Acknowledging The Bond

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Tommy had let the three kids rest as school was getting tough on them while also keeping with the ranger duties. Avalon had volunteered to teach Tommy's class until he was 'better' and so far, Principal Randall seemed fine with it. Currently, Avalon was walking down the steps to the lab when she heard Hayley and Tommy talking so she stopped and listened in. "Is it bad to say that I am grateful Kat never slept with any of my ranger friends?" Tommy asked and Avalon frowned, she had heard a lot about this Katherine Hillard woman and wanted to punch her in the face. "No, it isn't...because then you wouldn't still be in contact with them all." Hayley said as she typed away on the computer. "Avalon was dealt a similar blow....twice for her as well. Some idiot Zacharias Smith, claiming to be of Helga Hufflepuff's line, tried to use her for fame and money but she broke it off, and then there was a French wizard who thought he had a chance with her, but she found him in her bed at her home with another guy. How she managed to not blow them all up, I will never know." Hayley said and Avalon winced. Zacharias was one thing, but she really thought she hit it off with that Pierre guy, only to find out he was in it for fame as well. 

Deciding to make her presence known, Avalon walked down the stairs with loud steps, as if she wasn't just eavesdropping on the conversation. "I have the test papers from their quizzes, Tommy...I think Conner is finally improving." Avalon said as she put the papers down, not seeing Hayley turned briefly and give Tommy a head nod. 'Come on, faced countless can do this.' Tommy thought as he stood up and walked over to Avalon, taking her hand in his. "Tommy....what are you-" "I know about our soul bond. Hayley told me about what happened when I was incased in the amber. And to be honest...I stopped fighting against the bond for a while now." Tommy explained and Avalon looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "How long exactly?" "Since I became the Black Ranger." Avalon's eyes widened as she looked up at the helmet covered face of Tommy Oliver. "I, Tommy Oliver...formally recognize the soul bond between us and accept this as my fate." 'Holy shit...he said the bond vow....' Avalon trailed off as she felt Tommy's hand squeeze her and hopefulness fill her that she knew was coming from him. "I...I, Avalon Potter-Black, formally recognize the soul bond between us and accept my fate." Avalon said with a shaky breath as Tommy pulled her close for a hug. "Usually this is where the mates kiss, but I think we can save that for later. However....IT IS ABOUT BLOODY TIME!" Hayley said with a smile as Avalon leaned her head against Tommy's shoulder, fully embracing the emotions and the bond, her magic finally content and happy and not screaming in heart breaking pain. 

"Once I get out of this, I do plan on kissing her, me." Tommy said as the two walked over and sat down, going over what to do with Trent, the missing zords, and Tommy's current stuck predicament that had the rangers in a grip. 'Andy is gonna want to hear about this.....Andy is going to want to meet him too. I should also write to Harry and tell him as well.' Avalon thought with a smile. Meanwhile, on Mesogog's island, the three house elves, Dobby, Kreacher, and Winky were all causing mayhem and mischief to Mesogog and his followers as well as Trent, though they were also trying to figure out if they could break Trent free from the evilness that had corrupted him. "Oh, Ethan....I got the results back." Avalon said as she handed the magical family results to Ethan who smiled. "You have some minimal magic I can teach you and I am also quite good friends with your cousin, Dean the only few Gryffindors who did not think I was evil for being in Slytherin." Avalon explained as Ethan nodded. "Hey, can you do mine too?" Conner asked and Avalon nodded, getting a small piece of his hair. "It will be ready in a week or so." Avalon said as she put the hair safely in a bottle before sitting back down, Tommy taking her hand in his and squeezing it reassuringly. 'Third time is the charm for them.' Hayley thought as she saw the bond grow stronger and brighter than any other she had seen before. 'And Merlin help the ones who try to break that bond.' Hayley shuddered, thinking what would happen if that came to pass. 

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