Part 29

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James PoV:
I opened her door. She was sat clearly in pain still, on her bed. "Ems..hey" i said going over to her. "Leave me" she said. "Hey...ems i know your scared and your anxious and confused but you can't ignore me" i said. "Can and will" she said trying to turn away but wincing. "Sweetheart..." i sat next to her. "James please! I don't want to talk about it!" She cried. "Hey shh" i said. "Look I'm not going to force you to come to terms with it..your accept it in your own time" i said. She stayed quiet. I was about to talk when the door knocked. "I'll be back" i said standing up and walking to the door. I opened it to be greeted with tommy and Molly. "Hey guys now isn't a good time" i said. "Oh is everything okay?" Tom asked me. "No not really..look how can i help?" I asked. "We were here because we were meant to stream..." Tom said. "Shit! I forgot...can we reschedule ems has just been through some traumatic events..." i said. "Is she okay?" Molly asked. "Not really.." i admitted. "What happened?" Toms asked. "She was raped" i said sadly. "Oh sweetie!"molly said going to Ems room. I spoke to Tom as he began to cry. "Hey man come here..." i said hugging him. "Shh Tom don't cry it's okay" i said getting teary myself.

Ems pov:
Fuck!! Why was it me? Again! Always me who got hurt! I was deep in my thoughts when someone came in. "JAMES FUCK OFF!" I shouted loosing my temper. "Ems's not James" they said. I turned, it was molly. "Oh..sorry" i said. "It's okay..i can go" she said. "No it's okay" i said. "You doing okay?" Molly asked sitting next to me. I moved my head into her lap, pillow still wedged in Mine the pain still pulsating. "I'm fine.." i said. "You sure? It's difficult to process" Molly said running her hand over my head softly. "I guess...I'm just...i can't process Brain feels like mush" i said. "I know how it feels sweetie..being assaulted like that can make you feel different...i hate to say but your never going to be the same again" Molly said. "How do you know?" I asked slightly defensive. "I've been raped Ems..multiple times...I'm not the same" she said. "YOU WHAT MOLLY?" Someone else shouted. It was Tommy this time. "What Tom?" Molly said acting clueless. "When were you going to tell me you were raped?!?" Tom said slightly annoyed. "I wasn't..i didn't want you to worry" she said. "Molly! How can you not!" Tom said. They kept arguing. I covered my ears. It was just like earlier when the guy grabbed me and kept shouting and arguing as i pleaded him to stop! "SHUT IT THE PAIR OF YOU! YOUR SCARING MY DAUGHTER" James shouted over the top of them. He's never done that before...he rarely shouts at people.. was he really protecting me that much? I just wished this whole thing never happened! I wish i never asked to go out! If i would of just stayed home! My eyes closed and my ears covered i sunk back into the dark corner of my thoughts. "Ems.." i was pulled back out of the corner. I opened the eyes. James was sat where Molly was my head now on his lap instead. "They've gone for a walk to talk about it before you ask" he said noticing my confusion. "Molly told me how you felt and I'm sorry darling. I should of come with you and protected you but i didn't and I'm sorry" he said. "It's not your fault" i said. "I shouldn't of let him touch me..i knew he was going to yet i didn't run..he's tried before..but my flight mode didn't work this time! I'm sorry" i said. "What do you mean he's tried before..?" James asked. "It's the same guy who...who was my dads friend..when they stopped being friends he seeker revenge on my dad but hurting me..he thought my dad cared for me so hurting me would hurt him more..he wouldn't care anyway.." i said. I suddenly couldn't feel any all. "Oh baby...I'm so sorry" James said. "It's fine! Please just stop saying sorry! It wasn't your fault! It never was and never will be!" I said sitting up but regretting it. I winced" "Sweetheart..." James began. "Go!" I Said pointing to my door. "Ems..." he said. "GO!JUST GO!" I shouted. "Okay..okay" he said walking out closing the door behind him. I got up slowly, and sat at my desk. I wrote down everything i felt beginning the list with "James..if i can't speak I'll write" the list of things went on. How i felt like relapsing so bad how suicidal the situation made me feel how stressed and anxious i was and everything in between.. i knocked on James' room. Handed him the letter. "Go for a walk to a quiet place..sit on a bench and read it.. not here. Not anywhere unless your sat down..." i said going back to my room. A few minutes later he walked in. "I'll be back. I'm going to go out. I'll be back in a few hours..will you be okay?..i can't stay" He asked. "Lock the door and I'll be fine. Just go read the letter" i said. "Okay..see you soon" he said. Leaving...

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