. "Hey chat sorry I'm going to go now. I'll stream again ummmm tomorrow hopefully but I'll keep you updated. Enjoy the Aimsey raid" i said ending. I placed the back of my hand back on to ems forehead. She was still burning hot. "Oh darling.." i said. "She's alright?" Tubbo asked looking concerned. "She's deffo got a temperature" i said. Tubbo put his hand on ems head. "Oh Emily.." he sighed. Ems didn't look well at all. "Ems what are you feeling..? Still just a headache?" I asked. She nodded. "Okay...cmon back to bed" i said standing up. I carried her to her bed. "I'll come back in a bit" i said. She nodded...
Time skip about 4 hours later
James PoV:
I was looking over some stuff in my office when ems came in again. "Hi you okay?" I asked. "I'm not joking i think I'm dying" she said. "Darling you're just sick okay..don't worry" i said. "I've just thrown up pure sure I'm not dying?" She said. I looked at her. She looked genuinely scared. "You what..?" I said. "Threw up blood" she said. "Oh darling okay..okay" i said. Fuck..this could be bad. "It's okay" i said. "I'm scared.." she said. "Oh baby it's okay" i said hugging her. "Shh it's alright" i said. "Look I'll call the doctor and ask him what's happening. You won't have to go in don't worry" i said. She nodded. I called them and explained. "Okay that's fine, thanks" i said hanging up. "It nothing darling you just have a new illness. I'm going to go and get you some meds and your be okay tomorrow" i smiled. I left ems..

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