A Ranger Exclusive

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"We're about three minutes from the transmitter. Are we going to make it?" Avalon asked as she, Conner, Ethan, and Kira all rode their cycles to a location that Tommy had sent them out to. "You'll have to hurry...That beam needs to be shut down and right away." Tommy answered back as the four rangers arrived when the white ranger clone and a few drones appeared. The rangers fought against the clone ranger as Avalon took her laser out and shot at the satellite, causing it to explode. "Hey, you guys wanna come down to the cyber cafe and watch us try out a new song?" Kira asked Conner and Ethan but Conner had soccer and Ethan dipped out with a bad lie that had Kira following him later on, revealing that he and Cassidy were together. Meanwhile, Avalon was going over some of the students papers from Tommy's class, marking them as she looked over the answer sheet for the right answers as said black ranger was going over some things on the computer. Somehow, Kira managed to get Cassidy a job at the tv studio as Ethan thought that the two could use it to get to know each other as they had some in common. 

"Uh...you guys mind coming down to the TV station?" Kira asked in a worried tone and Avalon quickly apparated away, seeing the giant monster that Kira had called about. "DINO THUNDER, POWER UP!" The four morphed and watched as the monster just....disappeared into the building. The rangers all went back to the lab so that Tommy could explain everything to them. "I've downloaded the information from the TV  station...it's a virus of some kind. Mesogog is using it to reroute the satellite system and send their beam to Jupiter." Avalon's eyes widened as she look at the satellite. Meanwhile, unknown to anyone, three certain house elves were still causing trouble within Mesogog's lair. They had turned all of Elsa's clothing pink and occasionally small versions of the many zords appeared, humming a tune that drove Elsa, the ranger clone and even Mesogog mad, though on the inside Anton was happy at the torment that was happening to Mesogog.

Conner and Avalon went after the ranger clone while Ethan, Kira, and Trent went inside the building to try and figure out the virus. The five rangers arrived and split up, with Trent, Ethan and Kira fighting Elsa and the drones. "Alright, where are you?" Avalon called out. "I'm right here, green and red...and you two are right where I want you." The clone said as he used his speed to attack. After explaining Mesogog's plan to revert the earth back to a world without humans, Conner and Avalon fought and brought the clone down. While inside the other three took on Elsa and the drones, getting blasted from Elsa's laser. "You guys go ahead and help Conner, I will deal with her." Trent said as the blue and yellow ran off to help Conner go Triassic while Avalon left with Kira and Ethan to find the virus and stop it. "Let's see.....I think it is this way! Point Me!" Avalon waved her wand and followed the green-black trail to finding the control room. "FOUND IT!" Avalon yelled out as she, Kira and Ethan all blasted the virus in the control room, stopping the beam and making the monster go back to his original form. 

"It's crunch time!" "Conner!" The monster stepped on Conner, but because of his strength with the shield, Conner threw the monster away before going into the Rover and transformed into the Megazord for the rover to take on the monster. Back with Trent, he used his speed powers to take down Elsa. The five rangers then met up again after the monster was destroyed and ran back to Dr. O's lab, not knowing they were being filmed by Cassidy and Devin. A few days later, the kids were all at the studio, watching the footage that Cassidy and Devin had gotten, thankfully there were no morphing scenes, otherwise the kids would be in big trouble. As the kids were doing their thing, Avalon was writing several letters to send back home. "Kreacher, Dobby, Winky!" Avalon called out as the three elves appeared. "If you three aren't busy terrorizing Mesogog in his lab, yes I know about that, I need you to deliver these letters back home. One goes to our resident 'Bug Reporter', this one to the goblins, and finally this one to Dudley, but you can leave it in the mailbox." Avalon instructed the elves who nodded and took the letters, leaving in a puff of smoke. 

'Not So Light Leader?'

'That's right folks, you read it correctly! It appears that Albus Dumbledore, supposed 'Leader of Light' and Merlin reborn was not all goody-goody as we thought. Nope, I have details from a source that says that Dumbledore had been embezzling funds from several pureblood families that had either gone extinct after the war or had sided with him under the pretense of the 'Greater Good' spiel. How many more real truths will be uncovered by Dumbledore? Is he not as a light as we were led to believe? If he was, why didn't he do anything to help the Potter siblings when they were living with their abusive relatives...yes, you read that correctly too. Harry and Avalon Potter were abused growing up! Locked in a cupboard under the stairs until eleven years old, hardly fed any scraps, hence why they always looked so scrawny and thin. What was the real reason Dumbledore placed them there, at night, in November, hardly 24 hours after the deaths of their own parents?! There is more, oh so much more that I think I may do a monthly or even weekly update on all the lies that Dumbledore tried to cover and fail. Until next time, my dear views, this has been Rita Skeeter.'

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