Part 35

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James pov:
Fuck! I sat down in my office and looked at my hands. If Ems has done this to my hands what damage could she cause to herself?!? My hands were Hurting a lot. Ems didn't mean to. I tried to grab my mouse to open Twitter but my hands hurt to much. I went to the bathroom. I washed my hands under some warm water. I couldn't show the pain infront of Ems. She was already upset that she'd hurt me let alone if she saw it caused me pain. I carefully dried off my hands. I wrapped my left one in a thin yet tight bandage to help stabilise it. "James?" I heard Ems called. I walked out of the bathroom. "Yea love?" I said entering her room. "Are you sure i didn't hurt you?" She asked glancing at my hands. "Yes. It's wrapped up just as a precaution okay? I'm not in any pain" i said hoping i was convincing enough. "Hey...hey..look at me love. I'm fine. I promise" i said noticing tears in her eyes. "Okay.." she sniffed. "Sleep Darling it's late" i smiled walking out of her room. I too went to bed...

Time skip:
James pov:
It was a few days after yns last breakdown. She's not left her room much. My hands hurt less. They were mostly healed but still had some healing to do. "Hey Ems?" I called. "Mhm?" She said standing in her doorway. "Come here" i said. She slowly came and sat opposite me. " you wanna come with me to see wil?" I offered. "Umm...i don't know" she said. "Come on. Wil wants to see you!" I said. "Okay.." she mumbled going to her room. Soon she came out ready to leave. I took her hand and we walked down to the train station. A few people stopped me for photos. We were now on the train to london. Ems sat next to the window her leg shaking. "Ems??" I tapped her gently. "Mhm?" She smiled taking her headphones off. "Are you okay? You feeling anxious?" I asked nodding at her leg. "I'm fine.." she mumbled placing her headphone back on. I was very unconvinced. I left her alone to her music until we were in London. I took her hand and lead her through the station down to the underground. I made sure her headphones stayed on as they helped her to stay calm. The streets and trains were crowded and Ems hated it. We got on the tube and i held Ems close as i could see her eyes darting around trying to make sense of the situation. I got off the train with Ems and we went to wils quickly. I could still see Ems panicking. I knocked on the door and will opened it. "Oh hey Ems!" He said. I glanced at will before crouching down infront of Ems. I gently took her headphones off. "You okay?" I asked. "Mhm.." she struggled to say. "Ems it's okay if your not" i said. "I'm good.." she said Stimming harshly with her hands. "Ems..i can sit with your for a little bit while you calm down. Wil doesn't mind darling" i said. "Honestly it's fine" wil chimed in. "See.." i Said. "Mk..." she mumbled. I lead her to the sofa and sat her down. Ems anxiety since her attack hadn't calmed down.. even though it was months after the attack. She hated London most of the time but i needed her to stay with me as in Brighton there were alot of break in recently. Ems seemed more stressed than usual. "Hey James can i talk to you quickly?" Wil asked. "Yea. I'll be back Ems" i said following wil. "Is Ems okay?" Wil asked looking concerned. "Her anxiety has just been bad since her attack and she hates London most of the time as it's too loud for her" i said. "Shit..will she be okay while we film?" He asked concerned. "She'll be okay" i reassured him. "Okay.." he smiled. We walked back to ems. "Hey love..we're going to film now. You know we are just there" i said pointing to the table opposite the sofa. "Mhm.." she responded. "If you need anything just shout or look at me whatever" i said. "Okay.." she mumbled. I looked in my bag and found sensory key ring. It has multiple little things to keep her entertained. I sat down with wil and began to record...

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⏰ Last updated: 13 hours ago ⏰

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