Part 7

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( time skip about 3 hours after the last chapter)
Emily PoV:
I'd been in bed for who knows how long. I'd shouted at James and i was feeling really bad. I walked out and didn't see James. I assumed he was in his office. I knocked and opened the door. He wasn't in there. I went to his room. He was sat on his bed. "James..?" I said quietly. "Hey darling. You okay?" He asked. His voice was soft. "Im really..sorry. For shouting and getting angry" i said walking over to him. I hugged him. "Ems it's okay. I'm sorry for trying to force you into eating" he apologised hugging me back. "I didn't mean to upset you or hurt you. I didn't mean to punch your wall. I got out of control and I'm really sorry..." i said. "Darling,ems you haven't upset or hurt me. It was just an impulse yeah. I'm not mad or anything" he hugged me tighter. "I still feel really bad, I won't do it again. I don't know what's wrong with me" i said sniffing. "Ems's okay" James let go of the hug and looked at me. "You're just stressed and anxious. I'm here for you, you just need to make sure you talk to me..i know it's weird to you or you don't want to worry me. But nothing worries me more than not knowing what you're feeling. Speak to me.. darling" he said. I looked into his eyes and nodded. "I'm sorry..can i speak to you now?" I asked. "Of course..". I sat on his floor. "I don't know why I'm getting so angry. I feel like I'm going to hurt you by mistake. The angrier i get the more i feel like I'm gonna just flip. I don't want to hurt you..but i feel like I'm going to..I'm not sure how to act or hid my feelings and I'm not sure how to control it. I don't understand how I'm meant to just be normal when I'm clearly not normal! Somethings wrong with me and i don't know what! I just wanna fucking! UGH!" I punched the floor. Ffs you've done it again! Good job. "Hey hey. Calm, calm" James knelt infront of me. "You're overwhelming yourself. You were just explaining and you've made yourself angry. You need to slow down. Breathe..". James picked me up. He carried me to the bathroom and sat me on the counter again. He ran the tap for a while. He dipped his finger in the running water before plugging the sink. He ran the water so the basin filled up. After a few moments he turned the tap off. "Place your hands in there I'll be back in a sec" he said walking off. I got off the counter and placed my hands in the water. It was warm. It stung my hands slightly due to the cuts and marks on it. I took a deep breath impulsively. James came back after a while. "Feel better?" He asked. "I feel good..for once" i replied. He looked at me and smiled. "Give me you hands" he held out a towel. I placed my hands on the towel and he dried them. "Why don't we watch a film?" He said draining the sink. "Yea okay.." i smiled. We walked out to the living room. I sat down and James sat next to me. He brought over a couple snacks and some drinks. "What do you wanna watch?" He asked. I shrugged. "Not fussed" . He scrolled thought Netflix for a while. Eventually we found a film to watch. I ate a little bit of food. Not much but James was smiling. I started feeling tired and yawned. I close my eyes just for a moment..
James PoV:
I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder. I looked next to me and em had fallen asleep on my shoulder. It was quite late. Almost 10pm. "Oh darling" i whispered. I picked her up and took her to their room. I placed them on the bed and put a blanket over them. I put a glass of water on the table and turned off the light. I went back to the living room and turned the tv off. I decided it was best to call and apologise to Wil. I called him. He eventually picked up. "Hi Wil. Look I'm really sorry. And i know sorry doesn't fix everything but I'm just worried about Emily." I said. "It's all good James. Is everything okay?" He asked . I could hear the concern in his voice. "It's fine, I'm just not used to looking after anyone else. Emily has been struggling a lot at the moment. She's been having random outbursts of anger and frustration. She was upset that she'd hurt herself and not told me she felt like it." I said. "James. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked again. "I'm fine please Wil! I'm dealing with it. I think..I'm not sure what to do if I'm honest..." i admitted. A Single tear fell from my face. I sniffed. "James..if you need to talk I'm here for you. Please don't stress yourself out mate." Wil said. "I'm fine. I'm sorry again. I know it's early but I'm going to go to bed. I'm gonna see if Tom can come look after ems for a bit tomorrow. What time are we filming?" i said, "that's fine just please tell me if you need anyone to talk to or any help. Meet me at 11:30?"he said. "Will do..bye" i hung up. I called Tom, "HELLO?" Tom shouted. "Hi Tom. Can you do me a favour?" I asked. "Yea sure man what's up king?" He asked, "could you come to mine tomorrow and look after Emily for a bit?" I asked him. "Yea ofc man! Can Molly come?" . "Yea sure mollys welcome" i said. "Cool! Any reason you need me to look after her?" Tom said curiously. "Yea i need to go out for a walk. I need to just think for a while, cool down Yk?" I said. "Yea are you okay man? Nothings bothering you?" He said. "Not really.. just stressed and worried. I'll only be a couple hours. I've got to film with Willne anyways. Can you come round for 9:30?" I asked. "Yep what time you filming?!" He spoke. "11:30 I've gotta meet Wil but I've gotta get the train. Ems will probably be asleep still. You can leave her to sleep or wake her up at 11 or something. If anything happens to ems or if she's feeling dizzy or ill or whatever call me or text." I asked him, "yea I'll make sure i do. I'm sure she'll be fine. I've got to go now James sorry" he said, "no probs man see you tmmr" i said. "Inna Bit James" he hung up. I decided to go to bed..

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