Maurice's Trap Is Sprung

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"Ooh ooh ooh, first of all you need to eat that", pointing to the prickly pear"

"Why? It is just a fruit."

"It has an enzyme in it that counteracts with the medicine your mother gave you."

"Hmmm I am not so sure I want to do that just yet. I think I need to discuss some things with my brother first. Having a feeling heart again might complicate things"

"Ooh ooh ooh suit yourself kid, but if I was the one paired up with that beauty. I'd want to feel something, ooh ooh ooh!" He began to jump up and down making obscene gestures with his hips.

After a swift kick at a monkey ass, it was time to contact Nibbler. He pulled out his trans dimensional phone and instructed it to call his brother. Surprisingly a song , "my little brother by Art Brut", was coming from the direction of the monkey.

"Ooh ooh ooh how is it going? I stole your brother's phone", he gave Ani a playful wave

"Isn't that Perfect! So all of this was your doing? You impersonated my brother? For how long?"

"Ooh ooh ooh about a week ago, once I learned he was wooing that girl. I put this plan into action, she is exactly your type. "

"I don't have a type anymore remember, my heart is being blocked"

"The plan was to unblock it using the fruit, so all of the dormant feelings for Beth would return. If not, then we would use the girl, ooh ooh ooh shit!!" He covered his mouth.

"If you hurt her, I will kill all of your organization, starting with you ape!"

"Whoa! Ooh ooh ooh nobody is hurting anybody, especially me tough guy!"In a flash he was out the window. Ani rushed after him, but was struck by something previously unseen. A little dazed, with a terrible pain erupting in his side. Standing over him was a large muscular Waaspern. It was making an intimidating buzzing noise, and was getting ready for another strike. 

Ani flipped over and just escaped the attack. He lashed out with claw at the hind leg of the beast, a crippling blow, it toppled over in a heap. Ani spun around deftly and slashed the throat of his assailant. Ani felt another sharp agonizing pain in his shoulder, as the second Waaspern's stinger sunk deep into his flesh. Ani could feel the poison pulsing through his body. He tried to turn and face his attacker, but his legs collapsed under him, and his world when dark.

A Fah'Rey Tale (Book 1 Of The Nine Realms)Where stories live. Discover now