Part 15

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Em PoV:
I woke up in cold sweats..breathing heavily. "Hey hey ..what's wrong?" James said. JAMES SAID!? I was confused and my chest hurt. But JAMES? "James? You're not dead.." i said confused. "Dead? No of course I'm not. I was discharged everything okay?" He said looking at me confused yet concerned. " my dream?" I questioned. "Ems im right here..I'm okay.." he came over to me. "Im not dead..nothing went wrong..." he said standing next to me. "I'm sorry..I'm so sorry.." i cried "I'm stupid I'm sorry" i said tears falling down my face rapidly. "Hey shh shh! Don't cry it's okay! I'm here" he picked me up. "Shh" he hugged me close. "But you were..." i struggles to finish it. "Hey shh shh I'm okay! I'm fine..." James said. "Look I'm're okay and I'm okay" he rubbed my back slowly. I gripped his shirt as he hugged me. I felt scared and confused. "Your okay..." James said again. "I'm sorry..." i said. "Hey it's's not your fault. You just had a bad dream" he said. "I'm so sorry...i genuinely thought you were gone. Everyone was making noise and crying and telling me you were gone and it was too much i—." I began breathing heavily again. "Hey hey calm down..calm down. Breathe darling.." James said bouncing me on his hip. "Shh..." he kept hold of me keeping me calm. "It's okay just forget about it...I'm here.." he said kissing my head. I breathed deeply.  "Your okay...your okay.." James said softly. He comforted me. I'm so glad he isn't gone...i buried my head into his shoulder. "Your okay.." he said again. " you wanna chill out?" He asked me. I nodded. "Okay..cmon you can watch Tv in my room. I'm going to stream so it will be quieter.." James said carrying me to his room. He placed me on the bed. "Here I'll be back in an hour" he smiled closing the door. I turned on the tv and found something to watch. I heard James starting his stream. I changed to twitch watching what he was doing. Giggling at his jokes. He made me feel safe...even if i think he's dead he always comes back.. he'd never leave me. He'd kept me safe though everything. After a while i fell sleepy. I closed my eyes James stream in the background..
James PoV:
I raided Tubbo and went to see ems. She had Tubbo on the background. I guessed she was watching my stream. She was sleeping. I walked in sitting on my bed next to her. I placed my hand on her back rubbing it gently. I felt bad that she'd dreamed i was dead. I'd never leave her. She was my girl... mine! I left her to sleep. I streamed for a couple hours instead as i had to talk about a lot but also wanted to react. After the stream i ordered some pizza. I checked on ems. "Hey em...darling?" I said. "Mhm..." she mumbled. " feeling better? I've ordered us some food" i said. "I'm not really hungry..." she mumbled. "Darling you need to eat just one slice at least.." i said. "Fine.." she said. I hugged her. "I'm sorry..I'm so sorry you got scared darling. I'm sorry i was in the hospital for so long" i said. "I'd never leave you ems..I'd never ever leave you.." i said. "I know.." she mumbled. She hugged me tightly. Just then the door went. I got the pizza calling ems out. We ate pizza and watched a couple movies to keep her calm. I allowed her to chill and calm down. We both went to bed feeling a lot better..

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