The New Counselor

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*Takes place like a week before Day of the Dino*

Avalon Black, formally Avalon Potter, stared up at the building and sighed before going in and headed to what she hoped was the main office. "Excuse me, I am looking for Principal Randall?" Avalon asked the lady at the desk who pointed to a door and Avalon walked over and knocked. "Enter." A sharp voice that reminded Avalon of Cassiopeia Black's painting and she shuddered slightly before entering and saw a woman with short black hair and a stern expression that would put Professor McGonagall to shame. "You must be Avalon Black...our newest....counselor. Personally, I do not see why students need a counselor to help them." Avalon bit her tongue as this woman may have been sterner than McGonagall, but just as worse if not more so than that ugly fat toad who recently died in Azkaban. "School guidance counselors teach good social skills, and provide clinical mental health counseling and behavioral interventions. They ensure that their school setting is a safe space for all learners. Otherwise, the students will never get anywhere in life....and it's not just students I work with." Avalon said in a professional tone but Principal Randall simply hummed. "Your office is down the hall. I am sure you can find your way there." Avalon took that as a cue to leave and headed down the hall where she saw the words 'Student Counselor' and walked through the door, sighing at the bleak and dismal room. "Oh, I am so changing the theme." Avalon muttered to herself. 

Avalon made a list of the things she would need to buy, a book shelf to put books on, jars for candy that she would give to the students who would need them, as well as a few other things that she could in her desk drawers and a few 'motivation posters' to hang on the walls. As Avalon left the school, she did not notice Principal Randall watching from the school's front entrance with narrowed eyes. "I'm watching you...Black...there is something about you that I do not like at all." Principal Randall sneered as Avalon got into the dark green car and drove off, blasting Backstreet Boys before walking back into the school. Meanwhile, Avalon was driving down the road, singing along to the song when she came to a stop at a light and saw a black jeep drive by but ignored it and then continued the drive to her hidden seaside cottage known only as 'Marauder's Hideaway'. As she got out, Avalon checked around the area to make sure the wards were not disturbed before heading in. "Kreacher, I'm back." Avalon called out and with a small pop, a older looking house elf appeared and bowed. "Mistress has returned. Kreacher has been unpacking everything. The paintings are hung up and the potions lab is set." Kreacher explained and Avalon nodded, going to the kitchens. "Any letters?" Avalon asked as she poured a cup of apple juice while Kreacher shook his head. 

"No letters from nasty brother or his awful friends." Kreacher croaked out, making Avalon sigh and down the rest of her drink. "I have at least a full week before school starts. I need you to find the closest magic market, alley or district so I can get some things while I finish the muggle side of the shopping. Can you do that, Kreacher?" Unlike how Harry and Sirius treated Kreacher, Avalon had always treated the house elf with respect, sternness yet never acted horrible to him and when she took the Black inheritance, Kreacher swore only to serve her. "Mistress should know, Kreacher found this outside, near the waters when Kreacher set up the backup wards." Kreacher said as he held his hand out, showing a glowing green gemstone of some kind. Avalon took it from his hands and she quickly felt something surge within her magic and had a vision of some sort of robotic dinosaur. "Whoa...I need to hide this." Avalon said as she ran up the stairs, bypassing the paintings of Black and Potter family members and went into her room, going over to the jewelry box and finding a locket big enough to put the gemstone in. "There, until I can figure out exactly what it is with my magic, it will remain in the locket." Avalon said as she put the necklace on. 

The next few days, Avalon and Kreacher divided up the shopping with Avalon also grabbing a few things to make her office feel a bit more comfortable. "I want them to be able to walk in here and feel as if they are safe." Avalon said to herself as she put the books, mostly 'How to' books up. The locket around her neck still housed the green gemstone that made Avalon's magic feel different and also make her eyes appear brighter at times when she used her magic. Unlike in England, America had changed its magical laws to keep up with the changing times, but also because she was the lady of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black and a Peverell, she could wandless, undetected magic at times. "Ah, I see you have changed this office around...interesting." Avalon turned to see Principal Randall standing in the doorway looking around the office with questionable glance and raised an eyebrow at the words written on the white board. "Determination, cunning, leadership, resourcefulness, preservation and cleverness?" "The words every kid should know when getting through school and the world outside of school. Determination to make your desires and dreams true, cunning to have the skills to make those desires true. Leadership, showing that you can lead a pack no matter what, resourcefulness, how make due with the resources you have around you to achieve anything and cleverness to undermine those who would put you down." Avalon explained and Principal Randall nodded her head. "Well, have a nice weekend...the real work begins in just two days." Principal Randall said with a smirk on her face before walking away. 

Green & Black~Harry Potter and Power Rangers Dino Thunder CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now