Beneath The Surface

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"Ah, Miss Black. Just the person I needed to see." Avalon turned around and raised her eyebrows as Principal Randall walked towards her, wearing an obvious expedition outfit. "Principal Randall?" Avalon asked with slight worry. "You will be accompanying me and the science students to the dig sight." Principal Randall said and Avalon muttered, reaching into her bag and pulled out a black baseball cap that had the words 'Falmouth Falcons' on it. " least I wore boots and pants for today." Avalon muttered as she followed Principal Randall to Tommy's classroom as the students walked out and headed to the buses. Tommy had grabbed his briefcase and turned to see the two women standing. "Huh?" "Dr. Oliver." Tommy looked confused and Avalon just pointed to Principal Randall with an eye roll. Tommy nodded and the three adults all walked to the buses and got on. Principal Randall sat on one bench while Tommy and Avalon took the remaining bench as the buses took off. "Whoa." Avalon grabbed Tommy's arm. "Not used to buses like these?" Avalon shook her head. "More bumpy than the Knight Bus, I will say that much." Avalon said before quickly letting go of Tommy, though neither wanted the touching to stop. 

At the dig sight, Principal Randall was walking around while Avalon stood near the area Tommy was digging at. "Hey, Avalon! Look what I found!" Tommy said as he held something up and Avalon walked over, standing above Tommy. "Oh?" Avalon asked as she squatted down as Tommy handed her the 'rock'. "This is a Trilobite. It's from the Paleozoic era which makes it about...three hundred million years old." Tommy said as he handed Avalon the rock and she looked at it, not knowing that Principal Randall was glaring at them. "Amazing." Avalon said as she reached down and offered her hand to Tommy who took it and Avalon helped her fellow ranger up out of the pit. Not only was Principal Randall watching them, but so was Cassidy Cornell, the ever nosey idiot. "Did you just see that?" Cassidy asked but Devin was busy looking at a flower. "Miss A is totally into Dr, Oliver....or maybe he's into her?" Cassidy noted as Avalon wiped a few dirt smudges from Tommy's forehead while Tommy tucked a strand piece of hair behind Avalon's ear.

"No way, Miss Black?" Devin said going back to looking at the flower. "Love is right in front of you eyes and you don't even see it?" Cassidy asked in disbelief. "Look, to be honest, Cass...I really don't think Miss Black wants love? Remember when the gym teacher tried flirting with her and she coldly turned him down?" Devin asked and Cassidy scoffed. "She turned him down because he insulted her figure, saying she needed to lay off the 'Greasy Brit food'. But this would make for an even better story for the gossip report." Cassidy said in delight before sighing and reaching down, plucking the flower and breaking it. Meanwhile, Ethan found an egg that looked like a zord-egg and Kira ran over to the adults as Principal Randall came over to them as well. "Uh, Dr. Oliver...we need some help identifying something. We think it might be a...Morphersaurus." Kira explained and the two ranger adults shared a look before walking over, not knowing that Randall was following them. 

"What have you got?" Tommy asked as he, Avalon and Kira walked over and Ethan held the egg in his hands. "Well...I think it might be a dinozord egg." Ethan said as he handed the egg to Tommy who took it. "Careful." Tommy said as he looked down at the egg. "Ooh, a exciting!" Avalon jumped as Principal Randall appeared right next to her and looked at the egg. Avalon scrunched her nose as her magic sent off alarms again. "Uh...we're not sure what it is." Tommy said as Randall held her arms out to hold it. "Oh, don't worry...I won't drop it." 'Yeah, that did not sound suspicious at all.' Avalon thought as Randall held the egg. As Principal Randall handed the egg, back, drones appear and start attacking the students. Avalon takes the egg from Randall. Tommy gives a head nod to Connor, Kira, and Ethan who run off and start fighting the drones. Tommy and Avalon start kicking the drones away before Tommy grabs Avalon's hand and she grabs Randall's coat arm and drags her along with them, though Avalon would rather leave the woman behind. 

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